Chap. 0 - prologue

In a world plagued by chaos and crime, the absence of effective government fuels growing uncertainty and unrest among society. This situation is a trigger for increased crime, with people feeling that the absence of rules means they can act as they please. The weak find it increasingly difficult to survive in this world without rules.

One day, it is revealed that there are five individuals who have great power in each of the world's oceans, and they are known as the "Supreme Knights". Their incredible power fascinated many people, with many thinking that this kind of power could make someone a world leader. However, even though there are people who are able to rule the oceans, no one has been able to fill the vacant throne of world leader.

Tells the story of Tomoe, a first year high school student who decides to attend one of the weakest high schools in Japan. With a strong determination to become number one in the world, Tomoe must face various challenging obstacles, including battles against strong people who are dubbed "monsters" by society. However, amidst all the challenges, the question that remains hanging is: will Tomoe succeed in filling the empty throne and become the world leader that many people hope for?