Going Viral

At the club, the situation was escalating. Chen Feng stood in the center of a widening circle of anxious club-goers and bewildered guards. The air was thick with tension, his qi creating an almost tangible force around him.

"Stand down," one of the guards ordered, brandishing his fist. "You're not getting any further!"

"Dragon fiery fist!" His fist burst into draconic flames as he swung at Chen Feng, causing a storm of destruction to follow.

Chen Feng sighed, shaking his head. "You don't understand. I must retrieve what is mine."

With a swift motion, Chen Feng fingered the incoming draconic flames, piercing through it and arriving before the guard unscathed.

He proceeded to send the guard sprawling to the ground with a palm strike.

The crowd gasped as some pulled out their phones to record the spectacle.

Chen Feng muttered noticed the cameras and recalled something the Lieutenant mentioned. "Oh, they are taking one of those photos thingy..."

Chen Feng raised two of his fingers while striking a charming pose to the flashing camera lights.

His smile was breathtaking to the ladies in the room but they still assumed he was some kind of madman... A charming madman.

Chen Feng proceeded to resume his concentration. His qi spread as he prepared to dig into the ground.

Just as he was about to make a move, a familiar voice cut through the noise.

"Chen Feng, stop!"

Lieutenant Xiomei pushed through the crowd with a look of frustration and concern. "What do you think you're doing?"

He looked up, his concentration breaking. "Lieutenant, I'm retrieving one of my vaults. It's buried beneath this place."

Xiomei sighed while rubbing her temples. "You're causing a scene. It will be considered a crime if you continue. You need to stop this right now."

Chen Feng looked around at the frightened faces, realizing the commotion he had caused.

"How is it a crime to retrieve what is mine?" Chen Feng had a confused expression as he questioned her.

"This premises belong to someone. You can't just do as you please here. Just follow me, I'll explain everything," Lieutenant Xiomei could only hope that he agreed to come because she was well aware that he was no ordinary cultivator.

Chen Feng took a deep breath while pulling his qi back and letting the tension in the air dissipate.

"Fine," he said with a calm voice. "But I still need to get my vault."

Xiomei approached him, lowering her voice. "We'll figure something out. But you can't just start tearing up the floor in the middle of a crowded club."

She turned to the guards, who were still on edge. "It's okay, everyone. This is a misunderstanding. I'll handle it."

The guards hesitated, then slowly backed off, keeping a wary eye on Chen Feng.

Xiomei led him outside of the club, away from prying eyes. "You really need to learn how to blend in," she muttered.

Chen Feng chuckled softly. "Blending in has never been my strong suit, Miss Busty."

She sighed again, shaking her head. "Alright, tell me exactly where this vault is."

He pointed to a spot on the floor. "Directly beneath the club. It's buried deep, but I can sense it."

Xiomei thought for a moment. "Well, you need to get permission to dig or you'll be breaking the law."

The surroundings were filled with the distant sound of traffic and the occasional murmur of passersby.

Chen Feng's eyes were still glowing faintly with the remnants of his qi as he spoke; "Breaking the law?"

She took a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts. "Chen Feng, you need to understand something. It's considered a crime to just dig within a premises belonging to someone else without permission."

Chen Feng raised an eyebrow, a slight smirk playing on his lips. "A crime? Back then, the world centered around the strong. The strong could take anything they wanted by force, and the weak couldn't do anything about it. It was the natural order."

Xiomei shook her head, her expression stern. "Things have changed, Chen Feng. We have laws now that protect everyone, especially the weak. These laws ensure fairness and order in society. Without them, there would be chaos."

Chen Feng laughed lightly in response. "Laws? Fairness? Can anyone truly stop me if I decide to take what is mine by force?"

A visible tension filled the air as Chen Feng's words hung between them. Xiomei felt a cold sweat break out on her forehead, her heart pounding.

She knew he was powerful—possibly beyond anything she had ever encountered—but she had to maintain her composure.

"Chen Feng," she said, her voice steady despite her wariness, "I'm asking you to trust me. We can do this the right way. We can get your vault back without causing trouble or breaking the law."

He studied her for a long moment, his intense gaze searching her face. Then, to her relief, his expression softened. "Because of you, Lieutenant, I'll choose to do this according to the law. But only for you."

She let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding. "Thank you, Chen Feng. I appreciate that."

He smiled as a flirtatious glint appeared in his eyes. "You know, Miss Busty, you're quite captivating when you're determined. What do I need to do to get my vault?"


Xiomei blushed slightly but maintained her professional demeanor. "You need to get permission from the owner to dig. It's not as simple as it sounds, though. He'll want assurances, possibly compensation for any damage or inconvenience..."

'That is if he even agrees... This place is owned by one of the top moguls of the city,' Xiomei knew this but couldn't reveal it to Chen Feng.

She didn't want him flying off the handle.

Chen Feng nodded thoughtfully. "I see. Then how can I talk to him?"


Chen Feng approached the entrance of the club, his eyes fixed on the door as if it were the gateway to his past.

However, just as he was about to step inside, two burly guards moved to block his path.

"Sorry, sir," one of them said, his tone firm. "You're no longer allowed in here."

Chen Feng frowned, genuinely confused. "But I need to speak with the owner. It's important."

The second guard shook his head. "We've got our orders." He pointed at a plaster of Chen Feng's face on the side of the wall with a large red X on its surface.

"How did...? When did...?" Chen Feng was shocked.

How were they so quick? Within minutes, they already had pictures of him printed out?

"I look weird... Couldn't you lots have drawn it better?" Chen Feng asked with a scrutinizing gaze.

"Please leave the premises, sir!" The other guard voiced strongly.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, trying to keep his temper in check. He knew causing a scene would only complicate things further, especially with Lieutenant Xiomei's warnings fresh in his mind. "I just need a few minutes to explain—"

"Move along," the first guard interrupted, his expression unyielding. "We don't want any trouble."

Chen Feng decided to keep his cool; "Fine, I'll back off for now."

Turning away from the club, he felt a little frustrated and began heading back to Xiomei's place. His thoughts were adrift on how to gain access to his vault without causing more trouble.

Lieutenant Xiomei's apartment was in a luxurious high-rise. It was a proof of her success and dedication. The spacious living room was tastefully decorated with modern furnishings, and the large windows offered a breathtaking view of the cityscape.

As he entered, Xiomei turned to him with a stern expression. "What happened?"

He sighed while running a hand through his hair. "I tried to reason with the guards, but they wouldn't let me in. They said I'm banned from the club."

Xiomei's eyes softened slightly, but her tone remained firm. "Your actions have wrought consequences. Be glad they're not pressing charges."

"But I need to get in touch with the club owner. I must retrieve my vault," Chen Feng responded with a tone of urgency.

She sighed, rubbing her temples. "Just keep trying to reach out in a gentle way. We'll figure something out."


Meanwhile, the video of Chen Feng's confrontation at the club was going viral on the internet. Clips of him effortlessly dealing with the guards were circulating on social media, drawing a mix of reactions.

One comment read, "This guy's strength is unreal! Is this some kind of staged performance?"

Another user replied, "No way, you can see the real fear in the guards' eyes even though they are cultivators. This dude is the real deal."

Countless women commented on his striking features and the confident poses he made when he noticed he was being filmed. "Is he a model? He looks like he stepped out of a fantasy drama," one user gushed.

"I'd love to meet him," another woman added, "He's absolutely gorgeous!"

A beautiful girl within a campus dorm stared at the viral clip with her mouth agape.

"That's him..."