Chapter 1

"Huff, huff"In the woods, a little girl was running away from danger. She didn't know where her feet were leading her, she could only run far away as they told her.Unbeknownst to her, three big, brown werewolves were chasing after her. Its speed was faster compared to the girl's pace. One of them howled, sending a message that they found what they were looking for. She looked behind, only to see that they were already on her tail, a few more steps before they pounced on her.She screamed as the three surrounded her. Their fangs bore towards her ready to kill the girl."Please, let me go." She cried, but they ignored her pleas and proceeded to open their mouths. As they opened them, they were suddenly pushed by another werewolf and taken out of the girl's sight. She can only stare at the night sky as she hears them break bones and howling in pain, tearing the flesh. She was too terrified to even sit.After a few minutes, it was silent now, not hearing any wolves. A sound of scrunch in the leaves was heard, making her hitch. She wanted to see if the wolves ran away, so she sat up and the scene in front of her almost made her puke. The wolves were dead and a boy stood there a bit older than her, panting from exhaustion over fighting the three. He turned when he saw a movement on his left. His mouth was stained with blood, his hair was disheveled and his eyes were golden brown that illuminated in the dark which made the girl even more scared.The boy approached her and offered his hands."Are you alright?" He asks, but the girl doesn't respond she only looks at him in fear."Everything is gonna be okay. Trust me." He reassured her. She was hesitant but she also thought that he saved her from the wolves. And with that, she took his hands and held it firmly._________________"Wake up already!" A smack of a pillow on my face jolted me up. I glared at my sister who was standing, her amber hair tied in a ponytail as she stared blankly at me, hands on her hips. "Good morning, to you too," I grumbled and stretched my arms."You better get up, we have 1 hour before school starts," Allie said and went out of the room to start preparing the breakfast. I widened my eyes and checked my clock on my nightstand. It's already 7: 10 and classes start at 8:40. I quickly get out of bed and go to the bathroom, take a shower, and change my clothes. I'm running around the room doing god knows what..For those who don't know me, my name is Flora Crimson and the one who put a pillow on my face was Allie Crimson. Me and Allie were foster children. At a young age, we didn't know who was our parents, we had no information and no histories from them. We still didn't give up on finding them. Here I am, brushing my dark hair, tons of clips and ponytails scattered on my table trying at least to be presentable when I go to the Academy. The college we are attending was none other than The F.U.N Academia, one of the finest schools in New York. The school is quite famous you know, most of them were noble families, and some are just...ordinary.

We didn't know how we got in but it just happened. We were lucky even to attend that school.

 I checked myself in the mirror one more time before grabbing my bag and leaving the room. As I walked downstairs, my sister was already eating in the dining room. She cooked two eggs, two sausages, and a waffle with syrup. "You didn't wait for me." I pouted while she was busy enjoying her breakfast. "If you didn't sleep late last night, you could've wake up early. Nevertheless, eat your breakfast, we still have 30 minutes before the bus comes and fetch us." She informed me as she stood and grabbed her empty plates to wash.  "Ugh, can you not tell me the time, I know I always wake up late. You didn't have to tell me again." I huffed. We were always like this, always bickering but not too much though. I scrambled towards the table and ate my food." Also, I just did my homework if that's what you're on about." I added  "Oh really, let me remind you that I was the one who finished your homework, you didn't do yours and fell asleep. So I helped you." She grinned as she went to the sink and washed her hands.  "Whatever" I mumbled. A sudden honk was heard making our heads look outside. "That's our cue, I'm gonna get your bag and wait for you outside." She said and I nodded, I quickly ate my food before hurriedly putting it on the sink. I checked myself one more time before going out. A sudden cold hits my face, making me tighten my arms around myself."Ohh, it's freezing cold in here." I trembled.  "Yeah, it is. Let's go." Allie ushered me to go to the bus. ___________  After 10 Minutes, we arrived at our destination. Students and teachers were walking towards the school. People were having conversations about their day. As we were walking, an arm was suddenly placed on my neck, almost making me fall in the process. I glare at that person, his short messy grey hair comes into my view, his dark brown eyes squinting at me as he smiles, is none other than my best friend, Blaise.  "Good morning, my sweet Flower." He smiled and laughed at my expression."Morning, and please remove your arms from my neck or I will cut them." I threatened, he swiftly removed his arms and put his hands up."Woah chill out missy, who put you into a bad mood this morning?" He asks. I was about to tell him when my sister cut me."It was me, don't worry she will calm down if you give her sweets." Allie grinned.  "Yeah, as if that will help me." I rolled my eyes. Blaise only stares at me and Allie wanting to break our argument."Hey hey, can you at least try not to break each other's head off, and let's go." He deadpanned and took me and my sister's arms while walking faster. Allie went to the other hallway while the two of us went upstairs, discussing our project from one of the subjects.  "Did you finish the outer layers of the sketch?" He asks."Yeah, I did. Here take a look." I was taking out my sketchbook when I mistook my walking and tripping myself in the process. I closed my eyes waiting for the concrete floor to smash my face. However, someone pulled my arm preventing me from falling. When I opened my eyes, a guy was holding me, the space between us was too short, almost kissing actually. I looked at him to see that he was already staring at me making me feel shy under his gaze. I examine some of his features. He had a tight jaw, his cheekbones evident making him look mature, his tight lips, his eyebrows were furrowed and his eyes were chocolate-brown.  Blaise just looked at us, waiting for something to happen. I broke out of my daze at him and started to stand up."Uh, sorry I wasn't looking where I was going." I apologize, my cheeks were red from how close we were a while ago. The guy only looked at me, before continuing to walk wherever he was going. "Uh, okay then." I shrugged."Come on, Blaise." I called and went to our classroom. ________________ Bell Rings...  The Math teacher, Miss Froyer, went inside the classroom to start a new lesson. "Okay, scholars. Bring out your notebook and take down some notes for what I'm about to show you." She placed her laptop on the table and used a projector to magnify the lesson. "So here we're going to talk about Algebra." She smiled as she presented the file to her students.  Everyone groaned as they all took out their notebooks and started to write. Blaise came close to Flora and whispered,"Damn, the first day of Monday and we're going to stuff our minds with numbers and signs." I chuckled."True," I whispered. Suddenly, our advisor went inside, asking Miss Froyer to have a talk with us and that she was going to announce something. Miss Froyer stood in the corner and let our advisor, Miss Hana do the talking. "Okay everyone, I would like to introduce our new student who will be joining us today. Please be friendly and kind to him. Mr. Moone, please come in" Miss Hanna said and turned towards the door. The door opened and he walked inside. The students start to whisper and murmur to themselves.  "He's quite handsome"  "And tall I might add." I stared at the guy who stood in front, facing us. Blaise nudged me." Hey, isn't he the one who helped you?" He asks and I look at the guy again."Yeah, he is the one." I mumbled.  "Please introduce yourself." She gestured to stand in the center. He walks forward as he looks at us. "Good morning everyone, my name is Marcellus Moone, it's a pleasure to meet you all." His voice is deep and has a bit of a British accent.He raises his head and scans the room before making eye contact with me. I was blushing when he only looked at me while Miss Hanna was busy discussing other matters. "And now please sit beside Ms. Crimson, please raise your hand Ms.Crimson so that he can see where you are." She said. I raised my hand while avoiding his intense gaze. She gestured to, Marcellus was it? Yeah, she gestured for him to sit down to where I was sitting. He begins to stride towards me. I tried to fix myself, I didn't want to embarrass myself again. When he sat down, he was already staring at me. I looked everywhere trying to dismiss his intimidating stare."Uh, do you need something?." I ask nervously. "You smelled like lavenders and sunshine." He said out of nowhere, only the two of us could hear. I was flabbergasted by what he said.  "Wha-what do you mean by that?" I stammered. But he was already taking out his book, noticing other student's notebooks were out. "You just smell like them." He said and proceeded to write. I looked at him weirdly before looking in front, listening to Miss Froyer's long discussion.  ___________________ After 2 to 3 more subjects, we can have our lunch break.  "Alright everyone, that's it for today. Please bring the materials for tomorrow's project and those who were assigned to bring them. Have a good lunch and see you tomorrow." Mr.Erico, our science teacher bid us goodbye.  Everyone started to unpack their lunch, other students crowded Marcellus so they could get to know him more. As I was busy putting my books inside my bag, someone approached Marcellus. One blonde male and one red female. "Hey there, Marcellus. I'm Felix, hope to be friends with you." Felix Astrigut, our happy pill and a jokester in the classroom. He's the type of guy to make jokes and prank other students. Don't worry, he is not a bully. His green eyes glinted with joy as he smiled towards him.  Behind him was a girl with doe black eyes" And I'm Daisy, nice meeting you." She waved. Daisy Solomon, our youngest classmate. She likes to spend her time with books and games, and mostly with Felix since they are inseparable."Please to meet you all." He smiled. They were in a conversation until a girl made her way towards him. She almost trips Daisy. "Hello, Marcellus, I'm Cassandra, the vice president of our class. Nice to meet you." Cassandra, the attention-seeker of our class introduced herself and attempted to make a good impression as she tried to shake his hand. Which he didn't take, it made Cassandra flustered and she lowered her hands, smiling awkwardly."Hello," He said blankly and stood up walking out of the class. Daisy and Felix follow him. Cassandra was pissed by his attitude, every small thing makes Cassandra agitated."Ugh, what's with him, he's so cold." She gritted her teeth, walked with her goons, and discussed what happened."I say, I like him already," Blaise smirked and nodded to himself. I shook my head and stood up." Come on, let's go eat in the cafeteria." I grabbed his wrist, pulling him."Aw, why don't we eat just here?" He asks while we're walking in the hallway."It's because they are selling new breads and I have to try it." I beamed as he smiled, knowing that I had an addiction to sweets and bread.When we arrived at the cafeteria, it was crowded. It's like they are zombies trying to snatch any snacks they like, and trying to break the barricade between them. I just stood there, didn't know what to do."Well, I guess you're going to wait in line." Blaise mocked. I shoved my elbow at his ribcage making him groan. I sighed and went to stand in line, we were able to grab our lunch, but unfortunately, I didn't get any bread. Better luck next time, I guess.We were finding a seat, but couldn't, so many students were already occupying the seats."Man, where should we sit, I'm already starving," I grumbled while still looking for a place to eat."Flora, in here." Someone yelled. I turned around and saw Daisy waving at me as I waved back."Come here guys, we still have extra seats in here."She said. I looked at the two boys who were busy talking. It was Felix and the new student, Marcellus. We went to their table and sat down. Blaise is in the opposite chair while I sit beside the newby."So, Flor," Felix trailed. I looked at him, waiting. "Wanna join us after school?" He asks and takes a bite of his sausage. "Oh, is that what I think it is?" I squinted my eyes at him as he chuckled. "You guessed it. Yes, we're going to go camping, and best of all they have a lake that we can swim." He states it proudly. Daisy was smiling beside him."Isn't it exciting?" She asks excitedly looking at both me and Blaise."Well, I do hope that it will be exciting." He laughed nervously, I shook my head at Blaise. Camping is not his thing because there are forests nearby and when he thought about it, Friday the 13th would creep out of us."Don't worry Blaise, if something happens just get behind me." I teased as he glared at me before shoving a spoonful of mashed potato in his mouth."Oh, and our newby here will be joining us." Felix included as he pointed at him. I looked at Marcellus as he ate peacefully. "Wow, his first day of school and you already convinced him to your shenanigans." Blaise lifts an eyebrow, amused."Hey, it's not like I'm influencing him to do bad things." He defended."Well, did he agree to come and tag along though?" I ask. Marcellus looked at me when I spoke."I did agree with him so it's fine." He said. I nodded and avoided his gaze. I don't know why but I feel like I knew him before and I shrug it off."Okay, I guess I gotta sneak out of the window, or else my sister is going to lecture me" I informed them. "Or maybe, I can just use my charm to your sister." Felix raises his eyebrows, I kick my feet at his knee as he yelped in pain."Try and see what I can do to you." I glared as he raised his hand in surrender.The five of us talked more about our plans before we headed back to the classroom and started our last 3 subjects.