Chapter 15: Growth Discussions

 Shinjiro led Rias into a private room, where he gestured for her to sit. As she did, he began speaking, his voice calm but firm.

"Rias, you have great potential, but great power in the hands of a child will not be the same as in the hands of a seasoned fighter. Your control over the Power of Destruction is lacking. You rely too heavily on overwhelming force, and that can be a double-edged sword."

Rias sighed. "I know. It's something I've struggled with. The Power of Destruction is volatile, and sometimes it feels like it has a mind of its own."

Shinjiro's eyes narrowed. "That's an excuse. You need discipline, focus, and emotional control. Penemue will teach you how to control and direct your magic properly. She knows her stuff inside out."

Rias looked at him, her eyes filled with determination. "And what about you? How will you help?"

"I'll focus on your physical training. A strong body supports strong magic. We'll work on endurance, strength, and resilience. You'll need these attributes to sustain your magical output and maintain control in high-stress situations."

Rias leaned forward, curiosity and resolve evident in her gaze. "What will my training look like?"

"Your regimen will include morning endurance runs, strength exercises, and combat drills. Midday, you'll have sessions with Penemue to refine your magic. In the afternoons, we'll focus on strategy and teamwork exercises to help you lead more effectively. Evenings will be for meditation and mental training to improve focus and control."

Rias nodded slowly, absorbing the information. "Thank you, Shinjiro. I appreciate your guidance. I'll do my best to improve."

Shinjiro gave her a rare, encouraging smile. "I have no doubt you will, Rias."


Shinjiro found Akeno in the next room, her expression a mix of curiosity and guarded emotions. He motioned for her to sit, and she did so gracefully.

"Akeno, you are a powerful combatant, but your past and the hatred you harbor towards fallen angels are holding you back. This hatred limits your potential and prevents you from fully utilizing your abilities."

Akeno's eyes narrowed, and she crossed her arms defensively. "It's not easy to just let go of that hatred, Shinjiro. You have no idea what I've been through."

Shinjiro's gaze softened slightly. "You're right. I don't know everything you've been through, but I do know that it is holding you back. Now I won't be naive and say to just forget it, but do not let that hatred prevent you from using what is yours. Your blood has no fault in it of its own; it's only the words of others that make it seem as such. Embrace your heritage; it's part of what makes you powerful."

Akeno's shoulders tensed, and her eyes glistened with unshed tears. "How can I do that after all I've seen and been through? My mother was killed because of my heritage. I've spent years hating that part of myself."

Shinjiro took a step closer, his expression firm. "I won't pretend and say it's easy. Facing your past and accepting every part of yourself is one of the hardest things you'll ever do. But it's also the only way to truly grow stronger. Your fallen angel heritage isn't a curse—it's a part of you that, when embraced, can make you more powerful than you ever imagined."

He paused, letting his words sink in before continuing. "Penemue will help integrate your fallen angel abilities with your devil powers. She's qualified to guide you through this process. You'll also train physically with me to build your endurance and resilience. We'll push your limits, and you'll learn just how strong you really are."

Shinjiro placed a hand on her shoulder, looking directly into her eyes. "Strength isn't just physical. It's also mental and emotional. Without willpower, strength is meaningless. You can be the strongest, but if your mind limits you, you will never truly be strong. You're not alone in this, and I promise you will come out stronger if you stop limiting yourself because of what happened in the past. If you let the past dictate your life, you will never live in the present and won't make it to the future."

Akeno took a deep breath, her tears beginning to dry. She nodded slowly, determination flickering in her eyes. "Thank you, Shinjiro. I'll do my best."

Akeno took another deep breath, her expression softening. "What kind of training will I be doing?"

"Your training will include morning physical exercises to build endurance and strength. Midday sessions with Penemue will focus on controlling and integrating your powers. In the afternoons, we'll work on emotional control and meditation. Evenings will be for honing your combat skills."

Akeno looked down, her voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you, Shinjiro. I'll try not to let my anger stop me from becoming stronger for Rias and the others, as well as for myself."

Shinjiro reached out, placing a hand on her shoulder. "You're stronger than you think, Akeno. You have the support of everyone here, We'll get through this together."


Shinjiro found Koneko waiting, her usual stoic expression in place. He guided her to a seat and sat across from her.

"Koneko, you are incredibly strong, but I can see that you're holding back. Your past with your sister is weighing you down, and it's affecting your performance."

Koneko's eyes flickered with pain, but she remained silent.

Shinjiro continued. "I understand that it's difficult, but you need to confront your past to move forward. Now, I can't tell you I know why she did what she did, but I believe she had good reasons. For someone such as herself to let loose like that, it was either for a reason or she was forced."

Koneko's voice was barely a whisper. "I don't want to talk about it."

"I know but avoiding it won't help you. Accepting your heritage and understanding your sister's actions will make you stronger. I'll mentor you personally, focusing on your fighting skills and physical training."

