Vipers Pit

The Sorting Hat settled on Gwendolyn's head, its frayed brim obscuring her view of the Great Hall. She held her breath, waiting for the hat to speak. After a moment of silence, a voice echoed in her mind.

"Ah, interesting... very interesting," the hat murmured. "I see a keen intellect here, a sharp mind and a love for learning. You have the makings of a true Ravenclaw."

Gwendolyn felt a surge of pride at the hat's words. She had always valued knowledge and enjoyed the pursuit of understanding the magical world around her. She could easily see herself fitting in with the intellectually curious students of Ravenclaw.

"But wait," the hat continued, its tone thoughtful. "There is also something darker within you, a depth of ambition and a resilience that cannot be ignored. You possess a drive to achieve great things, and you are not afraid to embrace the shadows to reach your goals. These qualities are well-suited to Slytherin."

Gwendolyn's heart pounded. She had read about Slytherin's reputation for cunning and ambition, but also its darker associations. She wondered what the hat meant by the darkness within her, and she felt a mixture of intrigue and apprehension.

"Ravenclaw would nurture your intellect," the hat mused, "but Slytherin could give you the tools to harness your ambition and channel your strength. You have the potential for greatness, Gwendolyn Grimshaw, but the path you choose will shape your destiny."

Gwendolyn's mind raced as she considered the hat's words. She valued knowledge and wisdom, but she also recognized the ambitious fire that burned within her. She had always felt a hint of madness in her drive, a willingness to push boundaries to achieve her goals. The idea of harnessing that ambition in Slytherin was both thrilling and daunting.

"You would do well in either house," the hat said finally. "But the choice must be made."

Gwendolyn took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the decision. She thought about her years with Ollivander, the discipline and knowledge he had imparted to her, and the sense of purpose she felt. She also considered the potential within her, the desire to achieve something great and carve out her own path.

"Which will it be?" the hat asked, its voice a whisper in her mind.

Gwendolyn closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them with a renewed sense of determination. "Slytherin," she thought, embracing the ambition and strength she felt within her.

The hat seemed to smile. "Are you sure? Very well, then... SLYTHERIN!"

The word echoed through the Great Hall, and the Slytherin table erupted in cheers. Gwendolyn removed the hat and stood, feeling a mix of emotions as she made her way to the cheering students. She joined them at the table, her heart still racing but her mind clear.

As she sat down, she caught sight of the other tables, particularly Ravenclaw. She knew she had made a significant choice, one that would shape her time at Hogwarts and beyond. But she felt a sense of satisfaction, knowing she had embraced her true self and the potential for greatness that lay within her.

Gwendolyn looked around at her new housemates, feeling a sense of camaraderie and excitement. She was ready to face the challenges and adventures that awaited her in Slytherin, knowing that her ambition and intellect would guide her on the path to greatness.

As Gwendolyn settled into her seat at the Slytherin table, the buzz of excitement filled the Great Hall. The other first years were now seated with their respective houses, and the Sorting Hat was carried away. The anticipation in the air was palpable as the students eagerly awaited the opening speech and the feast to follow.

At the center of the head table, Professor Dumbledore stood up, his presence commanding immediate attention. His long silver beard and half-moon glasses glinted in the candlelight, and his eyes twinkled with a kind, yet powerful, wisdom. The hall fell silent as he raised his hands.

"Welcome!" Dumbledore's voice rang out warmly, carrying effortlessly to every corner of the hall. "Welcome to another year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"

A ripple of laughter spread through the students, breaking the initial tension. Gwendolyn smiled, feeling the unique charm and eccentricity of the headmaster.

"Thank you!" Dumbledore continued, his eyes twinkling with mirth. "Now, I have a few start-of-term notices to give you. First years should note that the forest on the grounds is forbidden to all students. And a few of our older students would do well to remember that as well."

He paused, his gaze sweeping over the students, lingering for a moment on a group of Gryffindors that included Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger.

"I have also been asked by Mr. Filch, our caretaker, to remind you all that no magic should be used between classes in the corridors. The list of forbidden items is available on his office door, should you wish to see it."

Dumbledore's expression turned more serious for a moment. "And finally, this year, the third-floor corridor on the right-hand side is out of bounds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death."

A murmur of curiosity and concern spread through the hall. Gwendolyn glanced around, seeing the puzzled and intrigued faces of her fellow students. She made a mental note to avoid the third-floor corridor, though the mystery of it piqued her curiosity.

"Now, before we begin our delicious feast, let us all sing the school song!" Dumbledore announced cheerfully. He waved his wand, and a long golden ribbon snaked out, forming the words of the Hogwarts school song in midair.

"Everyone pick their favorite tune!" he encouraged, and with that, the students began singing. The hall filled with a cacophony of different melodies, each student singing to their own chosen tune. Gwendolyn joined in, singing quietly but with a smile on her face, enjoying the playful chaos of the moment.

As the song ended, Dumbledore clapped his hands, and the golden words vanished. He smiled warmly at the students. "And now, let the feast begin!"

