Rabbit Burrow

Lei Kongming began moving along the edge of the forest. After some time, he found a group of young rabbits eating near a marsh. These were not ordinary rabbits; they had the cultivation of the middle level of the Qi refining realm. They were as big as dogs and could eat other beasts and cultivators.

Each of these rabbits can be sold for 4 or 5 spirit stones, but Lei Kongming doesn't take action because he can't use a space bag, and carrying a large amount of them will easily attract the attention of other beasts as well as cultivators who want to rob.

Lei Kongming slowly lay down on the ground to prevent these rabbits from noticing him and searched around because these young rabbits were usually led by an adult rabbit, which typically had the strength of the late-level of the Qi refining realm.

'Adult rabbits can usually be sold for around 12 spirit stones. If I can hunt 2 or 3 of them, it will be worth this trip.'

Lei Kongming started crawling like a turtle on the ground, so as not to attract attention while looking for his prey.


As soon as Lei Kongming entered a large patch of grass, he discovered a burrow. What puzzled him was that these rabbits don't usually eat near their home to avoid attracting other powerful beasts.

'What careless rabbit parents,' Lei Kongming thought to himself.

'They don't even teach their rabbit children not to eat grass near home. I should quickly hunt these irresponsible parents so they don't mislead their offspring.'

Lei Kongming detoured around the burrow and continued to crawl like a turtle, but soon he became puzzled. He found several groups of young rabbits, but not a single adult, and most importantly, they were all eating near the burrow.

'Are these rabbits sent from a neighbouring rabbit group?' Lei Kongming wondered.

"Because they are competing for food, they send some rabbits as bait near their opponent's base? Kill them with a borrowed knife? Now, even rabbits know how to conspire against their opponents."

After searching for another round and not finding any adult rabbits, Lei Kongming decided to explore the burrow. He crawled back to the place where he had found the burrow, and after making sure that there was no trap, he entered it. The burrow was neither small nor big, just big enough for a medium-sized dog to fit through. Soon, Lei Kongming reached its end.


As Lei Kongming poked his head out to peek, he was shocked to find a rabbit as big as an elephant sitting in the center. It was actually the leader rabbit who had the strength of a foundation-building beast. There were also around 15 adult rabbits and nearly 50 young rabbits.

"So, the rabbits outside are not bait sent by their neighbors. Instead, they send them to lure other beasts and cultivators?" muttered Lei Kongming in realization.

"These rabbits are even more cunning than I thought."

After looking around a bit, Lei Kongming realized that there were actually several flowers behind the leader rabbit. They were azure dew flowers, and all these rabbits were protecting them, probably because a rabbit is going to eat them and try to break through to the foundation building realm.

Azure dew flowers usually grow near rivers and lakes. They are a main ingredient for refining foundation-building pills and are responsible for protecting Mediran as well as calming the mind.

Cultivation of beasts is rougher than that of Qi cultivators, so most beasts will not try to break through without the help of any pills or herbs. Yes, beasts can also eat pills, and some powerful beast clans do trade with humans using pills.

'Each azure dew flower can be sold for 300 spirit stones. If I can gather all of them, I will have at least 1000 spirit stones.'

After thinking for some time, Lei Kongming decides to retreat and make a plan. But before that, he observes the structure of the burrow and realizes that there are dozens of paths connected to it. One of them is big enough to fit an elephant, which is probably for the leader, while the others vary in size. However, even the largest of them would not fit the leader.


Lei Kongming is currently roaming at the market outside the Jade River Mountain. Honestly, he doesn't really have any good plan to get the Azure Dew Flower from the rabbits.

Even though Lei Kongming is confident in his ability to obtain the Azure Dew Flower through brute force, the formation set up by Purple Cloud Mountain is a big trouble for him. If the formation detects a force as strong as that of the foundation building realm, then they will send guards to check, and if the guards have malicious intentions, then he will not only lose the flowers but also likely face fines.

Suddenly, Lei Kongming's eyes fell on Dragon Blood Grass. Although it has 'dragon blood' in its name, it has nothing to do with dragons. This common herb can be found at the foot of Jade River Mountain and is mainly used as an aphrodisiac by mortals and low-level Qi refining cultivators. Because it is very common and has very little effect on mid-level Qi refining cultivators or above, it can be purchased with mortal silver.

Lei Kongming suddenly starts having a feeling that it may have an amazing effect on the rabbits, and then he realizes that it is related to intuition like a memory from his second life.

"Stall owner, do you have Dragon Blood Water?"

Dragon Blood Water is extracted from Dragon Blood Grass, making it easy to transport and consume. After all, it is better and quicker to drink a few drops of Dragon Blood Water than to chew grass for a long time.

"Young master, you've come to the right place. I have one of the highest quality Dragon Blood Waters. How much do you want?"

"20 bottles," Lei Kongming replied confidently.


"I said 20 bottles"

"Sure, sure, young master. Give me a minute"

After some time, the stall owner handed Lei Kongming a large jute bag containing 20 bottles of Dragon Blood Water before asking with some hesitation, "Young master, I hope you know the side effects of Dragon Blood Water?"

"Side effects? What side effects?" asked Lei Kongming, slightly surprised.

".....After the effects of Dragon Blood Water wear off, you will experience a period of weakness. Consuming too much may even damage your foundation"

After hearing that it would cause "a period of weakness," Lei Kongming's eyes started shining, but he quickly suppressed his thoughts.

Seeing Lei Kongming's eyes shining, the stall owner thought either Lei Kongming had some strange hobbies or he wasn't going to use the Dragon Blood Water for any good purpose.