Chapter 1 - The Carthage Empire

Year 1842

On a chilly and cold morning in the quaint town of Ardiell, nestled within the empire of Carthage, the wind swept down the bustling streets, carrying with it a somber tone. The cobbled walkways were coated with wet mud, and the air was thick with the scent of dampened wooden houses and carriages. Despite the slippery soil from the recent rain, the townsfolk continued their daily routines seemingly unfazed by the desolation of their surroundings, perhaps due to their accustomedness to it.

Rain was a frequent occurrence in the Carthage Empire, contributing to its somber atmosphere, with more rainy seasons than summers. Renowned for its perpetual rain and storms, the empire earned the title of the "Storm Empire," situated in the western region of Aurelia. The inhabitants of the empire are recognized for their resilience, as they strive and are hardworking despite the land ambiance. However, they face challenges with cultivating crops, resulting in relatively modest wealth compared to neighboring lands.

Clad in simple and warm attire, the residents shield themselves from the cold, while most dwellings are constructed from sturdy Alder woods to withstand occasional fierce storms. These Alder woods are abundant in their territory, primarily scattered from the Carthage Forest that envelops them.

It was early in the morning, the town came alive with activity, each engaged in their own tasks and responsibilities. Some men ventured into the nearby forest, gathering wood for various purposes, while others remained in the village, tending to their daily chores. Similarly, women could be seen diligently attending to household duties, ensuring that everything was in order for the day ahead.

The empire was also surrounded by mountains. Perched at the top of the highest mountain at the northeast end of town stood the royal castle. The grand castle, constructed from formidable stones, stands magnificently within its expansive fortress walls. At its core, a sturdy stone bridge acts as the sole passage in and out of the castle. Numerous royal guards keep watch at the castle's entrance, a testament to its importance.

The Carthage Empire, though small compared to its neighbors, was under the rule of the Lamberg royal family. The present king, King Alexander Lamberg II reigns, with his only son, Prince Sebastian Lamberg, who is the only heir of the throne. The queen, Queen Isabela Lamberg tragically passed away during childbirth, leaving behind the kingdom's future heir.

A young boy of eight, draped in a furry black cape, practices diligently with his bow and arrow. His focus is unwavering as he aims at a tree with a circle marked at its center. With steady hands, he draws the bowstring and releases the arrow, which emits a whooshing sound as it strikes the tree, missing the target. Disheartened, the boy turns to his teacher for guidance. The servants watching applauded the boy's efforts, offering words of encouragement such as, "Your aim is impressive, your highness, and will surely improve with time." Another said, "You are a quick learner, your highness."

With a solemn nod, the boy acknowledged their praise. While his teacher showed him how it was done. He was practicing his aim, which he did occasionally as part of his training as an heir. Aside from archery, he also trains with the sword and horses. He is well versed in the art of sword fighting, but his weakness lies in archery.

The boy is none other than the young prince of the Carthage Empire, Prince Sebastian Lamberg. He inherits most features of his father, dark obsidian eyes, white, rosy skin, dark eyebrows, and a pointed nose. The only features he got from his mother were his dark brown hair and personality.

The young prince retrieves another arrow and assumes his stance once more. Suddenly, an arrow pierces the mark, prompting joyous applause from the servants thinking it was the doing of the young prince. However, the boy remains with bow in hand, his arrow untouched. He turned around, his brow furrowed in confusion and slight annoyance. "What brings you here? Are you trying to mock me, perhaps?"

A seven-year-old girl, holding a bow, smiled at him and teased, "No, but you're taking your time, your highness, so I shot the tree in your place. You wouldn't want to embarrass yourself in front of your servants, would you?" Clad in a gray servant uniform, her small hand bears callous beyond her years. Her muddy shoes treaded softly as she approached the boy. With delicate features, her skin is fair as snow, and her blonde hair cascades down her waist.

The young prince returns the girl's smile and remarks, "Certainly." However, the boy's teacher, standing beside him, overhears their exchange and intervenes. "Servant girl, you are not permitted here and must refrain from speaking to his highness in such a tone. You are being disrespectful! Know your place and apologize if you wish to avoid further consequences," he scolds the girl with a pointed glare.

"It's all right, Larry," the young prince interjects. "She's Madeline, a friend of mine." "But, your highness, you must not befriend servants. It's against the rules," Larry insisted while giving the girl a pointed look. "I apologize, your highness," Madeline says, offering a small bow while holding the hem of her servant dress.

The girl's name is Madeline, and she is the daughter of one of the castle's servants. At seven years old, she began working as a maid in the castle. Her mother, Theresa, has served in the castle since she was sixteen. Theresa became pregnant at eighteen, a forbidden occurrence within the castle walls. With the help of her friend, Sarah, Theresa concealed her pregnancy and successfully gave birth to a beautiful girl named Madeline.

She chose the name Madeline after the dessert she first tasted, a baked sweet called "Madeleine," known for its creamy color and flavors of milk and honey, which is considered a delicacy in the empire. But only wealthy people can taste and acquire it. Theresa kept their situation a secret to everyone, especially from the royal family. Servants are not allowed to be engaged in any romantic relationship or to build their own family due to the fact that most servants are bought by the royal family from the black market.

Most of the servants thought the same about Madeline, they thought she was sold to the palace to be a servant just like them. Madeline was forbidden from revealing that Theresa was her mother under any circumstances. In public, she referred to Theresa as "auntie," but in private, she addressed her as "mother." Additionally, Theresa never disclosed the identity of Madeline's father to anyone, not even her closest friend, Sarah.

Madeline has long un-kept blonde hair that goes until her waist, a pale complexion, and hands that are covered with dirt due to her constant helping in the stable. Her emerald doe eyes, small nose, and rosy cheek gave an innocent look. She got most of her features from her mother except for her hair and eye color. Her mother has hazel eyes and pitch-black hair.

Madeline, though petite, possesses remarkable proficiency in servant duties and is incredibly adventurous. She harbors a fondness for animals, particularly horses, and dedicates much of her time to assisting in the stables. Occasionally, she slips away from her chores to observe the palace soldiers' training ground, particularly their archery sessions. Madeline has a deep passion for archery and received an old bow and arrow as a birthday present from one of the soldiers.

Despite its age, she cherishes it dearly and diligently practices with it in a secluded area behind the castle, unbeknownst to anyone, including her mother. After all, in their empire, it is considered taboo for girls to learn combat skills or handle weapons especially for servants like her.