Chapter 9: Flashback Training part 1

 "What the hell, Azazel? That hurt, you know. What new invention did you make to actually break my bones?" Shinjiro exclaimed as his bones started to repair themselves, his limp arms returning to normal in a few moments.

"I call it the Amplifier and it's a prototype. It uses the user's magic reserves to increase their physical strength, and it can go on as long as the user can handle spending their reserves. Obviously, the more mana injected, the more strength, but how long can someone realistically use it, oh and I did enhance it further just now with a little bit of magic help." replied Azazel, turning on the light to show off a gauntlet-like device.

"There are always limits to toys like that. Let's test it again," said Shinjiro as a dark red aura filled with malicious intent enveloped him making his all his muscle pump, veins spreading throughout, causing his shirt to rip apart and his back muscles to form the famed Demon Back.

"Hehe, let's see. Only my invention versus your strength—who is better?" Azazel exclaimed joyfully, eager to test his creation.

Shinjiro reeled back his right hand before hurling it towards Azazel, who injected the maximum mana the Amplifier could handle from him. The collision caused the whole building to shake violently. The walls trembled and cracks appeared in the concrete, spreading rapidly. Windows shattered from the force, and the floor beneath their feet buckled slightly, sending dust and debris flying. The intense impact even caused nearby furniture to topple over before the building's automated repair systems kicked in to stabilize the structure.

Azazel's Amplifier cracked before breaking in front of his eyes.

"Hahaha, you monster! That was over 20 tons of force, and you easily surpassed it, the gauntlet couldn't even come close or measure it before breaking."

"I've been training to get stronger and stronger. After all, I am going to be the strongest."


Flashy Flash Back

After his bloodline awakening, Shinjiro felt a need to differentiate his training. Azazel, recognizing Shinjiro's potential, decided to help him further.

"Shinjiro, I think it's time you train Touki. I can guide you, but I believe there's someone better suited for this task," Azazel said thoughtfully.

"Who do you have in mind?" Shinjiro asked, intrigued.

"I'll introduce you to Bikou, descendant of Sun Wukong and a user of Touki and a member of the Vali Team that you have yet to meet. He can teach you how to harness and refine your Touki," Azazel explained.

Shinjiro met with the Vali team in a secluded training ground. Grouped up in front of him were Vali along with two more male members, two female members, and a wolf behind them.

"You've gotten stronger since the last time we met," said Vali.

"It won't stop. I am aiming for the top of the top; I alone will be the strongest."

"Bold statement. Let's see if you can hold up those words." Vali nodded at everyone else to introduce themselves.

"I'm Bikou, a descendant of Sun Wukong. I've trained in Touki for a long time," Bikou said, stepping forward with a confident smile.

"I'm Arthur Pendragon, a descendant of King Arthur," said a tall man with a calm demeanor, holding a shining sword at his side.

"I'm Le Fay Pendragon, Arthur's sister and a magician," said a cheerful young woman with a bright smile and long blonde hair.

"Nyaa, I'm Kuroka," purred a beautiful woman with long black hair and cat-like features, her golden eyes glinting with mischief. She eyed Shinjiro with interest, her smile playful.

Behind them, an enormous wolf growled softly. "And this is Fenrir," Vali introduced. The wolf's eyes glowed with a fierce intensity, but it seemed wary of Shinjiro, sensing his inner malice.

Shinjiro took a step forward, his towering figure casting a shadow. "I'm Shinjiro Hanma, Azazel's adopted nephew."

"Azazel said someone can help me learn Touki. I suppose that is you," said Shinjiro as he looked towards Bikou.

"Yes, as I said before, I have trained a long time in Touki," replied Bikou.

"Then let's begin," said Shinjiro.

In a short amount of time, Bikou put him through rigorous training to hone Touki.

Bikou taught Shinjiro to feel the flow of his life energy and how to channel it into Touki. They practiced meditation and focused breathing exercises, grounding the basics of controlling Ki.

Shinjiro quickly grasped the fundamental techniques, focusing primarily on enhancing his physical abilities with Touki. Bikou demonstrated how he combined Touki with martial arts to maximize its effectiveness, showing Shinjiro how to boost his strength, speed, and durability to higher levels.

Bikou then introduced Shinjiro to more advanced uses of Touki, such as using it to sense opponents' movements and intentions. While Shinjiro understood these concepts, he decided to prioritize the aspects that directly enhanced his combat prowess and physical power.

They sparred regularly, with Bikou pushing Shinjiro to use Touki instinctively in combat. Shinjiro had to adapt to Bikou's unpredictable fighting style, improving his reflexes and adaptability. His focus remained on harnessing Touki to amplify his brute strength and resilience, aligning with his mentality of direct confrontation.

One evening, after an intense sparring session, Bikou nodded approvingly. "You've come a long way, Shinjiro. Your control over Touki is already impressive. Keep honing it, and you'll be unstoppable."

"Thanks, Bikou. I'll keep pushing myself," Shinjiro replied, eager to keep getting stronger.

After the rigorous training with Bikou, Shinjiro returned to Azazel's lab and helped him experiment some more with his creations, basically a guinea pig.

Following, determined to push his limits, Shinjiro embarked on a grueling training regime that showcased his immense strength, endurance, and cold, unyielding nature.

The sun had barely risen when Shinjiro began his day with heavy weightlifting. He stood in a makeshift gym, surrounded by enormous weights that would be impossible for any normal human to lift. His muscles tensed as he wrapped his hands around a barbell loaded with several tons of weight. With a deep breath, he activated his Touki, feeling the energy course through his veins, amplifying his already formidable strength. The ground beneath him cracked slightly as he lifted the barbell, his muscles bulging with the effort.

"Fifteen... Sixteen..." he counted, his voice steady despite the strain. Sweat poured down his face, but his expression remained cold and focused. He pushed through the pain, his body repairing itself with each set of repetition, thanks to his Hanma bloodline.

After completing his weightlifting session, Shinjiro moved on to intense cardio. He sprinted across a vast field, his speed enhanced by Touki, leaving a trail of dust in his wake. He ran for miles without rest, his breathing steady and controlled. Each stride was powerful and precise, and he only stopped when his muscles were only relying on his healing to function.