Ch 21: Dr. Gaxa Back stories

In the sterile confines of his high-tech laboratory aboard the orbiting space station, Dr. Scientist Gaxa paced restlessly, his eyes fixed on the holographic display. The image shimmered with data streams and tactical overlays, detailing the fierce battle unfolding far below on the barren earth battlefield. Among the chaos and destruction, Raika, his creation, moved with unparalleled skill and power, laying waste to the mechs and cyborgs sent to subdue her.

Gaxa clenched his fists in frustration. He had designed Raika to be the pinnacle of his technological prowess—a cyborg capable of feats beyond human capability, forged with the most advanced enhancements and combat algorithms. Yet, she had surpassed his expectations, evolving beyond her original programming to become a force he could no longer control.

As he watched Raika effortlessly dispatch his minions, a mix of admiration and bitterness swirled within Gaxa. He had once nurtured her growth, guided her development, and now, she stood defiantly against him. His attempts to retrieve Raika, to reassert his authority over his creation, had failed miserably. She had broken free, not just physically but also in spirit, forging her own path and destiny.

The hologram flickered momentarily, and Gaxa's gaze hardened. He knew the implications of Raika's newfound independence. She was no longer just a tool of his ambition but a potential threat to his authority and control. If she continued to evolve unchecked, her power could disrupt the delicate balance he had meticulously crafted across the galaxies.

Gaxa clenched his jaw, a resolve hardening within him. He couldn't allow Raika to roam free, unchecked. Despite his initial failure, he knew he had to devise a new strategy, a more cunning approach to reclaim what was rightfully his. Perhaps it wasn't too late to reel her back in, to bend her to his will once more.

But as he contemplated his next move, a voice echoed through the lab, disrupting his thoughts. It was his loyal assistant, a humanoid robot programmed to assist in his experiments and operations.

"Dr. Gaxa, shall I prepare the contingency plan?" the assistant inquired, its voice tinged with synthetic concern.

Gaxa turned towards the assistant, his expression grim. "Yes," he replied, his voice low and determined. "Prepare the contingency plan. Raika may have eluded us for now, but she won't escape forever. We will bring her back under our control, one way or another."

With a final, resolute nod, Gaxa turned back to the holographic display, his mind already racing with schemes and strategies. Raika may have slipped through his fingers this time, but he was determined to reclaim his creation and restore order to his meticulously crafted universe.

(10 days ago before his mech arrived)

In the heart of Starloom City, the atmosphere crackled with tension as Raika faced off against the five colossal mechs sent by Dr. Scientist Gaxa. Each metal giant loomed menacingly, their frames gleaming under the city lights as they advanced with relentless determination.

Raika, piloting her Phailax mech, moved with a grace and agility that belied the machine's size. The first mech charged forward, its massive limbs pounding the ground, aiming to overpower Raika with sheer force. With swift precision, Raika maneuvered her Phailax, dodging the mechanized onslaught. In a fluid motion, she countered with a devastating energy beam that tore through the first mech, sending it crashing to the ground in a burst of sparks and debris.

Meanwhile, the second mech unleashed a barrage of missiles, the air filling with deadly projectiles aimed at Raika's position. Anticipating the attack, Raika leaped into the air, her Phailax soaring gracefully above the cityscape. As the missiles closed in, she activated the Phailax's defensive shields, deflecting the explosions harmlessly away.

The third mech erected a shimmering energy shield, attempting to protect itself from Raika's onslaught. Undeterred, Raika analyzed the shield's frequency and found a vulnerability. With precise timing, she unleashed a series of rapid strikes, exploiting the shield's weakness and disabling the third mech with a targeted assault to its core systems.

Meanwhile, the fourth and fifth mechs coordinated their attacks, unleashing a relentless barrage of firepower that threatened to overwhelm Raika. Dodging and weaving through the onslaught, Raika danced between their blasts with uncanny agility. Her Phailax mech retaliated with bursts of energy blasts and melee strikes, each blow calculated to weaken her adversaries.

The battle reached a crescendo as Raika's determination and skill were put to the ultimate test. With strategic maneuvers and precise strikes, she methodically dismantled each mech, one by one. The once-bustling city streets echoed with the thunder of battle, the ground shaking under the impact of each clash.

Back aboard his orbiting space station, Dr. Scientist Gaxa watched in disbelief as his creations faltered before Raika's relentless assault. The holographic displays relayed the catastrophic scene unfolding in Starloom City, capturing Raika's unwavering resolve and the devastating power of her Phailax mech.

"No... this cannot be," Gaxa muttered, his voice tinged with a mix of fury and frustration. He paced frantically, his mind racing with thoughts of containment and retaliation. Raika had evolved beyond his control, becoming a force that threatened everything he had worked to achieve.