Koneko looked up, her eyes filled with a mix of confusion and sadness. "How will I understand her actions? I don't even have any idea why she would abandon me."

A voice interrupted, filled with sorrow and resolve. "I never abandoned you, Shirone, my sister, my only family left. I could never hurt you, but I had to for your safety."

"I abandoned that name a long time ago, Kuroka," trembled Koneko in anger and sadness seeing her sister.

Kuroka's eyes widened slightly, tears running down her face.

"What reason could you have had to go into a frenzy and abandon me? You left me there, for what?" Koneko yelled.

"They were going to use us for experiments, Shirone. I was fine with it happening to me, but I couldn't let them touch you. I never went mad; in fact, I was never clearer. I killed the devils for you. I left for you. I couldn't let you be hunted down like I am still. I am strong, yes, but even ants can take down an elephant."

"Why? Why tell me just now? Do you know how long I have resented you, thinking you just went mad and left me all alone? I hated you. I left my past behind, only to now realize it was all a lie."

"Shirone," muttered Kuroka as she trembled, the pain evident in her eyes.

Koneko took a deep breath, wiping away her tears. "I... I don't know if I can forgive you right away. But I want to try. I want to understand, to train, and to embrace who I am. Maybe we can start over."

Shinjiro nodded approvingly. "That's a good decision, Koneko. Embrace your heritage and your strength. We'll train hard, and you'll grow stronger together."

Koneko looked at her sister, determination shining through her tears. "Alright, let's do this. Together."

"We'll start with the basics: weight training and agility drills to enhance your physical abilities, as well as combat training with me. We'll also spar regularly to improve your combat instincts. Your sister will teach you about your heritage and help you integrate it into your fighting style. Additionally, you'll have a mandatory family discussion every night."

Koneko nodded slowly. "I'll try. I want to get stronger."

Shinjiro's expression softened. "You have incredible potential, Koneko. Together, we'll unlock it."


Shinjiro found Kiba in the next room, his usual composed demeanor masking a whirlwind of emotions. He gestured for Kiba to sit.

"Kiba, your swordsmanship is exceptional, but your hatred towards those who wronged you is clouding your judgment. This hatred is preventing you from reaching your full potential."

Kiba's eyes darkened. "It's not easy to let go of that hatred, Shinjiro."

Shinjiro nodded. "I understand, and I don't want you to forget why you have that hatred, but do not let it limit you. Instead, harness it to become stronger and achieve what you desire. If you let that hatred control you, it will only make you weaker. Everyone needs you to be clear-headed and focused. Hatred will cloud your mind and make you a weak link."

Kiba sighed, his expression conflicted. "What do you suggest?"

"We'll work on both your physical strength and mental clarity. Your training will include intense physical exercises, meditation, and I'll personally spar with you to sharpen your combat instincts and skills. Penemue also believes you are not using your Sacred Gear to its full potential, so she will handle your Sacred Gear training."

Kiba looked at Shinjiro, determination slightly replacing the conflict in his eyes. "I understand. I'll work on controlling my hatred."

Shinjiro placed a hand on Kiba's shoulder. "You have the potential to be a powerful swordsman, Kiba. Remember this: it's sad when a man is unable to see his body and mind together at the peak of their potential."


Shinjiro found Issei in the final room; his usual energetic demeanor tinged with nervousness. He motioned for Issei to sit.

"Issei, what do you want to accomplish in your life?"

Issei shifted slightly, his voice enthusiastic. "I want to be the harem king!"

Shinjiro raised an eyebrow but maintained his composure. "That's a... unique goal to only strive towards. But to achieve that, you need the strength to protect your loved ones and the endurance to handle them. Right now, you have neither."

Issei looked down, his voice quiet. "Yeah, I know I'm weak."

"We'll change that. Your training will focus on building your strength and endurance. You'll do strength training, stamina runs, and combat drills. We'll also work on your control over your Sacred Gear. Think of the Gremory Peerage as your family. You need to get stronger for them too."

Issei's eyes filled with determination. "I understand. I'll train hard."

Shinjiro grinned. "Towards being a harem king."

"Towards being a harem king!" exclaimed Issei, pumping his fist in the air.


Towards being a harem king!

Hey everyone, it's been a little while since I last published. I've been prepping myself for college, which starts in August. I work and go to school, so I had to adjust my schedule. Now, I get up at 5 AM and go to bed at 10:30 PM. Also, I'm one of those people who doesn't like going into a class unprepared, so I've been studying a bit for each course to get an idea of what to expect.

Anyway, we're almost at the rating game, which will be in two or more chapters, based on where I left off in my docs.

Question: Do you guys want another smut scene before the rating game? I can make it work, as there's something that can serve as a catalyst. There will definitely be one after the rating game anyway. So, I'm asking if you want two smut scenes. As for the one after, I think most of you can guess who it's going to be with.