Chapter 6: Meeting

 After cursing Xal'thargoth a few more times, Shinjiro got up and took a long cold shower before finishing off with blazing hot water to relax his body.

Getting out Shinjiro decided to change into neutral clothing for the meeting at Kouh Academy not too keen on wearing formal clothing for such a meeting.

Knocking on the door can be heard before the sound of it opening.

"Shinjiro are you-" said Penemue before pausing.

As she entered the room, she felt Shinjiro's aura, it felt stronger and more refined. Flowing magical energy through her eyes she scanned Shinjiro's body while physically normal there was a lot of strain throughout multiple muscle groups as if he just finished something very taxing on his body.

"What happened." asked Penemue in an authoritative voice.

"What do you mean?" questioned Shinjiro.

"You've grown stronger, and your body is strained how can I not notice."

"We'll talk about it later or else we'll be late."

"Don't think you can run from me."


Arriving at Kuoh academy Shinjiro could see many students walking past the gate. Shinjiro, never having to go to school looked around curiously as he along with Penemue walked towards the gate.

As they got closer, they noticed Rias along with another young women standing besides her and two more young woman standing closely.

Shinjiro observed the group from a distance, recognizing them immediately. 'Akeno Himejima, Rias's Queen, Sona Sitri, Heiress of the Sitri pillar, and her Queen, Tsubaki Shinra,' he thought.

Rias stood at the forefront, her crimson hair cascading down her back, framing her striking blue eyes that held an air of authority and grace. Akeno, with her long black hair and voluptuous figure, stood beside Rias. Her usual serene and playful smile was gone, replaced by a tense and wary expression at the sight of Penemue. Akeno's deep-seated resentment towards her fallen heritage was evident, her eyes narrowing slightly as she clenched her fists, struggling to maintain her composure.

Beside them was Sona Sitri, whose sharp, intelligent violet eyes behind her glasses conveyed a sense of diligence and precision. Her black hair was tied in a neat bun, and her posture exuded confidence and elegance. Next to her stood Tsubaki Shinra, her long, silky black hair flowing freely. Her tall, slender figure and piercing brown eyes behind her glasses highlighted her calm and composed demeanor, enhancing her beauty even further.

Penemue stepped forward, a polite smile on her face. "Hello, Miss Gremory," she greeted.

"Please, call me Rias," she responded warmly. "Beside me is Akeno, my Queen, and this is—"

"Sona Sitri, Heiress to the Sitri Pillar, and beside me is my Queen, Tsubaki. Welcome to our Kuoh Academy," Sona finished, nodding in acknowledgment.

Penemue nodded in return, gesturing towards Shinjiro. "Thank you, Rias and Sona. This is Shinjiro Hanma. We appreciate your hospitality."

"Please follow us to a more appropriate location," Rias said, turning to lead the way with Akeno, Sona, and Tsubaki following closely behind.

Shinjiro and Penemue exchanged a glance before following, ready to engage in the important discussion ahead.

As they entered the grounds, they were greeted by the sight of Kuoh Academy's main building. It stood tall and imposing, an architectural blend of modern design and classical elegance. The structure was three stories high, with large windows that gleamed in the sunlight, offering glimpses of bustling classrooms within.

As they passed through the iron gate, students of Kuoh Academy began to notice the group. The air buzzed with excitement and curiosity, quickly escalating into a frenzy of reactions.

"Why are so many of Kuoh's beauties gathered?" exclaimed one boy, his eyes wide with awe.

"Rias Gremory, please marry me!" shouted another boy, his voice full of hopeful desperation.

"Oh, Miss Akeno, please dominate me!" murmured a girl, blushing deeply as she stared at Akeno.

"Tsubaki, please step on me and look at me like I'm filth," another boy yelled, his face flushed with an odd mix of admiration and embarrassment.

After noticing the Kuoh beauties, the students finally observed two more people following closely.

"Who is that domineering beauty?" questioned a boy, eyes wide with admiration.

"So hot," sighed another boy, almost dreamily, unable to take his eyes off Penemue.

"Look at that man! He's so muscular. I wish he could just choke me with those huge hands," said a girl, her voice filled with desire and awe.

"Handsome sir, I'm fertile and totally free anytime!" yelled another girl, waving enthusiastically and catching the attention of her giggling friends.

"Why can't I find a man like that? He's perfect!" a girl cried out, her friends nodding in agreement and whispering excitedly.

The comments continued, a cacophony of admiration and unabashed desire. The group proceeded, their presence causing ripples of excitement that spread throughout the student body, making their way to the more private meeting location within the academy's sprawling grounds.

"Sorry for the remarks of the students, they need some more education." Said Sona as she pushed back her glasses making them shine slightly.

"There is no offense taken." Said Penemue.

After walking for a little bit, they made it to an older building far from the main building of Kuoh Academy.

Penemue noticed wards placed all around for security and for confusion to keep people out as well as protect the building and its inhabitants.

Entering the main room of the building, Rias sat at her desk with Akeno standing behind her, Sona sat in the desk that was temporarily placed next to Rias along with Tsubaki standing behind her.

"Please have a seat wherever you like." Said Rias.

Both Shinjiro and Penemue sat on the nearby couches.

Sona started off.

"Kuoh is meant to be a neutral ground for the supernatural world being overseen by the devils and any uninformed visits will be seen as a threat to that neutrality and will be dealt accordingly, of course today we are here to fix any misunderstandings."

"Of course, the Grigori understands the neutrality of Kuoh Town and we are not willingly causing trouble, we had a group of fallen go rogue under the command of a higher up fallen of ours that is causing a headache for the Grigori, we believe he is here, why we aren't sure yet however Azazel-sama assigned me along with Shinjiro with investigating the rogue fallens which was meant to salvage the situation." Replied Penemue.

