More than eight years ago, they were just ordinary farmers in a small village.

 One day, after a heavy rain, my father suddenly found something strange on a couple's tomb. The tomb was located on our farm. This couple was very in love, but one night both of them died at the same time, allegedly due to a passionate sex session.

 It looked like a transparent geoduck with a faint fishy smell, it had a big mouth that looked like the women's vulva and its whole body moved slowly.

Looking at its appearance, it reminded my father of the legendary creature called Tai Sui in a Chinese mythical novel.

He decided to bring it home and take care of it.

 But as time went on, they realized something was wrong.

The smell of the creature seemed to have an aphrodisiac effect, making men have sex impulses and unable to control their desires until it was satisfied.

This made my parents' love grow stronger.

As they had more sex, the smell of the creature became stronger, and eventually, a peculiar meaty egg was born from the vulva mouth.

By chance, they discovered that the egg contained a viscous liquid that gave men special abilities, making their sex more attractive to women.

My father was not afraid and even suggested using it to make money.

 However, the smell of the creature only affected men and not women.

 So my mother and father divided tasks. My mother collected eggs and performed surgeries while my father developed customers.

 To their surprise, the business boomed and wealth poured in.

 Until one day, a mysterious old witch visited us and asked for the creature.

She warned that it was an evil object that should never be used again.

 Despite feeling scared inside, my parents were greedy and refused to know the truth.

 Instead, they chased the old witch away. The old witch left behind a warning that there would

always be another chance to meet again.

 After several years, my father began to feel strange changes in his body.

 Once he used the meaty egg, he could no longer reproduce.

 Over time, his cock even started to shrink until he couldn't perform any sexual acts anymore.

 And as the creature grew bigger and the smell got stronger, it also made men's sexual function stronger and stronger. But the sex life was shorter and shorter. Originally eight years, then four, and finally less than one year.

 Men valued the sex function more than anything else.

 Those who underwent the surgery would get welcomed by their special friend at first and then were forgotten soon. Those who couldn't accept the fact were depressed and got crazy, and some even committed suicide.

 Women who had contact with these men became addicted to sex.

 That's why Jenny's ex-boyfriend died so quickly.

 My mother was worried that he would hurt Jenny after the surgery.

 So she used two meaty eggs during his surgery, expecting his cock to shrink faster and become useless after a strong dosage.

 But to her shock and dismay, Peter died within two months.

 With so many lives dead, my father began to fear.

 However, my mother was unwilling to close the clinic due to her love for wealth and status.

Eventually, she came up with a compromise that killing two birds with one stone. She handed over the clinic to me and let me earn money for my family. It also was me that took responsibility for any problems that might arise later. Yes, I was their least favorite child. 

If something did happen, I would be the one to face the consequences.

Decades had passed.

Father and mother didn't expect that the old witch's words of "meet again" would actually come true.

The old witch named Angela.

"It is indeed called Tai Sui, it's a substance that embodies extreme carnality.

Its pungent odor is also known as lascivious poison.

Your son has taken a large amount of lascivious poison and has not excreted it in time. That's why he was carotic until now and cannot wake up."

Angela smiled faintly at my mother.

"But don't worry, I can save him.

However, life for life, if you want to save him, you must bring the creature to exchange."

My father didn't hesitate at all, didn't even think about it, and immediately agreed.

All these years, in fact, he has hated this evil creature to death in his heart.

He hated this evil creature for making him unable to enjoy sex, becoming neither a man nor a women.

He hated this evil creature for making his wife unsatisfied with sex and always cheated on him.

He hated this evil creature for harming his only son, making him a semi-dead vegetable.

But my mother hesitated.

Although Charles was her favorite child, she loved herself more.

She should have been an ordinary illiterate farmer. She should have lived a poor and miserable life and worried about bread and milk for the family.

But the appearance of the creature changed her life.

Delicious food, expensive clothes, high social status, endless wealth, ultimate pleasure from sex. as well as, beautiful and charming everlasting beauty. All this, she couldn't give up, and she wouldn't give up.

Even if the price is the life of her favorite son.