Chapter 11: Gremory Training Start

 In the evening, Shinjiro arrived at Kuoh Academy, heading straight towards the Occult Research Club. It was nearing the end of classes, so there wasn't anybody there. Sitting on the couch, Shinjiro started meditating, becoming one with his surroundings and entering a deep state of calmness. His usually stern expression softened, reflecting a rare gentle side that was not often seen.

After a little while, the doors to the club finally opened, and a petite figure entered before closing the door. She stopped when she noticed someone there and focused on him for a moment before getting closer. She could feel a pleasant feeling around him.

Hesitating for a brief moment, Koneko's feline features started to emerge, and she cautiously approached Shinjiro. His serene presence seemed to draw her in, offering a sense of peace she rarely felt. Eventually, she got in front of him and, feeling a deep sense of comfort, lay down on the couch next to him, snuggling against his body. She closed her eyes and gradually fell asleep, her usual guarded demeanor softened by his calming aura.

A little later, the doors opened once again with Rias, Akeno, Kiba, and Issei entering, talking normally before noticing the scene between Shinjiro and Koneko.

 Akeno raised an eyebrow, letting out a soft chuckle. "My, my, isn't that adorable?" she teased, her voice carrying a hint of mischief. Deciding not to disturb them, she went over to set up her tea cart and prepare snacks.

Rias's eyes widened slightly at the sight, a soft smile forming on her lips. She then walked over to her desk, glancing at Shinjiro and Koneko once more before reviewing the documents on her desk.

Kiba looked at the surprising scene before sitting down on the opposite couch, taking out a book to read.

Issei, jealous, muttered under his breath. "Lucky bastard," glaring at Shinjiro.

A few moments later, Shinjiro opened his eyes, looking around and seeing that everyone was finally there. Noting a slight pressure on his side, he glanced down to see Koneko curled like a cat near him. Seeing her like this, he couldn't resist scratching her ears, causing them to twitch slightly.

After a few moments of scratching, Koneko woke up. Feeling the scratches behind her ear, she looked up to see Shinjiro staring at her with his red eyes. She froze momentarily before blushing and quickly getting up, creating distance with her feline features disappearing.

Akeno, pushing the cart with tea and snacks, couldn't resist teasing. "Ara, ara, Koneko-chan, getting comfortable with Shinjiro already?" she said with a sly smile as she began to pour tea for everyone, gracefully placing the cups in front of everyone.

Rias took a sip, smiling. "Akeno, this tea is wonderful as always."

Akeno bowed slightly, her smile widening. "Thank you, Rias. I'm glad you like it."

Kiba nodded in agreement. "It's perfect, Akeno. You always know how to make the best tea."

Issei, enjoying the snacks, chimed in. "Yeah, Akeno-senpai, these snacks are amazing too!"

Akeno's smile widened. "I'm happy you all enjoy it."

Shinjiro, after taking a sip, looked at Akeno. "Your tea is exceptional, Akeno. Thank you."

Akeno's cheeks tinged slightly pink. "Thank you, Shinjiro. I'm glad you like it."

"Alright, are you guys ready for your training?" asked Shinjiro.

Rias looked up from her desk, curiosity piqued. "How long will you be training us?" she asked as she stacked the papers on her desk before carefully putting them away.

"Long enough to ensure you're prepared for any... upcoming challenges," Shinjiro replied vaguely.

Rias paused, sensing the hidden meaning in his words, a mix of curiosity and concern flickering in her eyes. "Where will we train?"

"You should have somewhere secluded, no?" asked Shinjiro.

"Yes, I do. Let's go right away."

Rias couldn't hide her excitement, but she also felt a newfound determination, understanding the urgency behind Shinjiro's words. "Thank you, Shinjiro," she said, her tone grateful.

Everyone gathered around Rias, with Shinjiro following. A large, crimson magic circle bearing the Gremory emblem appeared beneath them, glowing intensely before enveloping everyone in a brilliant red light and transporting them away. As Shinjiro grabbed Issei, he used his touki to envelop him in his aura after noting the minimal magic he had and the rejection of the teleportation.

Issei's eyes widened as he felt the strange sensation of Shinjiro's aura. "Whoa, what is this?!" he exclaimed, amazement in his voice.

Upon arriving, Shinjiro noticed they were in a train station. It was his first time going to the underworld formally.

"Since this is Issei's first journey to the underworld, we'll take the train. It's a tradition for new members to travel formally for the first time. It helps as an introduction to the Underworld. After that, we can use magical circles for quicker travel. This is the Gremory station, and that right there is my family's train," said Rias as she pointed to a large train fitting the Gremory image.

"Wow, rich ojou-san," Issei muttered, impressed.

"Hey!" Rias retorted, slightly embarrassed.

Getting on the train, Rias guided everyone to the front, greeting the employees on the way.

"Penemue," exclaimed Shinjiro, not expecting her to be here.

"What, I can't visit my hubby whenever I want wherever he is?" Penemue responded playfully.

"What? No, I mean, I just didn't expect to see you here."

"She asked to come along for the training," said Rias.

"Yes, I have to see what meets your standards," said Penemue, which brought curious looks from both Rias and Akeno.

