The two ladies walked to find a room full of men. Paige hated men for a good reason. First being her father who she hated with a passion. She had her reason.

"Good afternoon gentlemen?"

She said making herself comfortable on her chair that was in front of everyone.

"Make room for my secretary, Mr. Barnise."

Paige said and the short man in question stood up with a scoff and moved from the sit next to the Paige to the next one and Poly sat looking down on her hands.

"So let's begin?"

She asked and the meeting become and soon even Poly relaxed and talked about the meeting. Everyone in the room including older men the age of her father looked at her with lust. One of the many reason she hated men. She eyed Poly who was smiling after presenting a point. One of the men attentively looked at Poly a bit longer than needed and Paige was so done with everyone.

"I think that is all for today. 

She said gaining the attention of everyone.

"Follow me Poly."

She said standing up and leaving with Poly behind her with her files.

"Excuse us gentlemen."

She said opening the door and walking out.

"Aahh I hate men!"

She said taking a deep breath once they were out of the board room.

"Makes that two of us."

Poly said laughing. She loved her boss because she not only respected her she valued her as a person and treated her like a human more than a worker.

"I never get why men don't get a hint when you don't want them."

Poly said making Paige to smile at her.

"I ask myself the same thing."

They walked in silence until someone called Paige's name.

"I will go back to work."

Poly said walking away.

"What is it Leon?"

Leon walked up to Paige.

"Why aren't you picking up your phone?"

He asked and for a minute Paige just stared at her.

"Leon, can I get a break from you and Amy for a day? My phone is still in my bag in the office and I was in a meeting…are we okay now?"

Leon nodded it was so hard to talk to Paige.

"Amy is worried about you."

He said trying to get to her dark heart.

"Leon! It's been seven years since she died…can you two just give me break!"

She said walking towards her office.

"But Paige, since she left you are no longer you…I want the old Paige back, not this cold hearted monster you have created."

Paige stopped as everyone in the office turned to them including Poly.

"You want to know why I changed Leo?"

Leon nodded.

"Because I grew up and all my mother's responsibilities are mine, I had to grow up before my time Leo! I am just twenty Leon! Do you think I want to be like this? I have a family to take care of… a brother who looks at me with big eyes like I am his world! I have to run my stupid father's company while he is somewhere enjoy his life with different women! And you think I want this?"

There tears in her eyes streaming down her cheek.

"So you and Amy should give me a break cause both of you have parents to watch your back while I have to watch my back for myself and for my ten years old brother…so if you won't accept the way I am… back off from my life, I don't want any more criticism from my best friends."

She turned shushing Leon up. He didn't know what to say to her. She was correct, she had a lot of burden to carry which Amy and he wouldn't understand.


He tried to call but she wiped her tears away assuming he wasn't there.

"Everyone back to work!"

She said and everyone went back to work as if nothing happened.


She called looking at her secretary.

"What's my schedule?"

Poly looked at her computer before looking at her then at the computer.

"Lunch with Miss Vendor and later a meeting with the new hotel manager Mr. Marcus."

Paige nodded. Leo just stood there looking at Paige waiting for her to turn to him.

"Cancel them and fix them up tomorrow…tell Miss Vendor I am sick and I will see her tomorrow and Mr. Marcus, tell him I will take myself to the hotel tomorrow."

Poly nodded.

"If anything comes up please call me, don't call me for stupid reasons, and if it's anything you can handle just handle it yourself."

Poly smiled nodding and Paige returned the favor.