Source of Frustration

The three Qi-refining cultivators who were with Senior Brother Yang were standing beside Elder Hei. In front of them was Senior Brother Yang, who was lying on the bed with his hands and feet tied to it.

Currently, the expression of the three Qi-refining cultivators was weird because Senior Brother Yang was looking at Elder Hei, or rather, staring at Elder Hei with....desire. His eyes were red as if he wanted to tear off all of Elder Hei's clothes and ruthlessly ravage him.

"Elder Hei, I beg you to please check the condition of Senior Brother Yang. It happened after he fell into the porcupine quills trap that he started acting crazy."

"I have already given him a mind-calming pill. He will be able to regain his sanity after some time. However, this is only a first-grade pill and it will only treat the symptom, not the cause. It is best if he takes the second-grade Jade Frost Pill to heal completely."

"Yes, Elder. Senior Brother Yang has already ordered the Jade Frost Pill, and it will be delivered next month."

"Since the Jade Frost Pill won't arrive until next month, it's best if he takes a mind-calming pill every week to prevent accidents like today from happening again."

After that, Elder Hei quickly left, probably because he felt uncomfortable due to Senior Brother Yang's eyes.

As Elder Hei exited the main hall, he noticed a deacon standing by the door.

"What happened?"

"Elder Hei, I have already instructed everyone to check all the people exiting Jade River Mountain for Azure Dew Flowers. However, it might be difficult to catch him because we received the information very late, and there is a high probability that the pervert has already escaped."

"What about the porcupine quills trap?"

"Elder Hei, those are very common materials, which makes it very difficult to track."

"Forget it, don't waste any more manpower on it. Instead, you should find that pervert as soon as possible."

"Elder Hei... There is another problem... When I was questioning the three juniors about how Discipline surnamed Yang got injured, I didn't disperse the nearby people... So probably a lot of people now know about this naked man incident."

Hearing this, Elder Hei frowned and said, "Don't worry, just some Qi-refining juniors can't represent our Purple Cloud Palace. At most, people will laugh at the incompetence of those few juniors."


Returning to his courtyard house, Lei Kongming dug out the "Black Dragon Immortal Arts" from under the tree where he usually rests. Because he can't use a space ring, he doesn't dare to carry it with him for fear of it getting lost or exposed.

Hiding things under the tree isn't actually that bad because, in this world where items like space rings are available, people usually carry their valuables with them instead of hiding them. Now even thieves don't dig under trees or look under beds to search for valuables.

Lei Kongming once again read through the Black Dragon Immortal Arts to see if he had unlocked any new content, but to his disappointment, he still could only read the Qi Refining chapter.

"I still need to find a replacement for the space ring as soon as possible. Otherwise, once I enter the Purple Cloud Palace, the risk of exposing the Black Dragon Immortal Arts will increase." Said Lei Kongming, slightly frustrated.

Soon, Lei Kongming's eyes fell on the warning of the Black Dragon Cultivation Technique, and frustration grew inside his eyes even more.

"No female cultivator will be able to withstand even a single strike from you[1]... What nonsense....." muttered Lei Kongming in frustration.

Lei Kongming still remembers that last year, after he was able to break through to the 7th level of the Qi Refining Realm and successfully completed his Guan Li ceremony, he was very happy. He decided to reward himself by losing his virginity. However, on his way, he changed his mind and decided not to betray his future wife, choosing to save his virginity.

"It definitely wasn't because he was embarrassed to be recognized by his clan brother, who had also completed their Guan Li ceremony and wanted to lose their virginity in a place like a brothel," muttered Lei Kongming with an embarrassed smile.

In the end, he simply bought an adult magazine from a stall to criticize the bad environment of the immortal world.

That night, after returning to his courtyard house, he started doing what a lonely high schooler would do. He pulled his pants off, with one hand holding the magazine, and began moving…*ahem!* exercising his other hand.

But little did he know that this was the beginning of his frustration. As soon as his little brother released the life essence, a black light was pulled along with it and struck the wall in front of him.


Lei Kongming stare at the disappeared wall dumbfounded. At that time not only the wall in front of him was completely destroyed, but also the formation attached to his house was also destroyed.

The only fortunate thing about this incident was that he was able to pull his pants back up in time before anyone was attracted by the explosion.

*Sigh* sighed Lei Kongming with tears welling up in his eyes

"What I wanted was to be invincible at satisfying my wife, not to be a hitman who uses a crotch cannon to perform assassinations."

With a desolate expression, Lei Kongming looked at the stars outside the window. He even wondered if the author of the Black Dragon Immortal Arts intentionally used such misleading warnings to attract lonely and innocent cultivators like him.

This is the reason for his frustration with the Black Dragon Immortal Arts, although if given another chance, he would still choose to cultivate using the Black Dragon Immortal Art.

This is also why he was happy when Lei Longwei got engaged to Ye Qingqing, a little tigress. At least Lei Longwei will not have a successful bridal chamber, and his good brother will also know the suffering of having a healthy body but being unable to enjoy a woman.

"Maybe the word 'black' in Black Dragon Immortal Art is not because it can use the power of space, but because its author has a black heart."

After scolding the author of the Black Dragon Immortal Arts for a few minutes, Lei Kongming pulls his thoughts together and starts his daily cultivation.


One early morning, Lei Kongming walks out to meet the Fifth Elder at the alchemy pavilion to get his pill. Five days have passed since he gave the Azure Dew Flower to Lei Chen for refining. However, because someone approached Lei Chen for an urgent refinement, his pill was delayed.

As Lei Kongming arrived at the Alchemy Pavilion, he noticed Lei Chen hastily walking out.

"Eh..., Xiao Ming, you've come just in time. Here, take your pills."

"Forgive the trouble, Fifth Elder."

"No need to be so formal, Xiao Ming. I still have some things to do, so I won't be able to entertain you," said Lei Chen before leaving.

After Lei Chen disappeared from his sight, Lei Kongming happily opened the two pill bottles given by Lei Chen to take a look.

Lei Chen had given Lei Kongming two bottles. The first bottle contained twelve high-level mind-calming pills, while the second bottle contained three perfect-level mind-calming pills.

"Each high-level mind-calming pill can be sold for at least 200 spirit stones, so I can get around 2400 spirit stones for this bottle. And as for the three perfect-level pills, each of them is worth 500 spirit stones."

After selling all of these pills, he can get around 4000 spirit stones.

"Even if Uncle Chen deducts all his next month's resources, it's still a bloody profit. The only sad thing is that I can't do this all the time, otherwise, why should he be troubled by the lack of spirit stones all the time?"