Issei, noticing Penemue's looks, couldn't help but stare. "She's... hot," he mumbled, unable to tear his gaze away before getting bonked by Shinjiro which knocked him out onto the nearest seat.

Penemue, observing the exchange, chuckled softly. "Boys will be boys," she said with an amused smile, adding a hint of light-heartedness to the situation.

Everyone sat down with Kiba sitting next to the unconscious Issei, Koneko sprawling down in a nearby section, Rias and Akeno sitting next to each other, and finally, Shinjiro sitting down with Penemue on his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck, staring at both Akeno and Rias, making them slightly uncomfortable.

After passing through the station, Shinjiro could see some of the landscape of the underworld. A little longer, and they finally made it to the Gremory territory before stopping at another station.

After arriving at the private Gremory train station in the Underworld, Rias gathered everyone. "Alright, from here we'll use a teleportation circle to get to the training grounds. It will take us directly to the base of the mountain where our training will begin."

Everyone gathered their belongings and stood in the circle that Rias quickly conjured. With a flash of crimson light, they were teleported to the foot of a huge mountain with Shinjiro helping Issei again. The mountain loomed high with long steps leading up to the training grounds.

Rias glanced up at the seemingly endless steps and then at the heavy luggage they were carrying. She had second thoughts about the climb. "I forgot how long these steps are," she muttered.

"Can't we just teleport? It's faster," Rias suggested.

"Nope. Here, even I will participate. I didn't bring much, but I can put these bracelets on that can increase their weight up to a certain weight," said Shinjiro as he showed two bracelets, one on each arm, looking like steel construction before a slight glow signified their activation. He started walking up, looking slightly sluggish but showing no reaction.

"Are you sure they work?" Rias asked skeptically.

"Koneko, catch," said Shinjiro as he tossed a spare bracelet he had.

As Koneko caught it, the bracelet activated, sending her hands to the ground and cracking the steps. She struggled to even lift the bracelet before it deactivated.

"See? Oh, and keep it. I'll give you another one at the top. You'll be using it a lot," said Shinjiro with a grin.

Akeno chuckled softly. "Seems like we're in for quite the workout."

Issei groaned. "Just my luck…"

As they reached the top, Shinjiro noted the wide area as well as the huge mansion. Deciding this was sufficient, Shinjiro nodded to Penemue as she started to create a multi-layered barrier surrounding the whole top of the mountain, covering it in a faint blue glow before becoming translucent.

"What was that for?" asked Rias.

"Extra security, just in case. It never hurts to be cautious, even in your own territory," replied Shinjiro.

"It's late, so get some rest. We begin at dawn. Anybody who doesn't get up in time will have to train triple as hard as everyone else."

Rias's peerage began to disperse as they headed to their quarters. Rias herself lingered, sensing that Shinjiro had something on his mind.

"Rias, I need to talk to you," Shinjiro said, his tone indicating the seriousness of the matter.

She paused, making sure they were alone. "What did you want to talk about?" she asked.

"I've gathered some information about your peerage, but I want to hear it directly from you. I know they have complex pasts that affect them deeply. I need to understand their backgrounds somewhat to help them work towards overcoming their issues and become stronger, or else they'll forever be limited, no matter how hard they try."

Rias nodded, a hint of reluctance and worry in her eyes. "Alright, I'll tell you everything you need to know."

She took a deep breath, her concern for her peerage evident. "Koneko has a traumatic past, especially because of her sister Kuroka, who went mad and killed her king, becoming a stray devil. This has left Koneko with emotional scars and a reluctance to fully embrace her abilities. Akeno struggles with her identity and the pain of her past, torn between her fallen angel heritage and her devil side. Kiba carries the weight of his survival from the Holy Sword Project, which has left him with a deep-seated hatred for Holy Swords and the church."

Shinjiro listened intently, taking note of Kuroka before nodding. "Understanding their pasts will help me tailor their training to not just build their strength, but also to help them overcome their inner demons. They need to face these issues head-on if they're going to grow."

Rias hesitated for a moment before speaking again, her voice filled with concern. "I worry about them, Shinjiro. They've been through so much already."

"I'll push them, but I won't break them. They have potential, Rias, and with the right guidance, they'll overcome their pasts and become even stronger."

Rias smiled slightly, appreciating his straightforward approach. "I'm counting on you, Shinjiro."


Yo Yo,

Has anybody else felt like this week went by too fast? I'm surprised it's already Friday. Anyway, I'm just going to breeze through this training, so I'm going to release multiple chapters today and over the weekend to get it out of the way before moving on to the next arc.

Also, a question for those who work out their grip strength: what do you train? Currently, I only use grippers and some weighted exercises I've seen recommended.

On another note, I am also going to start uploading videos on YouTube under my same name, AnonDag, of me playing video games like BeamNG, Wrench, or Apex to force myself to relax and enjoy myself, just like writing. Currently, I only sleep, work, work out, and sleep. There is only one upload from a couple of days ago—just me doing a scenario racing an AI. Give feedback if you can about how to get quicker times; I am not experienced in driving a manual transmission.

Current Harem:


Potential Harem(I only add on when potential members have showed up.):




