22. The Value Of Life

The screams of people grew louder as they shouted for the young man to get off the road. The truck driver, unaware of the young man until the last moment, slammed on the brakes, the tires screeching. The young man turned his head, facing his death.

Aurora, completely distraught, took one last glance at Kane, silently pleading for him to do something. Seeing her overcome with concern for a complete stranger moved him. He took a step forward, leading Aurora with his left hand. Suddenly, the voices around them began to fade. The honking of cars slowed, and the vehicles themselves seemed to move in slow motion. The people froze in place, suspended mid-action.

Aurora began to notice the changes around her as she walked with him. It was as though the world had begun to slow down, and only she and Kane were moving.

"What's happening? Everything is so slow," said Aurora as she looked around. "Are you the one doing this?"