
At this time, Lei Kongming and Lei Longwei are having their breakfast. After selling the boars, they start searching for an inn. However, due to the Purple Cloud Palace Trial, most of them are already fully booked.

After much searching, when they finally found an inn with available rooms, only to discover that it was actually a robber's den, not a proper inn.

Normally, it would only cost around 1 spirit stone to book a room in this type of inn for a day. However, this inn owner is asking for 5 spirit stones, claiming that it is the normal price.

Finally, Lei Kongming gritted his teeth and paid 15 spirit stones to book the room for three days. Otherwise, they would have to sleep on the streets, using the earth as a mattress and the sky as a quilt. It would be great if there were a beauty to accompany him in a wild forest, but who would want to accompany Lei Longwei on the streets like this?

What's even more infuriating is that the innkeeper said that breakfast and dinner would be included, but what they got for breakfast was a few buns and a glass of water. Even the servants in their Lei family don't eat such a bland breakfast. Lei Kongming even wonders whether the innkeeper's ancestors used to be slave dealers.

"Brother Long, why don't we investigate the innkeeper and see if he is related to slave dealers?"

"Brother Kong, buying and selling slaves is a capital crime in the Wei Kingdom. If the innkeeper is really related to slave dealers, then the Purple Cloud Palace must have already cleaned him up. So, stop trying to cause trouble, and let's look for information related to the trial process."

After eating the bun, Lei Kongming and Lei Longwei left the inn and started looking for information separately.


After leaving the inn, Lei Kongming came to the market. Suddenly, he was attracted to a stall that advertised "weight loss pills" because there was a big line in front of it. What was even more strange was that all the customers had a normal build and didn't seem to need any weight loss pills. However, his attention was soon drawn to the owner of the stall, who looked like a sumo wrestler.

He looked at the signboard and carefully read it, confirming that it said "weight loss pills."

Then he looked at the stall owner again.

After repeating this process three or four times, Lei Kongming was puzzled. In the end, he finally walked up to the stall owner and asked, "Boss, do your pills really work?

"Don't worry, young master. I can guarantee that they not only work but work very well."

"But looking at your size and weight, it doesn't seem like it has had any effect. You are as fat as a balloon, and from a distance, you look no different from a wild boar." Asked Lei Kongming in puzzlement.

"Young Master! You can insult me, but not my pills. All these pills are made through the hard work of my master, and their efficiency is guaranteed," shouted the stall owner angrily.

Lei Kongming had a suspicious expression as he looked at the fat stall owner and asked, "Then why is the boss still like this?"

The stall owner's face turned slightly red as he said, "I don't meet the requirements to take the pills."


Lei Kongming became confused and thought, 'Does this pill have a cultivation level requirement?'

Lei Kongming carefully looked at the bottle containing pills and found a tiny label at the bottom of the bottle that said,

[Warning: Never take these pills without your Taoist companion nearby! They're potent medicines that can make you as strong as a bull. Side effects may include sudden weight loss!]

'Good guy, so you are actually selling aphrodisiacs,' Lei Kongming silently put the bottle back and glanced at the stall owner, 'If this guy was on earth, he would definitely become a smuggling expert.'

Lei Kongming didn't purchase the pills and left directly. His 'crotch cannon' is already very strong, and if he accidentally consumed these pills, it would definitely malfunction and shoot without control.


Looking at Lei Kongming silently devouring his food, Lei Longwei was a little hesitant but finally decided to ask.

"Brother Kong, why have you been in a bad mood for the last two days?"

"Brother Long, that butcher shopkeeper scammed us. Due to the Purple Cloud Palace Trial, the price of everything has gone up, including livestock. We could easily sell those wild boars for 100 spirit stones."

Lei Longwei rolled his eyes and said, "Brother Kong, the Purple Cloud Palace Trial will be held today. Clear your mind and do your best; don't think about those spirit stones."

Lei Kongming nodded, He decided to temporarily forget the grudge with the butcher shop owner and focus on the Trial first. "Have you contacted the other members of the clan?"

"Yes, they will meet us at the city gate. I think we should hurry up too."

"By the way Brother Long, I haven't seen Sister Qing these days. I believe Uncle Shi should have asked you to meet her at Purple Cloud City."

All the elders in the family are very happy with the engagement between Ye QingQing and Lei Longwei, so he believes Lei Shilong will not forget to remind Lei Longwei to meet Ye QingQing in Purple Cloud City to enhance their relationship.

"Well... I asked the servants who came with her, and it seems that she is currently focused on stabilizing her cultivation. It appears that she is probably a Foundation Building cultivator now."

Lei Longwei suddenly became a little depressed. Originally, he thought that now as a 9th-level Qi Refining cultivator, he would finally have some chance of winning against her. But now... *sigh*.

Lei Kongming and Lei Longwei finally finished their food and left for the city gate.

Near the city gate, they found the family members who had received tokens to attend the selection at Purple Cloud Palace. There were a total of five people waiting for Lei Kongming and Lei Longwei: two of them had a cultivation level of 8th level in the Qi Refining realm, and the other three were at the 7th level of the Qi Refining realm.

Together with them, Lei Kongming and Lei Longwei, a total of seven Lei family members, left towards the Purple Cloud Palace, which is not far from Purple Cloud City.

Lei Kongming was attracted to the two girls. Each of them had very similar figures, and their moons were larger than any girl he had seen of their age. With each step, their Moons swayed left and right, making Lei Kongming want to smack and discipline them. However, he quickly shook his head, thinking, 'Lei Kongming, they might be your close cousins. How can you be such a beast to think about playing with their Moons!'[1]

Near the mountain gate of Purple Cloud Palace, there is a huge crowd of people, with a rough estimate of a few thousand individuals. Lei Kongming leads the Lei family members to find an empty space under a tree and wait for the opening of the selection process.