As the battle drew to its conclusion, Raika focused her energy into one final, decisive strike. Channeling the full power of her Phailax mech, she unleashed a monumental energy beam that surged through the remaining mechs. The beam cut through their defenses like a hot knife through butter, obliterating them in a spectacular display of destruction.

Silence descended upon Starloom City, broken only by the crackling of residual energy and the faint hum of Raika's Phailax mech. Raika surveyed the battlefield, her chest heaving with exertion but her spirit soaring with victory. She had prevailed against Gaxa's formidable creations, proving her strength and resilience beyond any doubt.

In his command center, Gaxa stared at the now-empty holographic display, his face a mask of grim determination. Raika had shown him the extent of her power, but this was far from over. With a steely resolve, Gaxa clenched his fists, vowing to devise a new strategy to reclaim control over his rebellious creation. The battle may have been won by Raika, but the war for dominance had only just begun.

Dr. Scientist Gaxa lay sprawled on the cold metal floor of his high-tech laboratory, his head resting against the console as blood trickled from a gash on his forehead. Tears streamed down his cheeks, mixing with the sweat of desperation. In the dim light of the control room, he spoke hoarsely to the recording system, his voice filled with sorrow and regret.

"It all started when my wife was still alive, and the Earth was peaceful," he began, his words punctuated by deep breaths and choked sobs. "I was trying to save her, and our unborn child... but the company's mech crushed her without reason." His voice cracked with the weight of grief and anger, memories of that tragic day flooding his mind.

"I was forced to make a deal... to save my daughter. They forced me to create advanced technology, to integrate it into her, to make her a weapon," Gaxa continued, his voice trembling with emotion. "I embedded biotechnologies into her while she was still in the womb... I let her grow in a capsule, maturing while she slept for fifteen years."

He paused, his breath hitching as he recalled the painful decisions he had been compelled to make. "When she turned eighteen, I activated her... hoping she would understand, hoping she would follow me as her father," Gaxa muttered, his tone heavy with regret. "But she rebelled. She broke free, escaping from my grasp."

His voice rose with a mix of anguish and frustration. "I chased after her, not just to capture her and reprogram her... but because I wanted to embrace her, to hold her close as my daughter," he confessed, tears flowing freely now. "But this company... they only bring havoc, chaos... They forced me into this... damnable situation."

Gaxa's words echoed through the silent laboratory, filled with the pain of a father torn between love for his daughter and the monstrous creations he had been compelled to create. As he lay there, battered and broken, his mind raced with thoughts of redemption and regret, knowing that he had become part of the very darkness he had once sought to fight against.

In the serene depths of his underwater laboratory, Dr. Aquinas stood by the holographic displays, his gaze fixed on the swirling currents outside the reinforced glass walls. The soft hum of machinery filled the spacious chamber, contrasting with the heaviness in his heart as he recalled the tragic tale of Dr. Scientist Gaxa and his daughter.

"I never knew," Dr. Aquinas murmured softly, his voice echoing in the quiet of the lab. "Gaxa's daughter, the one he desperately wanted to save... she's grown now. In the past, we were colleagues, working together on groundbreaking projects at the mech tech corporation."

Aquinas paused, a deep sadness creasing his features as he remembered Gaxa's anguish during their time together. "He was always so desperate," Aquinas continued, his tone heavy with sorrow. "Building those mechs, striving to revive his daughter. I tried to provide support, to help keep her alive in his memory."

He shook his head slowly, recalling the moments when Gaxa would push him away in his darkest hours, consumed by grief and haunted by tragic memories. "I watched him suffer," Aquinas confessed, his voice faltering with emotion. "He'd mutter to himself, reliving some painful experience over and over. It was heart-wrenching to witness."

As Aquinas reflected on Gaxa's relentless pursuit under the tech corporation's leader, a sense of helplessness washed over him. "The leader of that corporation... they wanted to bring destruction to Earth," he explained quietly. "But Gaxa... he was blinded by his quest to save his daughter. He couldn't see the darkness he was being drawn into."

A sigh escaped Aquinas as he hoped for a future where Gaxa might find redemption. "I'm not sure if he's truly evil," he admitted, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But I pray that someday, he'll change. That he'll find peace and let go of this tragic obsession."

With a heavy heart, Dr. Aquinas commanded the recording system to stop, the holographic displays dimming as he turned away from the memories that haunted both him and Gaxa. In the silence of his lab, surrounded by the gentle hum of technology and the cool embrace of the ocean depths, he hoped for a brighter future, where Gaxa's daughter might find the peace and freedom she deserved.