Visiting A Club For The First Time

The shopkeeper's expression turned stern. "No money, no purchase. Get out!"

Chen Feng sighed as he found himself back on the streets in no time. The currency was different from what he remembered but even at that, so long as he retrieved anything from his treasure vault, he believed it would be worth a lot of value.

Continuing his journey through the city, Chen Feng decided to stop at a park. He found a bench under a large, shady tree and sat down, taking a moment to rest. He pulled out his smartphone and resumed studying the map, occasionally tapping the screen and marveling at its responsiveness.

"Let's see," he muttered, zooming in and out of the map. "The market is over there, the library is that way... and what's this?"

A notification popped up on the screen, startling him. "Message from Xiomei," he read aloud. "How does she fit in this little box?"

Chuckling at his own confusion, he tapped on the notification and read her message: "Chen Feng, remember to come back by six. The city is harder to navigate at night."

He typed a reply, his fingers clumsily navigating the tiny keyboard. "Suue yo soon."

As he explored further, he continued to draw attention. He reached an area of the map where he could acutely sense the presence of what he was searching for.

However, it was already getting late at this point. He already promised the Lieutenant he would get back by six so he decided to come back here tomorrow.

Chen Feng strolled through the bustling streets of Pekking City with the smartphone Xiomei had given him tucked safely into his robe.

The day had been quite fascinating as he tried to navigate the complexities of modern life.

He approached a park by the river, where he had seen people boarding flying boats.

"These must be the modern equivalent of my jade ship," he mused, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. "It's been so long since I've felt the wind in my hair while soaring above the ground."

The flying boats were a mixture of cultivation and modern technology which normal people could also pilot.

A cheerful attendant greeted him. "Good evening, sir! Where are you headed?"

Chen Feng voiced enthusiastically. "How much for a ride to... Taiwan district?"

The attendant smiled and pointed to a sign. "It's 50 yuan for a one-way trip."

Chen Feng's face fell. "I'm afraid I don't have any money on me."

The attendant's smile turned sympathetic. "I'm sorry, sir, but you'll need to pay to board. Perhaps next time."

Chen Feng sighed, stepping aside to let other passengers board. "If only I had one of my weapons from my vaults, I could fly on my own. This modern world is truly inconvenient without my resources."

He glanced at a nearby store, contemplating the idea of buying a regular sword. "No, that won't do," he muttered to himself. "My qi is too dense. A regular sword would shatter into pieces."

Resigning himself to his fate, Chen Feng decided to return to Lieutenant Xiomei's place by more familiar means.

With a mischievous grin, he leaped onto the nearest rooftop and began making his way forward.

As he bounded from rooftop to rooftop, the cityscape blurred around him as the wind rushed past his ears.

"This is still quite exhilarating," he thought with a sense of freedom washing over him.


By the time Chen Feng arrived back at the apartment, the sun had set, casting long shadows across the city.

He entered the apartment to find Lieutenant Xiomei sitting at the kitchen table, her laptop open and a cup of tea in hand.

"Good evening, miss Busty," he greeted while closing the door behind him.

Xiomei looked up in curiosity. She had sensed his approach and when he landed on the balcony. "Decided to take the scenic route, did you?"

He chuckled while taking a seat across from her. "Indeed. The flying boats were too expensive, and I thought I'd make the most of my abilities."

She rolled her eyes, returning her attention to her laptop. "So, how was your day?"

Chen Feng leaned back, recounting his adventures with enthusiasm. "I explored more of the city, learned how to use this marvelous device you call a smartphone, and even got kicked out of a store because I had no money."

Xiomei smirked. "Sounds like you had quite the day. Did you learn anything useful?"

He shrugged. "Mostly that modern conveniences require money, which I don't have. But I'm getting the hang of things."

She shook her head, closing her laptop. "You're a quick learner, I'll give you that."

Chen Feng leaned forward, a playful glint in his eyes. "Speaking of learning, how about you tell me more about your cases? Maybe I can be of some help."