With a wave of his hands, the tables filled with a magnificent array of food. Platters of roast beef, chicken, pork chops, lamb chops, sausages, bacon, steak, and kidney pie, shepherd's pie, and corned beef. There were dishes of mashed potatoes, roast potatoes, fries, and peas, and boats of rich, dark gravy. The air was filled with the delicious aromas, making Gwendolyn's mouth water.

Gwendolyn eagerly filled her plate, her eyes wide at the variety of dishes before her. As she tasted the food, she couldn't help but marvel at how flavorful and rich everything was. It was far beyond anything she had ever experienced, even during her special birthday dinners with Ollivander.

Conversations buzzed around her as students discussed the Sorting, their summer holidays, and their excitement for the coming school year.

As Gwendolyn followed the other first years down into the dungeons, she felt the cool, damp air wrap around her like a shroud. The passageways twisted and turned, and she marveled at the ancient stone walls, wondering what secrets they held. Her heart raced with a mixture of exhaustion and exhilaration. She knew this was just the beginning of her journey at Hogwarts.

The Slytherin prefects led them to a stone wall that seemed to be a dead end. One of the prefects, a tall, serious-looking boy, spoke a word that Gwendolyn couldn't quite catch, and the wall slid open to reveal the Slytherin common room.

The room was grand, decorated in shades of green and silver. The low ceilings and dark, ornate furniture gave it an elegant, yet slightly intimidating atmosphere. Green lamps cast a soft glow, and the windows, set below the lake, offered an eerie, beautiful view of the underwater world outside.

As the first years filed in, an older student, clearly a senior, stepped forward. He had an authoritative presence and a sharp gaze that seemed to pierce through them. He raised a hand, calling for silence.

"Welcome to Slytherin," he began, his voice carrying a tone of command. "My name is Marcus Flint, and as a seventh-year, it is my duty to ensure that you all understand what it means to be part of this house. Slytherin values ambition, cunning, and resourcefulness. We are the house of Salazar Slytherin, and we expect greatness."

He paused, his eyes sweeping over the group. "Before we settle in, it's important that we get to know each other. Starting with your name and blood status."

The first years exchanged uneasy glances. Gwendolyn felt a knot tighten in her stomach. Blood status was not something she knew about herself. Growing up with Ollivander, she had never been concerned with such things.

One by one, the students introduced themselves. "Pure-blood," "Half-blood," "Pure-blood," they said. When it was Gwendolyn's turn, she hesitated, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on her.

"I'm Gwendolyn Grimshaw," she said, her voice steady despite her nerves. "I... don't know my blood status. I was raised by Ollivander."

A murmur of surprise rippled through the older students. Marcus Flint's eyes narrowed slightly, a look of suspicion crossing his face. "Ollivander, you say? Interesting. No one has seen or heard of you before."

Gwendolyn held her ground, meeting his gaze without flinching. "Yes. I lived with him in Diagon Alley."

Another older student, a girl with sleek dark hair, stepped forward. "How intriguing," she said, her voice laced with curiosity. "Ollivander doesn't take in many. You must be special."

Gwendolyn nodded slightly, her aloof nature keeping her from elaborating further. The students seemed to accept this, though some exchanged curious and wary glances.

"Very well," Marcus Flint said, breaking the tension. "It's clear we have a diverse group this year. Remember, your blood status does not define your worth. Your actions and achievements do. Now, get some rest. Classes start tomorrow, and you'll need your wits about you."

With that, the older students dispersed, and the first years were shown to their dormitories. Gwendolyn found her bed and began to unpack, her mind racing with the events of the day. She had made it through the Sorting, experienced her first feast, and now found herself among the ambitious and cunning students of Slytherin.

With the older students dispersed, the first years were led deeper into the Slytherin dormitories by the prefects. Gwendolyn marveled at the grandeur of the common room as they moved past it. The dark, ornate furniture, the green lamps casting an ethereal glow, and the windows showing the underwater world outside made it feel like a place steeped in both history and mystery.

To her surprise, the prefects led them down a corridor with several doors on either side. One of the prefects, a stern-looking girl, turned to address the group.

"In Slytherin, each student is given their own room," she explained. "This is to ensure you have a private space to study and work on your ambitions. Your room number is on this list."

She handed out a parchment to each first year with their assigned room number. Gwendolyn found her number and made her way to her room, feeling a mix of relief and curiosity. The idea of having her own space was comforting, a quiet place where she could focus and practice her magic.

Her room was small but elegantly furnished. The walls were lined with dark wood paneling, and a large window looked out into the depths of the lake, offering a mesmerizing view of the aquatic life swimming past. A four-poster bed with emerald green curtains stood against one wall, and a desk with a matching chair was placed near the window. There was also a small wardrobe for her clothes and a bookshelf for her growing collection of magical texts.

Gwendolyn set her trunk at the foot of the bed and began unpacking. She carefully placed her books on the shelf, her new robes in the wardrobe, and her wand on the desk. Onyx, her black owl, hooted softly from his cage, and she placed him near the window where he could watch the underwater world outside.

