Chapter 10 - Thief

"What happened?" Betty asked, her voice tinged with concern as she noticed the pale face of Madeline. Without a word, Madeline crouched down, frantically searching the ground for the bag of coins, hoping it had simply fallen. Her heart sank as she realized it was nowhere to be found. Betty's eyes narrowed with rising irritation. "Where is the money?" she demanded, her tone sharp. "I said, where is the money, Madeline!" she roared, her patience snapping.

Tears welled up in Madeline's eyes as she softly confessed, "It was stolen." Betty's face contorted with fury. "You imbecile!" she shouted, grabbing Madeline and shaking her in a fit of frustration. "You're going to get us killed! We have a lot of goods to buy, but how can we do that without money?" Overwhelmed by the situation and Betty's harsh reaction, Madeline couldn't hold back her tears any longer and began to sob uncontrollably.

"Don't you dare cry, or I'll kill you!" Betty shouted, her voice trembling with panic. She had no idea how to handle the situation, her mind racing for a solution. Before she could say another word, Madeline bolted, running as fast as her legs could carry her. "Hey! Where are you going?" the maid yelled, trying to chase after her. But the little girl was too quick, disappearing from sight in an instant.

Betty stood frozen, panting and bewildered, her frustration bubbling into outright panic. "Oh no! What should I do?" she muttered, her voice trembling as she stomped the ground in sheer exasperation. The immediate choice before her was paralyzing: should she chase after Madeline or focus on how to recover the stolen money? Each option seemed fraught with its own set of impossible challenges.

Her mind spun with worry, haunted by the looming consequences of their predicament. If they couldn't replace the missing coins, they would be unable to buy the necessary goods, which could lead to severe repercussions. Betty's thoughts raced as she stood there, grappling with the fear of failure and the pressure to find a solution. She felt the weight of their situation pressing down on her, knowing that their survival hinged on the decisions she made in those frantic moments.

Wiping away her tears, Madeline took a deep breath and set off in the direction where she had seen the boy she had bumped into earlier. The bustling marketplace was filled with a sea of people—vendors loudly hawking their goods and buyers haggling over prices. The cacophony of shouts and conversations blurred her vision, making it difficult to focus. Exhausted but determined, she scanned the chaotic scene, her eyes darting from face to face.

In the distance, she spotted a young boy weaving through the crowd, clutching something tightly in his hands. Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized the familiar outfit he was wearing—it was the same as the boy she had encountered earlier. Summoning her remaining strength, Madeline pushed through the throng of people, her gaze fixed on the boy as she resolved to catch up with him and reclaim what was stolen.

Madeline took off, sprinting after the boy, but he was quicker and more agile. She pushed her way through the dense crowd, weaving past stalls and vendors, her eyes locked on his retreating figure. Just as she began to close the distance, he darted into one of the market's narrow alleys. The alley was dimly lit and eerily quiet, devoid of the bustling activity of the marketplace.

Madeline skidded to a stop at the entrance of the alley, her heart pounding. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead. The darkness was intimidating, but she couldn't let her fear hold her back. Summoning all her courage, she stepped into the shadowy passage and resumed her pursuit, her determination unwavering as she followed the twists and turns of the narrow alleyway, refusing to let the boy escape her sight.

The alley stretched out before her, dark and seemingly endless. Madeline kept running, her footsteps echoing off the narrow walls as she took turn after turn, each one looking just like the last. She felt a surge of relief when she finally saw a glimmer of light in the distance, signaling the end of the alley. Pushing herself to keep going, she emerged into an unfamiliar place, starkly different from the bustling market she had left behind.

The ground here was paved with cobblestones, marked with intricate patterns that added to the place's unique charm. Unlike the cluttered and dirty market, this area was spotless, the cobblestones dry and clean. She found herself surrounded by a lively crowd, their voices mingling with the sounds of laughter and music. Brightly colored flags and banners adorned the area, along with sun lanterns and flowers, creating a festive atmosphere. Among the decorations, the flag of the Carthage Empire fluttered proudly.

Rows of stalls offered a variety of goods and foods, their enticing aromas making Madeline's stomach growl with hunger. She paused for a moment, tempted by the delicious smells, but quickly remembered her mission. Determined to find the thief, she scanned the crowd, searching for the boy. Despite her efforts, he was nowhere to be seen. Frustration and desperation mingled within her as she realized how difficult it would be to find him in this new and unfamiliar setting.

The throng of people made finding the boy seem impossible. Madeline felt a wave of helplessness wash over her. She had no idea what to do next. Going back without the money was unthinkable; the thought of the upcoming Ceremony was overshadowed by the fear of the severe consequences she would face. The palace was notorious for its strict rules, and even at her young age, Madeline understood the gravity of losing the money entrusted to her. There would be no acceptable excuse.

As she stood there, the memory of her mother flashed through her mind, and a single tear rolled down her cheek. She scanned her surroundings, hoping to find something familiar, but the more she looked, the more unfamiliar the place seemed. Panic began to set in, and she felt increasingly lost and scared. The festive decorations and cheerful crowd only heightened her sense of isolation, making the unfamiliar environment feel even more overwhelming. Madeline realized she was truly alone in this daunting situation, with no clear path forward. She looked behind her and realized she had left the narrow alley and now faced a lot of alleys, unsure of how to find her way back.

A single tear slipped from Madeline's eye, quickly followed by another, until she was quietly sobbing, a soft sob escaping her lips. Her distress was unnoticed by the bustling crowd until a couple walked past her. They bumped into her, causing her to stumble and nearly fall to the ground. She managed to steady herself, but the lady turned to her with an angry expression. "What are you doing blocking the way?" she snapped. The man accompanying her looked at Madeline with disdain. "I wonder whose slave she is," he muttered, his words dripping with contempt.

Their harsh remarks cut through her, making her feel even more vulnerable. She couldn't stop the tears that flowed freely down her cheeks. Overwhelmed by the situation and the cruelty of strangers, Madeline's cries grew louder. "I want to go home," she pleaded softly, her voice trembling with desperation. She felt utterly alone and helpless in the unfamiliar, hostile environment. The festive decorations and joyous crowd only served to deepen her sense of isolation, making her long for the safety and comfort of home.

A boy wearing worn-out clothes stood in the shadows, his face marked by bruises, his feet bare and dirty. This was the boy Madeline had been chasing. From his hiding spot behind a post, he watched her from a distance, clutching the stolen bag of coins tightly in his hands. As he observed her, he heard her soft cries and noticed the servant uniform she was wearing. A pang of guilt tugged at his heart, and he recalled his late mother's words: "You must never make a girl cry; you must protect, not hurt."

"This girl, tsk," he grumbled under his breath, but he couldn't shake the feeling of conflict within him. Her sobs pierced through his resolve, each one breaking his heart a little more. The sight of her tears and the sound of her distress stirred a sense of empathy and responsibility in him. Despite his own hardships and the dire need for the money, he found himself questioning his actions. The boy wrestled with his conscience, torn between his own survival and the innate desire to do what his mother had taught him—to protect, not harm.

After a minute of deliberation, the boy finally took a step toward the girl crouched on the floor. His resolve wavered as he watched her crying, the weight of his mother's words heavy on his mind. Just as he was about to approach her, a voice from the distance made him stop in his tracks. "Madeline?" someone called out, the concern in their tone unmistakable.

He froze, his heart pounding as he glanced around, trying to locate the source of the voice. The name echoed in the crowded marketplace, drawing the attention of nearby passersby.