Admiring Mountains

"Brother Long, it's been a few hours since the fighting stopped. Why don't you go and check if they have left?"

"Brother Kong, I don't even dare to clean the bird poop from my head, and you're asking me to go and check the situation."

"....." Hearing what Lei Longwei said, Lei Kongming fell into silence.

"Brother Kong, how do you know that we are covered by a formation?"

"The small mountain exploded because someone threw a formation flag onto it."

At this time, Lei Longwei felt a little guilty because they were not far from that small mountain. If Lei Kongming had not been pulling him, then Lei Kongming might have been able to escape.

Lei Longwei silently decided to forgive Lei Kongming for calling him "Little Long" all those years.

After waiting for another hour, Lei Kongming silently crawls out of the pit to check if the formation flag has been removed so that he and Lei Longwei can escape from this place. If someone were to look at Lei Kongming at this time, they would notice that his current movement is similar to that of a turtle.

'I don't know why, but I have a feeling of déjà vu.'

Suddenly Lei Kongming stopped crawling because what appeared in front of his eyes were two perfect legs. They could be described as neither fat nor thin, but just perfect. They gave the impression that even a slight alteration might cause the perfection to vanish like a mirage in the desert, leaving behind only longing and wonder.


Shifting his gaze upward, Lei Kongming spotted a white skirt adorned with golden embroidery. However, his eyes were unconsciously drawn to the dark space beneath the skirt. He narrowed his eyes with great concentration, attempting to see the treasure hidden beneath it. Yet, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't see anything, as if it were obscured by a dark curtain.

"Don't bother; even if I stood here for a whole year, you wouldn't be able to crack the protective formation of my skirt."

Soon, a charming yet dignified voice caught his attention. However, upon listening to it, he felt embarrassed, and his face turned red.

'Lei Kongming, where did you leave your gentlemanly demeanor?' silently Lei Kongming criticizes himself. 'Even if you want to peep, you should not do it in such a blatant manner.'

Lei Kongming took one last quick peek at the beautiful legs and then moved his eyes upward. He was shocked because his view was blocked, blocked by two majestic mountains.

Looking at those mountains, Lei Kongming felt an urge to explore them, but he suppressed his instinct and stood up to meet the person in front of him.

It was a woman with a charming yet dignified face, wearing a white dress with golden embroidery. She had an hourglass-like figure with two majestic mountains that gave people the urge to explore. As for her moon[1]... he couldn't see it from the front.

"Have you looked enough? It's been a very long time since someone blatantly looked at me with such lustful eyes," said the woman in front of him, her expression slightly angry and annoyed.

Lei Kongming woke up from his admiration and silently looked at the figure in front of him, feeling slightly uneasy in his heart. Now that he had come to his senses, he realized that this woman had appeared in front of him without him sensing anything, so her strength was probably far above his.

"It's not my fault. It's just that the elder sister is way too beautiful, just like a goddess descended from the heavens," said Lei Kongming with a cheeky smile.

"Tsk, what a sweet tongue and handsome face, I don't know how many women's hearts you've captured," said the woman with a smile as she flicked his forehead.

Although it was just a slight flick, for some reason, it gave Lei Kongming a splitting headache, as if his head had been hit by a hammer, and even a small bump grew on his head.

It also gave Lei Kongming a little relief because if this woman had any murderous intentions his head might have exploded like a balloon by now.

"Elder sister, my name is Lei Kongming, and my elders usually call me Xiao Ming. May I know my elder sister's name?"

Lei Kongming not only reported his name but also asked the woman for her name, trying to guess her identity.

"Oh, Xiao Ming, my name is Su Zhiyuan, but most people usually call me Elder Su. However, you can call me Sister Su."

When Lei Kongming heard Su Zhiyuan, he realized that she was one of the golden core cultivators who were fighting. However, when Su Zhiyuan mentioned that people called her Elder Su, he had another realization. He recalled Aunt Hu mentioning Elder Su, who had separately conducted the female cultivator test during the previous year's Purple Cloud Palace trials.

"So, Elder Sister is actually the elder of the Purple Cloud Palace. Then, who was the person who was fighting? Judging from your conversation with him, he seems to be the sect master of some sect.... Elder Sister, just tell me what sect he belongs to, and if I meet any younger generation of his sect, I will not forget to bully them to relieve Elder Sister's anger."

Lei Kongming still decided to call her Elder Sister instead of Sister Su. However, he did not forget to flatter her.

"You don't need to worry about him. I have already beaten him away, and now most of my anger is gone. However, why don't you guess which sect he is the sect master of? How about if you guess correctly, I will reward you," answered Su Zhiyuan with a playful smile as she lifted her skirt a little.

"Reward? Really? What kind of rewards?" asked Lei Kongming with slight excitement. If he could get any good treasure, then he could probably exchange it for enough spirit stones to reach the Foundation Building realm. As for any lustful benefits that Su Zhiyuan hinted at, he dared not think about them.

"How about forgiving you for looking at me with lustful eyes?"

Lei Kongming suddenly became stiff when he heard this. 'In short, I will not get any treasure.'

However, he still answered because getting forgiveness for looking at her with lustful eyes was also pretty good, "Maybe he is the Sect Master of the Scarlet Flame Sect. The Purple Cloud Palace and Scarlet Flame Sect have frequent conflicts with each other because of their similar strength and close proximity."

Su Zhiyuan flicked Lei Kongming's forehead as she said, "You are wrong; he is the sect master of Purple Cloud Palace."


Lei Kongming was stunned, 'So you're beating your own sect master.'

"It must be Sect Master Duan who is causing trouble. Don't worry, Elder Sister. I will definitely support you in becoming the new sect master. We will definitely be able to overthrow him."

Lei Kongming didn't forget to lick his newly recognized elder sister to enhance their relationship.

"I don't want to become a sect master, so don't mention it... Well, Xiao Ming, now that you failed to guess the correct sect, let me think of your punishment."

Hearing Su Zhiyuan mention punishment, Lei Kongming became stiff.

"Elder sister, why don't you forget about the punishment and forgive me once?"

"Nope," said Su Zhiyuan as she flicked Lei Kongming's forehead once again.