Sweat dripped down from my forehead down to my cheek while I gather myself.
"... What the hell is happening...?"
The room slowly returned to normal: the screams of hatred had dissapeared. My vision cleared, and the things around me had became normal once again. But those pictures left a lump in my throat that I couldnt swallow. My heart was raced in my chest, my eyes darted through the room, and I felt my own lips quivering.
When I looked down at my fingers, I realized they were trembling. A bead of sweat dripped down from my forehead onto the palm of my hand.
I blinked, I my hands touched the sheets underneath me and the blanket above my legs, the skin of my arms and the cheeks of my face.
I clutched onto the cloth covering my chest, panting. I wanted to check if it was real, if anything was real.
With a shortened breath, A vein popped in my forehead jaw, I can't seem to figure out what happened, nor know what those pictures meant.
Those pictures, this room, my mind and body... Everything felt so strange! It feels like a nightmare. Like a dream or whatever that is! Hallucination or memory flash, I didn't care.
It must've meant something, anything... I bit down on my lower lip in frustration.
Even my voice was different. Everything I'm my body was different. My thoughts were scrambled around, messing up my thoughts and sanity. I looked through my memories to find answer only to be left with nothing but confusion.
I have no memories of anything. Not even my name or anything about my life.
I can't remember anything other than getting stabbed. I forced myself, I forced my head to remember something.
My eyes went white in a flash, I remembered one thing.
"In your next life..." The owner of the voice quietly muttered the words, pausing for a moment before the knife inside me deepened until it was all inside my chest. "..I will make sure to kill you again."
The air in my lungs had seemed to stopped, my pupils shook. A cold sweat ran down from my forehead, it can't be true.
My feets moved by themselves and stood up from the mattress, I was desperate. I wanted to know if those words were real, if this was not some fantasy or any dream. That I'm still in my body.
The sunlight shined through the room and lingered to alluminate everything, It had allowed me to see everything.
My eyes had grown wide in shock as I took in the sight before me.
I stood in front a full-length mirror, eyes focused on the face it had shown. A bright blonde hair, silvery-white eyes, and a skin so pale that it looks like it belongs to a hospital patient. A body of a young man, possibly younger than me.
I.. Have been reincarnated.
Upon seeing this face, I felt like throwing up. Those flashing images might be my future; it wasn't some fantasy or any hallucination. There was a possibility that those pictures and words were my future and I can't ignore that.
I am destined to die.
I can't let that, I can't die again without achieving something. I don't want to die, I will not gonna do the same mistake again. I have to do something.
As I stared at the mirror in disbelief, a young woman's voice echoed through the hallways outside of the room, snapping me out of my thoughts. My eyes shifted to the door, following the noise.
Sensing that it's gradually getting closer, my body became stiff. Thumps of hurried steps, feets running on a hard-wood floor in a hurry and a voice of a woman.
"The young master has woken!" A young woman's voice echoed outside of the room, informing everyone. With each step getting louder the door busted open, slamming against the wall loudly.
The woman came with a man that looked like he's in his 30s. That girl... She was the same girl that loudly screamed earlier and caused a mess. "T-... The you... Y-young.. Master!..." She stuttered out, biting her tongue in the middle of her words.
The man beside her walked pass her, with a serious voice he talked. "Young master, you shouldn't be standing or doing anything. You must rest!"
Without any second thought, the man pushed me back to the mattress. The girl was wiping her tears, sniffling. Her hands on her eyes and siding her pathetic cries.
I looked at them with confusion, with a hesitant voice, I raised my voice to take their attention.
"What.. Who are you?"
They looked at be with gentle eyes, the girl's eyes we're filled with tears. Shedding with shock and emotions. Meanwhile the man was in pure shock. As if some fantasy was playing before him.
The man shook his head, with a stuttering tongue, he spoke.
"W-we.. I-im the healer provided while you were... Asleep. My name i-is doctor Alaric."
I looked at the girl beside him, noticing my stare, the girl introduced herself.
"Anne. I-im your p-... personal servant."
Alaric, Anne. I don't know why but these names feels familiar. I still don't get why they look at me like that, well, I won't know if I don't ask.
"Why are you looking at me like that? What's do shocking about me waking up?"
The hesitation in my voice had dissapeared after finding out and realizing that they were my servants. Why would I act cowardly if these people are lower than me?
My eyes travelled through the room and to the people in front of me. Judging from my surroundings, it looks like this place was taken decades or even a century ago.
The wallpaper, the objects and the clothes of these people... They were much different than what I usually see. It was far from a modern style.
Alaric replied to me, his expression had slowly started to calm down. The man looked down at me and started talking.
"W... We had thought you w-will not survive that p-poison..."
"... Does the young master... Not remember?"
Anne asked, interrupting my question. That question seemed to have been staying in alaric's mind the whole time. They looked at me, expecting an answer.
"Yes. I don't remember anything."
"H... How could this... This poison... N-no..."
The doctor started talking to himself, of course, how will someone lose memories over a poison?
"How long was I asleep?"
I looked at Anne
"Five months..."
"It must be that then. I mustve lost memories because of how long I was asleep..."
I mumbled to myself, slyly looking at the doctor. I didn't want any questions. I should have figured it out by now; that I need to gather information about this body and avoid suspicions.
"... I-it must be. I must be worrying about nothing."
"I have another question."
"Ask away, young master."
Anne politely says with a smile on her face, the tears on her eyes dissapearing. Even when she does looks nice, I can't just trust those tears. It must be from her screaming earlier, it pissed me off a little.
"What's my name?"
They looked at me with a shocked expression, I didn't care what they think. But I do need an answer. With her voice quiet, she spoke once more.
"Cyril. Cyril Rebln. That's your name, young master."
I quietly looked at them.
Cyril. What a weird name. But I guess it's fine, I nodded at them.
"Give the young master a glass of water and call the other servants to take care of him immediately!"
Anne hurried outside the room after the doctor's words.
Alaric asked me what kind of physical and mental things I felt waking up and how I felt while Anne was gone. I told him I didn't remember anything and told him I feel fine. I didn't mention anything about the flashing images or that... Memory.
"The young master must rest, he must not do anything tiring for now as we have no idea what's happening to his body. We must wait until we are sure his body can function well."
Alaric was guided outside by Anne, they walked side by side. Anne stared at me with a hint of worry in her eyes, I raised a hand and shooed her away.
"In your next life... I will make sure to kill you again."
I sighed, thinking about that again. I remember his voice but not their face. I remember the stab but I can't remember the reason why...
This is so frustrating. My fate is execution already why did that person have to add up and chase after me in this reincarnation.
What did I do to him?!
I scratched my head with both hands. God why is this happening?
Now I have to figure out what to do next and fix whatever the owner of this body did. He probably did something bad to lead him to execution...
Though in still im confused... How did I get in his body earlier than his death? Shouldn't it be when he was born?
He died in his sleep and then my soul was transfered to him. Let's put it that way. I don't want any questions or problems anymore.
What I have to do is learn who I am right now and fix this body previous owner's problems.
I had no idea what to do next, I have no memories of my life before my soul was transferred. All I know is that I am gonna die and...
My name is Cyril Rebln.