Chapter 5 - Sunrise

One moonlit night, young Madeline found herself in the grip of a vivid nightmare. In her dream, she wandered through the forest alone, the trees whispering eerie melodies and the wind carrying a sense of foreboding. As she walked deeper into the woods, the familiar sounds of the night became twisted and haunting.

Suddenly, a pack of wolves appeared, their eyes gleaming with an otherworldly red hue. They circled around Madeline, their growls reverberating in her ears like thunder. Fear clenched her heart as she realized she was surrounded, trapped in a nightmare of teeth and claws.

The leader of the pack, a massive black wolf with piercing red eyes, prowled toward her. Its gaze bore into Madeline's soul, filling her with a primal terror. She tried to scream, but no sound escaped her lips as the wolves closed in, their breath hot against her skin. As the echoes of the harrowing encounter fade, Madeline, finds herself jolted awake from what seemed like a hauntingly vivid dream, her heart racing and sweat dampening her skin. 

She sat up in bed, taking deep breaths to calm herself, the echoes of the dream still haunting her mind. She looked to her right and saw her mother sleeping soundly. She remembered the story that her mother mentioned before going to bed yesterday.

The story revolves around a young woman draped in a vibrant red cloak, bearing the unique heritage of being a half-breed, born from the union of a human mother and a werewolf father. Possessing both physical strength and arcane abilities, she is a formidable presence. Her eyes, a telltale sign of her dual nature, blaze crimson during each blood moon.

The tranquility of her village is shattered when a marauding band of rogue wolves descends upon it, unleashing chaos and terror. In a display of courage and power, she rises to defend her home, braving the onslaught with her mastery of magic and sheer determination. Through her valiant efforts, she becomes the beacon of hope for her fellow villagers, earning their profound gratitude and admiration.

"It was just a dream," Madeline reassured herself, though the vivid memories of her nightmare still lingered in her mind. She shook off the remnants of sleep and began preparing for her morning tasks. As she walked through the quiet hallways of the castle, the early morning light casting long shadows along the stone walls, Madeline glanced out one of the castle grand windows. The sight of the clear, blue sky lifted her spirits, a stark contrast to the dark images that had haunted her sleep. A gentle smile spread across her young face.

That morning, the sun shone brightly in the sky. A group of lower servants from the castle gathered by the riverbanks near the majestic fortress. Engaged in the meticulous task of laundering clothes, curtains, coverlets, and various fabrics, their diligent efforts harmonized with the gentle flow of the water.

Amidst the serene ambiance, Julia, one of the servants, broke the tranquil rhythm with a cheerful remark. 'It's a splendid day, isn't it?' she exclaimed, her face illuminated by a bright smile. Her sentiment was met with agreement as Sarah, another servant, chimed in, acknowledging the favorable weather and the opportune moment for completing chores. 'Indeed, the sun graces the sky, blessing us with a fortunate day,' Sarah remarked, adding that it was an ideal time not only for washing but also for gathering wood from the nearby forest.

However, Julia steered the conversation toward a more leisurely direction, suggesting alternative activities. 'Why dwell on work matters?' she playfully inquired while raising her brows suggestibly. "It is a perfect time to explore the market, to shop a clothes or jewelry, or we can enjoy a visit to the local pub," she added. Her suggestive tone captured the interest of their fellow maids, who eagerly joined the discussion with enthusiasm and delight.

"What about you?, what's your take on this, Theresa?" Sarah inquired of Madeline's mother, who was engrossed in washing a coverlet. Theresa paused in her task; her expression thoughtful. "That's not possible," she replied, her voice carrying a note of resignation. "Lower servants like us are strictly forbidden from leaving the castle grounds. Only those in the higher and mid-servant ranks have that privilege."

Sarah's disappointment was palpable as she remarked, "Oh, how unfortunate. Even young Madeline hadn't had the chance to venture beyond these walls. It truly paints a picture of isolation and loneliness in our lives," lamented Julia, her voice tinged with a sigh of resignation.

