Chapter 3

**Time Skip**

"Hey, are we there yet?" Blaise huffed, we were in the middle of nowhere in the forest, Felix turned to Blaise. "Mmm, I'm not sure if this is the right path. I think this way" Felix scratched his neck, and my best friend groaned as we followed him

"Don't tell me that you forgot the way, see this is why I sometimes don't trust your sense of direction. We're gonna be lost in this damn creepy forest." He exasperated while grudgingly walking beside me.

"Relax" Felix dragged the last syllables. "I know where the lake is, and that's kinda hurtful you know." Felix wiped a fake tear on his eyelids. "Oh yeah, then you just have to get used to my attitude" Blaise sassed.

Me and the rest were silent as we approached the sign that pointed toward where the lake was, Daisy squealed and grabbed the blonde's arm, practically pulling him, and sprinted to the lake, us trailing behind. When we arrived there, the moon illuminated the lake, the dark sky with stars dancing above us, and the sound of the water rippling in the air, the scenery was beautiful.

We slowly stripped ourselves while we turned in each other's backs and put on our swimsuits, Felix was the first to jump on the water before Daisy and Me. The laughter of joy was heard in the lake, splashing each other's faces. 

Blaise lifted me as I sat on his shoulder, Felix and Daisy doing the same. We trudged towards them and gripped Daisy's hand as we tried to pull each other off. Meanwhile, Marcellus sat on the ground and watched us play like children.

Soon enough we came out of the water and rested, we laid on our backs and watched the sky move. Felix who carried the bag all the way here opened and took out some food and a small table. He even bought a pot for cooking, small bowls, and utensils with him unfortunately, he forgot to bring the stove and was left in his tent. I volunteer to get some wood in the forest while they start to arrange them.

I'll go get us some woods" I stood up took my jacket and walked towards the forest. The rest of them nodded and busy themselves from cutting a lump of meat.

"I'm coming with you" Marcellus joined me. We both took some sticks that were lying on the ground one by one. I strike up a conversation with him.

"Why didn't you come and have some fun with us?" I ask still picking sticks, he furrowed his eyebrows,' I'm not too intrigued about doing those types of things." He replied. I only nodded in understanding, "I see," We were both quiet for a few seconds before he spoke up.

"You don't have to worry about me if I am not enjoying myself or not. Besides, I'm okay with you all." Marcellus approached me and took the sticks that I was carrying, I silently thanked him for that. 

"I'm glad to hear that. I'm sorry about my friends if they are acting...well crazy" I chuckled, and we both began to walk back to the lake where the three were waiting for us. He smiled slightly, "Don't worry, I'm used to seeing people having some fun in their life." He acknowledges.

"I hope so" I smiled at him, "I wanna ask you, "I trailed and looked at him, "Do you know me before?" I ask slowly as he halts his movements and I also stop. He was silent for a moment." No, I don't" and started walking again leaving me with suspicion towards him.

We came back to them and saw that they were already done chopping and slicing the ingredients, Daisy saw us" There you two are, hurry to place those sticks in the center." Marcellus placed them in the middle while the redhead started to flick her lighter on a piece of paper before dropping it on the wood.

The fire spreads and the woods burn and crackle, Daisy places the pot on the fire and adds some water. When it boils she adds the rest of the ingredients. While we waited, Felix began to tell us stories as Blaise clung to me.

"And when he turned around, the lady in red wasn't there anymore," Felix gestures as he continues, "The man thought it was just his imagination, but little did he know. "He trailed and slowly squinted at us." That the lady was already BEHIND HIM!" Felix yelled and pointed at the back of Blaise making him scream loudly. When Blaise whipped his head behind him, there wasn't any lady in red as he said. My best friend glared daggers at the laughing blonde.

"Damn it, Felix. You made me piss my shorts." He stood up and dashed towards Felix to hit him but the blonde dodged and they played cat and mouse in front of us, Daisy and I laughed at them. "Argh, you're so dead when I catch you," Blaise threatened while trying to get Felix as the blonde smiled cheekily" I don't think you'll get me, you're so slow you know." Felix taunted him which irked him more.

Blaise ran straight to Felix got him in a chokehold position and literally squeezed the hell out of him, the blonde huffed and panted as he patted Blais' arm, "Time out, time out' He wheezed. My best friend grinned victoriously, "What's wrong? Can't breathe?" He remarks.

Daisy stood up and clapped her hands, "Okay enough with the banter, and come now, let's eat" She said softly. I could tell that she was our mother in our group, while Blaise and Felix were her children. Both of them listened but still kept on eye each other's movement and sat separately.

We both take turns to scoop what Daisy made and let me tell you her cooking is amazing. The others nodded and smiled at the taste. Marcellus was just eating peacefully "Oh my Daisy, this is so delicious." Felix gobbled, and Daisy chuckled shyly at the praise.

"Oh shush, and just eat" I swallowed the last of the food and sighed in contentment, "You're done already?" Blaise said with his mouth full of food, I looked at him in disgust, "Man, eat your food first before you talk and yes I'm done already" Blaise grinned at me before continuing to eat.

"So what's next?" Daisy asked, Felix burped slightly before speaking, "Now we explore the forest" He clapped his hands together his face showing thrill, Blaise stopped eating as he looked at him scarily, "Oh, please no." The blonde looks at him, "What? Can't handle being alone? Then you can just sit here and wait for us." He suggests.

Blaise shook his head quickly, "No, I'm coming with you" Felix chuckled slightly before getting a paper and a pen, we looked at him confused. "What's that for?" I ask him.

"To make it more exciting, we should pair up by two but if someone picked a paper that his or her name is written on the paper, then he or she doesn't have a partner. Well only themselves" Felix explained as he started to write our names. Blaise was petrified at the idea, "Hey, that's unfair" Daisy only patted Blais' back.

When he was finished writing our names, folded them and shook the papers with his closed hands before opening his palm, each of us picked one piece of paper, and I opened mine. I heard Blaise sigh in relief. "Thank god, I'm paired with Daisy" He and Daisy clapped their hands while Felix only whined, "Aw, how unlucky of me" The blonde pouted.

"Ha, sucks to be you' Blaise mocked but Felix only rolled his eyes, "Whatever, at least if I encounter a creature I'll let them take you." Felix smiled fakely as Blaise only deadpanned look at him.

Meanwhile, I was just staring at the paper I chose and sighed, "Guess I'll be partnered with him" I told them and showed them the paper, the name was Marcellus. 

"So now it's settled, I'm going to pair with Blaise, Flora will be paired with Marcellus and lastly Felix will be paired well with himself." Daisy giggled at the end of her statement. The blonde gave us the flashlights and walkie-talkies and check if it was working. When everything was ready we started to walk.

"Don't worry, I'll come back in one piece," Felix said and bowed dramatically. "Yeah, sure you will" Blaise then turned and walked the other way, the redhead following behind him. Felix turned to us and saluted, "See you later, "Then walked away.

We were the only ones who stayed, "So, let's go" I turned and started walking, but then I turned when he didn't budge, I saw his face focus on something and maybe hearing something that I could not decipher.

"Marcellus?" I called his name.

I watched him turn to me, "What's wrong?" I ask him, but he slightly shakes his head, "Nothing, let's go," He dismissed. I watch him walk past me, I then turn to the lake one last time before walking beside him.

Unbeknownst to us there was someone already watching us from afar, red eyes glaring at our figures, and canines were showing as they growled.