Chapter 1: Future or another reality?

Author warnings.

Content for people with a developed and adult mindset keep this in mind.

This story is merely fictional, if you think you see situations, information or cases that judge/prove its veracity, ignore this as it is a mere coincidence.

Contains bad words. Ignore this.

It may have racist content, or quotes from another time or reality of life that you do not agree with. Ignore this.

A work based on the book by Robert A. Heinlein and the film, Starship Trooper contains situations or quotes from other works.

Chapter 1: Future or another reality?

Come on, you monkeys! Do you want to live forever?

—Unknown platoon sergeant, 1918

I decided to write this biography of mine at the very end of my life, as crazy as the final one may seem, maybe someone will really believe it and in the end I hope it doesn't seem like it was written by a human being in a state of advanced dementia.


It has been many a few years since I was born again, this might be the most appropriate term for my situation at that time.

My past, which I remember as my old self, had not brought me great advantages in this life, since this new reality is exactly 150 years in the future, that's right, I was in the year 2174. Think how unbelievable it is to see the discrepancy overwhelming technology between eras, very similar items, but very different and unbelievable.

I think it would be like taking a person from the industrial revolution and throwing it into 2024. But I think I'm at least more open-minded than this group if put in my shoes.

And what would be the reason for my arrival. I have no idea, only God must know, I spent years thinking about the reason or cause of my situation, but you know, there comes a time when you stop thinking about these things and start living life as you should, that is, one step at a time.

From what I remember, the zero date of my arrival was when I was 5 years old, that is, 2164 or I think that's what it is, today at the age of 15 I am entering the federation's technical school, yes there were changes in the curriculum, apparently we became more intelligent, many things have changed and from what I saw we became more precocious, I don't know if it is a new state of evolution since some people develop psionic mental abilities that are not very powerful and are more present.

How do I know this? There is a test that the federation requires us to take and that we all take to judge whether we have these skills or are slowly developing them and I can say that I am one too, but I can't prove it, I can't say if it was caused by my arrival from my soul/ consciousness or not, but somehow I possess these psionic abilities.

Let's be honest, I wasn't able to pass the proposed tests, but I can feel the cumulative effects of this ability, how can I describe this, I think I'm a CDF, yes, a great CDF, the more I study, the better my learning skills become and the more I apply them and when the studied knowledge is directed towards a concrete model, the better the improvement ideas are to use and improve them and this creates a virtuous circle.

You must be thinking that this isn't just studying? It's nothing more than that! I don't know how to say it, there are constant improvements, I can feel these small improvements in the brain. It's like a game where you level up, but the difference is that there is no XP bar.

To make it easier to understand, I will briefly describe some levels of intelligence, but this does not really portray reality. At most it is sarcasm made towards myself and my peers.

0 donkey: … 5% of the population

Half normal: 40% I think I started at this level here, only when I got smarter did I discover how stupid I was...

Normal: normal people today.50%

Half intelligent 4% of the population

Smart: It took me 10 years to get to this level. 0.09%

When I thought about it, I couldn't believe what the population would be like in 2024, or before, but I soon stopped thinking so as not to scare myself.

So time passed and I progressed as much as possible, since being young has its limitations and even more so when it scares the people around you, when I thought I was going to escape the young people full of testosterone at school due to my intelligence, but I ended up discovering how reality is tough, it's almost impossible to skip the federation's school schedule, but I managed to break this rule, but how? I think my mental age plus effort managed to bend the complex and bureaucratic structure of reality.? Of course not, I made friends with the right people, but at first I continued to struggle, until I discovered a group of scientists lecturing in the region, and that's when I realized what I had to do, there I was begging for my new mother to take me I still remember her face ahahah, so I was there talking about complex things and theories with these Doctors and that's when things got into gear, I made friends and joined their chat group, I decided some accounts placed there in the group and so, here I am, skipping four years, it wasn't easy, not so much, but I entered the final stretch, ready to complete a period of service as scientists in the federation and become a worthy citizen of society.

Now when I remember when I arrived in this world I was curious and paranoid about everything, I spent weeks researching and I was surprised, the story is the same as I remembered there was no difference with the history of humanity that I remembered, so I was curious and looked to the future I came across the reality of this world since humanity has always been marked by many conflicts and governments I already expected this model of government to be the same or just another one that emerged after a conflict, with ideas revolutionary.

But I didn't expect this type of conflict to be the catalyst, the federation was founded in 2045 after the war, or rather, the war for the survival of the species, humans against robots yes that's right in 2036 an experimental AI made by a large company , decided to act behind the scenes and started a war, and how did she do it? Of course, distorting information from nations and powerful groups so that they could fight among themselves. So while they were fighting she started building an army of machines in the dark, luckily she left traces so a certain group of the army got proof and then luckily she wasn't numerous enough and didn't have enough perfected robots, so after a A fierce war was annihilated by all forces, which led to a certain fear in the development of complex AI by humanity, so fearful armies took power and created the federation ruled with an iron fist.

This ended up reminding me of that theory of cyclical history and how human history repeats itself, but I have to say that since the federation was formed there has been an unprecedented change on the planet, the war is over and there are no reports of major conflicts in the last 60 years, but to the surprise of skeptics at the time they ended up becoming a very efficient government, hunger for example was eradicated in months in those first years, since hunger existed by choice not due to a real lack of resources available on the planet.

But as you know, not everything is rosy, crimes still exist and will always exist in any society, it is an intrinsic aspect, except for people who hope for its eradication or as I call them "idiots" I mean, if there are humans there will be conflicts at most there will be moments of reduction but what is the ideal acceptable proportion?.. it is as written.

#We are against war and do not wish to help the war effort, whether by enlisting or paying war taxes to the government. Doing so only helps to strengthen and perpetuate the war machine. However, it is said in Romans 13:1 "every man is subject to the superior authorities, for there is no authority that does not come from God; and those that there are, have been ordained by God "if the law of the land states that everyone must pay war taxes, then that is what we must do.#

I ended up getting lost, yes, as I was saying, we have always been in conflict and we always will be, it's as if we were made and programmed for this, it's funny how we seek peace and for what? If shortly after, because we don't know how to deal with it very well and by our own choice we destroy it or even by a chance of fate, we seem to be doomed to escalate these conflicts ready to spill blood and emerge from passivity.


Azienda you will be late.

OK mother. I'm just writing a little bit, come on.