A cautionary whisper broke the somber mood as another servant interjected, "Careful now, Julia. We wouldn't want our musings reaching the wrong ears, especially not those of the royals." This warning elicited a soft ripple of laughter from the others, acknowledging the delicate balance they had to maintain in their conversations within the castle walls.

"Oh, how I yearn for a promotion to high servant," a wistful voice floated through the air, accompanied by a melancholic tune. The servant's longing was palpable, each word imbued with dreams of a better future. "I wouldn't dare hope for the impossible if I were you," another servant replied, a hint of cynicism in their tone. This remark elicited a chorus of laughter from the others, their mirth mingling with the underlying tension of unfulfilled aspirations.

In the intricate hierarchy of the castle, the servants were stratified into three distinct ranks: high, mid, and lower servants. The coveted status of high servants afforded them privileges that seemed almost mythical to those below. They had the honor of stepping foot into the royal chambers, where they directly attended to the needs of the royals. Beyond the castle walls, they were entrusted with important market duties, and they enjoyed the luxury of three days off each month to rest and rejuvenate.

Meanwhile, the mid-servants occupied a less prestigious but still respectable position. They could also enter the royal chambers, albeit solely for cleaning and maintenance tasks. Their time off, however, was limited to just one day per month, a stark contrast to the leisurely schedule of their higher-ranked counterparts.

At the bottom of this social pyramid were the lower servants, or more likely the castle-bound slaves. Their existence was confined within the castle walls, devoid of any time off or freedoms enjoyed by their superiors. It was a life of servitude and constraint, a stark reminder of their station in society.

Madeline, her mother Theresa, and their friend Sarah were among the lower servants, yearning for a glimpse of the freedoms and privileges that seemed unattainable to them. While occasional promotions to higher ranks did occur, they were rare occurrences, adding to the sense of longing and resignation among the lower-ranked servants.

Sadly, for many female servants, the path to advancement often took a darker turn. Desperate for a taste of privilege and favor, some resorted to using their bodies as bargaining chips with the royals, trading intimate favors for perceived advancement or favors. It was a grim reality that cast a shadow over the aspirations and dreams of those trapped in the lower echelons of the castle hierarchy.

Madeline strolled across the castle grounds, her hands grasping a small bucket filled with soapy water and a cloth. Her task for the day was to tidy up the windows in the first-floor guest rooms, her footsteps muffled against the floor as she moved along. Passing an open room, her curiosity was piqued, and she peered inside. Finding it empty, she ventured in, deciding to tackle its cleaning first.

Unbeknownst to her, a slight movement from a partially open cabinet caught her attention. Absorbed in her work at the window, she initially dismissed the faint sounds coming from the room. However, a persistent whisper made her pause, scanning the room for its source, "Psst...psst..." Convinced it was just her imagination, she resumed her cleaning. Yet, the whispers persisted, growing louder and more unsettling. "Psst....psst....psst".

Startled, Madeline finally turned toward the cabinet, her heart skipping a beat. "Boo!" Prince Sebastian jumped out with a mischievous grin, his eyes sparkling with playful mischief. Caught off guard, Madeline nearly stumbled over a bucket but quickly regained her composure.

"What are you doing, Your Highness?" she asked, her voice a mix of surprise and amusement. The prince's laughter filled the room, his delight evident as he admitted, "I just wanted to give you a little surprise." His playful nature shone through, bringing a moment of levity to the otherwise routine morning.

As the prince eyed the cloth in Madeline's hand, he offered to assist with the cleaning before his planned visit to the stables. Madeline, however, playfully reclaimed the rag, reminding him of his royal status and her duty. Undeterred, the young prince extended an invitation for her to join him in the stables. She agreed amiably, and the prince left for the stables, leaving Madeline to hasten her cleaning. As she worked, she contemplated how she might evade the prying eyes of the other servants, especially the head servant, to meet the prince without drawing attention.