Xiomei stood, stretching. "I'm not sure you'd be interested in the mundane details of police work. Besides, I'm about to take a shower."

He watched her with a sly smile. "Well, if you ever need assistance in this showering... I could..."

She shut the door instantly. "No! Pervert!"

"Hehe let's see how long you can resist," Chen Feng smirked.

As the sound of running water filled the apartment, Chen Feng's eyes wandered to her belongings on the kitchen counter. Among them were some paper bills and an ATM card. "Interesting," he thought.

Once Xiomei finished her shower and retreated to her room, Chen Feng seized the opportunity.

He discreetly pocketed the money and ATM card, resolving to make use of them the next day. "This should make things easier," he mused, a grin spreading across his face.


The next morning, Chen Feng woke early, eager to explore more of Pekking City with the newfound resources at his disposal. He left a note for Xiomei, explaining that he'd be out for the day and would return by evening.

As he ventured out, the city was already coming to life. People hurried to work, street vendors set up their stalls, and the air buzzed with the energy of a new day. Chen Feng made his way to a nearby café, curious to see what modern delicacies awaited him.


Around noon, Chen Feng arrived back at the spot he stopped the previous day. He began exploring the area with a look of curiosity.

It was really a bustling area with lots of business-like buildings scattered across the vicinity.

However, even after walking about for an hour, he still hadn't found what he was looking for. The landscape was very unfamiliar.

He soon came across a path he had yet to go through. "This should do for today."

He going to explore the only path in this area that he hadn't gone through yet.

After walking for a bit he paused before a two-story building with a grin.

This was the first time he'd seen one of these since his return.

"Let's check it out, shall we?" He smiled while standing before the building with its name written boldly at the top. "Club in the Clouds? Hehehe." Fang Chen chuckled as he approached the entrance.

Two large figures suddenly appeared from the shadows. "Your ticket please?" One of the figures asked.

Fang Chen was taken aback but soon responded with a shake of his head. "I'm sorry but I do not possess a ticket."

"Then state your business!" One of them demanded with a threatening gaze. He looked ready to throw out Fang Chen if needed.

"Just here for fun." Fang Chen dipped his hand into his inner robe and pulled out a few notes. "This should cover the ticket fee, right?" He was already handing the paper bills to the guard while still speaking.

The two guards looked at each other and then at the notes now in their possession which when totalled happened to be the cost of a VIP ticket.

They smiled, handing him a ticket instantly. "Please, enjoy your stay and have fun." Their voices suddenly grew calmer and more friendly.

Fang Chen received his ticket, nodding his head to their wishes.

Without looking back at them, he walked into the place and was surprised by the interior decorations.

The walls were designed with art and also arrows of three different colors. These arrows acted as guides to the various club sections.

A black arrow directed those with regular tickets made of black cards. There was also a red and a white arrow for VIPs and Executives respectively.

Fang Chen was holding a red ticket and so, he went along with the red arrow until it stopped in front of the entrance with a guard there.

The guard spotted Fang Chen and shook his head at Fang Chen's unique dress. "Sir, are you lost?" He called out to Fang Chen who kept staring at the walls even as he walked closer to the entrance.

Fang Chen turned to the guard and increased his pace whilst raising his right hand. "I don't think so," he revealed the red ticket in his hand.

The guard was a bit surprised but maintained his professionalism.

"Please, this way." The guard pushed open the door.

Immediately the door opened, and some unknown sounds drifted into Fang Chen's ear.

He could hear unfamiliar beats with the base so deep, it made the surroundings vibrate.

"Huh? What's this?" Fang Chen voiced in confusion as his body felt compelled to move.

He'd never heard such a piece of music before in his lifetime. It wasn't simple or calming in the slightest. It was intense and resonated with every fiber of his body.

*Hop in reverse! Move your body!*

*Show what you're working with!*

*Move your body!*