A few days later after Amy's visited some of her classmates came to see her. She stared at them with judging eyes each pretended to be something they weren't to her. Most of them were just fake friends but she said nothing to them but just smiled and thanked them for coming to pay her a visit. Her mother's lesson about being calm even in front of one's enemies was finally paying off. When they left she rolled her eyes before turning to push the flowers on the flour alarming the nurse on her flour. So much for being treated special.

 Two days later, Paige was released from the hospital. With two strechers to help her walk with the broken leg. The drive home was quiet as she sat in the passanger's seat with her father driving. Her mother was busy in her work and she just couldn't make time for it, it wasn't a surprise she was always busy, no wonder her father cheated on her mother. Paige looked at her father through the rare mirror.

"Are you okay princess?"

He asked looking back at her.

"Dad, can I ask you something?"

Her father just nodded keeping his eyes on the road.

"Why are you cheating on mum?"

Her father almost caused an accident with the way he hit the brakes.

"Who told you I am cheating on your mother?"

Paige smiled.

"I have ways, so why are you doing it? Isn't she enough?"

The car came to a stop at the side of the road.

"Look princess, your mother is the perfect woman in the world for me okay, nothing will ever change that."

The father had now turned to look at her.

"Then why are you doing it?"

He father took a deep breath and closed his eyes and opening them again to find Paige looking at him expecting an answer. He brought the car to a stop by the side road.

"You are too young to understand what we are going through princess."

He tried to explain but Paige wasn't having it. She came back for a reason and she had to do everything to know things that were hidden from her in her past life.

"Then make me understand."

"Look baby, you mother is always out with business men…I have tried to talk to her and reason with her about it but she doesn't want to hear me. Last year I found out she was sleeping with one of my colleagues and since then our marriage has been chaos after chaos…Its not like I don't like her, I have tried to do everything to make her remain faithful but she doesn't want to stop having an affair, so I met my old school friend once and we started going out…I can't call it cheating cause we are just talking."

Paige looked at him and unclipped her seat belt only to engulf her father in a tight hug.

"Then divorce her if you aren't happy."

She said and her father, slowly pushing her off looked at her shocked.

"Princess you are just 11yrs, who teaches you this things?"

Paige slugged her shoulders.

"Look dad, I am old enough to know what divorce is as much as I know what affairs are and if mum won't change about her affairs then am okay with you having a divorce than watching you two leave like room mates"

Her father looked at her a bit longer before looking at the road and starting the engine.

"your mother will never accept a divorce."

Paige looked at her father as she fastened her seat belt.

"She loves her reputation more than anything…it's not like I haven't tried."

And with that the car went dead silent. Why had Paige judged her father in the past? This was a man who only wanted his family whole and happy, he didn't deserve whatever her mother was doing.