"Who is the higher up fallen that has infiltrated Kuoh and have the rogue fallen have been dealt with?" asked Sona.

"Kokabiel, a cadre of the Grigori and a well-known warmonger among our ranks. And no, Shinjiro, on behalf of the Grigori, will help in detaining the rogue fallen."

 "You do realize I will have to report this matter to the higher ups." Replied Sona.

"Yes, that is fine however do realize he does not align with Grigori's current goals and any nefarious actions he causes is an act of his alone without any of Grigori's involvement. We will assist if needed."

"I'll mention that in the report."

"Next time please submit a formal letter of permission for Kuoh."

"We actually have two for me and Shinjiro seeing as Kokabiel is here Azazel-sama would like to leave us as representatives in Kuoh."

Looking at the forms and seeing nothing wrong, Sona nodded.

"Very well, your long-term stay is approved."

"I shall leave and fill out my report, I'll leave Rias to finish off, good day to you both." Said Sona before leaving along with her queen.

"I'm sorry for keeping you this long but I had a question for Shinjiro."

"For me?" questioned Shinjiro.

"Yes, I wanted to know to what extent your freelancing extends." Asked Rias as her situation worsened, she would like more cards at hand and Shinjiro seemed like a safe bet even more so that he seemed to have gotten stronger.

"By that you mean?"

"I have a proposition, I have the need for help with a situation and I would like to hire you, of course you will be paid well but the condition is that you will need to be reincarnated as one of my pieces, but I treat my peerage as family as well as the benefits of a long life, increased strength- "

Suddenly stopping as Rias felt the room grow colder.

Penemue was staring coldly at Rias with her eyes glowing.

"That was a nice joke miss Gremory, but I'm sorry Shinjiro will not be-"

Suddenly, the room's temperature plummeted, a chilling frost creeping into the air. Shinjiro's laughter broke the tense silence, starting as a low chuckle and escalating into a manic, almost sinister cackle that echoed off the walls.


The laughter carried an unnerving edge, sending shivers down the spines of those who heard it. His eyes, once calm, now glowed red with an unsettling intensity, reflecting an abyss of raw power and untamed potential. The atmosphere grew heavy, almost suffocating, as his presence seemed to dominate the room, a palpable aura of immense strength emanating from him.

"I'm sorry, but none of that matters to me," Shinjiro said, his voice dropping to a chilling tone. "Strength, I can obtain it. Long life, I have it. I have no need to sully my blood."

He took a step closer, his gaze locking onto Rias with an intensity that made her blood run cold. His next words were slow and deliberate.

"Look, Rias, I need you to understand something," he hissed, his voice a low, predatory rumble. "I will not be anyone's servant. No matter how much you sugarcoat it, they are still your servants."

His eyes bore into hers, a predatory gleam making it clear that he was not to be trifled with. The room seemed to shrink, the walls closing in as the oppressive weight of his presence grew. The very air felt thick with dread, as if reality itself was bending to his will.

Akeno, usually composed and confident, felt a shiver run down her spine. She couldn't suppress the slight tremor in her hands as she glanced at Rias with a look of genuine concern. Despite the fear gnawing at her, she steeled herself, ready to intervene if necessary.

Penemue, too, felt the change. Her eyes narrowed, and she subtly shifted her stance, ready to salvage the situation if needed. She couldn't hide the flicker of worry that crossed her face, deeply caring for Shinjiro and sensing the immense aura radiating from him.

"I am a freelancer," he continued, his tone unwavering and filled with an almost otherworldly authority. "And I will cut you a deal. I can help you, but it comes at a cost."

Rias hesitated, the weight of Shinjiro's words pressing heavily on her. She knew she needed his strength but was unsure how to proceed.

"How can I get you involved with devils to help me in my situation?" Rias asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty, seeking guidance rather than giving an order.

"That will be for you to figure out," Shinjiro replied, his tone unyielding. "I will help you if you can figure out how to get me involved. Of course, if it can't happen, it can't happen."

"What is your condition?" Rias asked, desperation creeping into her voice.

Shinjiro took a deep breath, and the chilling intensity that had filled the room dissipated as if it had never been there. The oppressive aura vanished, replaced by a calm and controlled demeanor.

"I want to train your peerage," said Shinjiro.

"What?" exclaimed all the women in the room, their shock palpable.

All eyes focused on him, but Shinjiro remained unfazed. "I have my own reasons."

"Shinjiro, why—" Penemue began, worry evident in her voice, but Rias cut her off.

"Deal," Rias exclaimed, her instincts telling her that Shinjiro would be key to her success, even if she thought he was just a human before, but no normal human would be able to evoke the fear and oppression she just felt.

The room remained silent, the lingering oppressive atmosphere pressing down on everyone, as the true extent of Shinjiro's strength and resolve became terrifyingly clear. His spirit, stronger than his physical self, radiated an immense, almost overwhelming presence, a stark reminder of his untamed lineage and the depths of his potential.



This was going to be released earlier, but I had to edit it. I came home really tired from work since a co-worker took the day off, and Saturday is busy for our shop, so there was a lot to do. I can't believe how customers have the nerve to say to your face that all they heard was a slight noise and even drive a vehicle to the shop with the rear brakes pretty much inoperative. What was left of the rotor on one side of the van looked like separated islands, and the caliper was shot.

Anyways, enough of my rant. I am having Shinjiro train Rias's peerage because I want him to get more involved with the main cast of DxD. Also, I'm going to try to implement a comment I saw from one of you guys. The next chapter will probably be my first smut chapter for the fanfic. Wish me luck in making a good scene.

Current Potential Harem Members:




Tsubaki(I have a soft spot for women with glasses, fight me.)