As she settled in, Gwendolyn took a moment to reflect on the day's events. She had been sorted into Slytherin, a house known for its ambition and cunning. She had met her housemates, and although the introduction had been a bit unsettling, she felt a sense of pride and determination. The mention of her upbringing with Ollivander had sparked curiosity and suspicion, but she had stood her ground.

Feeling a wave of exhaustion, she changed into her nightclothes and climbed into bed. The soft sheets and thick blankets were incredibly comfortable, and she felt herself relaxing for the first time since she had arrived at Hogwarts. She drew the emerald curtains around her bed, creating a cozy cocoon of privacy.

As she lay there, her mind drifted to the challenges and adventures that awaited her. She thought about the classes she would attend, the spells she would learn, and the mysteries she hoped to uncover. She wondered about the third-floor corridor that Dumbledore had warned them about, and the secrets it might hold.

Despite the uncertainties, Gwendolyn felt a deep sense of contentment. She was at Hogwarts, the place she had dreamed of, and she was ready to embrace every opportunity that came her way. With her wand by her side and her ambition burning brightly, she knew she could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

As sleep began to claim her, she felt a sense of belonging. She was a part of Slytherin, a house that valued her strengths and would help her achieve greatness. With these thoughts, Gwendolyn drifted off into a peaceful slumber, ready to begin her journey at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.


As the students filed out of the Great Hall and made their way to their respective common rooms, Professor Albus Dumbledore remained seated at the head table, his eyes twinkling behind his half-moon spectacles. The evening had gone as smoothly as he had hoped, but his mind was occupied with thoughts of two particular students.

It had finally arrived. The moment he had anticipated for years. Both students he had been looking forward to seeing at Hogwarts had entered the castle tonight. Harry Potter, the boy who lived, and Gwendolyn Grimshaw Gaunt, the niece of the Dark Lord.

Dumbledore watched the last of the first years leave the hall, his expression thoughtful. He had known of Gwendolyn's existence for some time, ever since she had been left at Ollivander's doorstep as an infant. He had kept a close eye on her progress, knowing that her lineage carried great significance and potential danger.

As he stood up from the table, he glanced toward Professor McGonagall, who was also preparing to leave. "Minerva," he said softly, "a moment, if you please."

McGonagall turned to him, her expression curious. "Yes, Albus?"

Dumbledore motioned for her to follow him, and they walked together toward the side of the hall. "What do you think of our new students?" he asked, his voice measured.

"An interesting group," McGonagall replied. "Harry Potter is as expected. Eager, curious, and quite overwhelmed, I imagine. And Gwendolyn Grimshaw... there is something unusual about her."

Dumbledore nodded, his gaze distant. "Indeed. Gwendolyn is no ordinary student. She carries a heavy burden, one she is not yet fully aware of."

McGonagall's eyes widened slightly. "You mean... she doesn't know about her heritage?"

"No," Dumbledore said, shaking his head. "She knows little of her parents and even less of her uncle. She has been raised by Ollivander, kept safe and somewhat isolated from the darker aspects of her lineage."

McGonagall frowned. "Do you think it wise to keep her in the dark, Albus? Shouldn't she know who she truly is?"

"In time, Minerva," Dumbledore replied gently. "She will learn the truth when she is ready. For now, it is best that she is allowed to grow and learn without the immediate shadow of her uncle's legacy hanging over her."

They reached the entrance to the staff quarters, and Dumbledore paused. "Keep an eye on her, Minerva. And on Harry as well. They are both extraordinary in their own ways, and their paths are intertwined more deeply than they know."

McGonagall nodded, her expression resolute. "Of course, Albus. I will watch over them."

Dumbledore smiled, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Thank you, Minerva. And now, I believe it is time for us all to rest. Tomorrow marks the beginning of a new chapter for Hogwarts."

As McGonagall departed, Dumbledore made his way back to his office. The halls were quiet, the only sound the soft rustling of his robes and the distant echoes of students settling into their dormitories. He entered his office and approached the large, ornate desk where Fawkes, his phoenix, perched silently.

Dumbledore sat down, his mind still occupied with thoughts of Gwendolyn and Harry. He knew the challenges they would face, the trials that awaited them. He also knew that they possessed the strength and resilience to overcome whatever obstacles lay in their path.

"Fawkes," he said softly, stroking the phoenix's brilliant feathers, "we have much to prepare for. The future of these children is uncertain, but their potential is immense."

Fawkes trilled softly, a comforting sound in the quiet room. Dumbledore leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes for a moment. He felt the weight of responsibility, but also a deep sense of hope. The arrival of Harry Potter and Gwendolyn Grimshaw Gaunt marked the beginning of a new era, one that held the promise of both great challenges and great triumphs.

As the night deepened, Dumbledore remained in his office, his thoughts drifting between the past and the future. He was determined to guide and protect these young students, to help them discover their true potential and navigate the complexities of their destinies. With a final glance at Fawkes, he turned to his desk, ready to face whatever the new day would bring.