38. Evil At Night: Part 5

After they arrived at the Precinct, the woman saw her sister waiting anxiously in the lobby. As soon as she spotted her, the sister rushed over, tears in her eyes.

"Oh my God, Emma! Are you okay?" she cried, wrapping her arms around her.

Emma, still shaken but relieved, hugged her back tightly. "I'm okay, Lisa. Just... scared."

Officer Collins approached them, holding a clipboard with paperwork. "Ma'am, I'm Officer Collins. Your sister has been through a lot tonight, but she's safe now. We just need you to sign a few forms before you can take her home."

Lisa nodded, still holding Emma's hand. "Thank you, Officer. Thank you for keeping her safe."

Collins gave a reassuring smile. "We're just glad we could get to her in time. If you need anything, please don't hesitate to call us. We'll also arrange for a patrol to keep an eye on your neighborhood for the next few days."