In the hospital ward, I saw Jessica. She, who used to be overbearing, was now lying on the bed by various tubes, just like a withering flower.

"Do you believe in karma?" she looked at me with a faint bitter smile, "Perhaps this is my karma for how I treated you before."

"I was wrong, so wrong. If life could be lived over, I would never do that again."

"Alice, I'm sorry." She reached out with her thin fingers. Her tears welled up in her eyes and grasped my hand.

"Give me a chance to redeem sins by good deeds, please?"

"From now on, we'll be a family, you'll be my dearest elder sister."

"I'm willing to share everything with you." Her pitiful appearance truly tugged at my heartstrings. But I knew it was just a facade. Once the bone marrow was transplanted successfully, I would be the unluckiest person again.

"Would you really share everything with me? I'm afraid I wouldn't be worthy of such a gesture." I sneered coldly, "I don't want to end up like your two younger brothers did."

"No, I won't treat you like that. You saved my life, how could I ever repay you with evil?" Jessica raised her hand to the sky and swore, "I will be kind to you and share you with everything. May God witness that I will fulfill my promise…"

"Enough, save your words." I pushed her hand back, "Let me think about it. I'll give you the answer tomorrow."

I went to visit Bill and played him the recording video from my phone. This recording was the conversation between Alice and me.

Under my deliberate guidance, Jessica admitted to killing her two younger brothers herself. Bill was shocked. It was a truth he couldn't accept. He never would have thought that his most beloved daughter could have done such a terrifying thing!

Two lives were simply dead in her hands! He shook all over and seemed aged ten years in an instant. I poured him a cup of coffee and handed it to him.

"Now, do you still want me to donate my marrow to her?" "When she killed her two younger brothers, she also gave up the opportunity to live."

"Aren't you afraid that one day, she might do the same to you?" Bill held the coffee, his expression changing rapidly. I knew he had understood what I said, and those words had already grown in his heart.

"Alright, that's all I wanted to say. I agree to donate the marrow. Call me if you need me." I finished and turned towards the door. My ears, however, were tense to listen for Bill's voice behind me. Finally, his voice floated up, faint but clear.

"Alice, can we talk again?" I pretended to be calm and turned around slowly.

"About what?"

"Let's talk about the past," his gaze was somewhat meaningful, "and also about our future…"

Jessica died. Bill held the press conference and officially accepted me as his daughter. And I replaced Alice and I was the real daughter of Bill Thompson.

Undoubtedly, it sparked another online frenzy. But this time, no one mocked me anymore. Heroes are not asked about their origin. I finally washed off the stigma of "the condom." Now, I am a proper heiress of a wealthy family. Six years later, Bill passed away due to illness.

As his only daughter, I inherited everything he had. I was listed as a young, capable, beautiful, wealthy lady in this Forbes. And my mother, she no longer saw any of this, nor did she have the fortune to enjoy the fruits of her labor.

I had a secret that I had been hiding for a long time. Actually, it was I who pushed my mother down the stairs. Back then, she was drinking heavily every day and even did not know who the father of her illegitimate child was. She was like a possessed person and determined to give birth.

She said that if it was a daughter, she would love her very much, sending her to the best school, and buying her the most beautiful clothes.

In this way, she would marry a wealthy man in the future, so that she could also benefit from his wealth and enjoy a happy life… Her words inevitably made me think of myself.

I never wanted to see another girl like me in this world, so in a fit of anger, I pushed her down the stairs! I didn't regret it. If I had to do it over again, I would still make the same choice.