More Classes

With the unsettling experience in History of Magic behind her, Gwendolyn made her way to her next class: Transfiguration. The corridors were bustling with students, and she tried to focus on the upcoming lesson, pushing the lingering effects of the visions to the back of her mind.

Transfiguration was a subject she had been looking forward to. The idea of changing one object into another fascinated her, and she was eager to learn from Professor McGonagall, who was renowned for her strict but fair teaching methods.

Entering the classroom, Gwendolyn took a seat near the middle, pulling out her notebook and wand. The room quickly filled with students, and soon Professor McGonagall strode in, her presence commanding immediate attention.

"Good morning, class," she began, her voice clear and authoritative. "Today, we will be working on the basics of Transfiguration, starting with turning a matchstick into a needle. This requires precision, focus, and a clear understanding of the spell's intent."

She demonstrated the spell, her wand movements precise and fluid. With a flick of her wrist, the matchstick on her desk transformed into a shiny, metallic needle. The class watched in awe as she explained the intricacies of the spell.

"Now, you will all attempt the same transformation," Professor McGonagall instructed, her eyes sweeping over the class. "Remember, concentration is key."

Gwendolyn took a deep breath and focused on the matchstick in front of her. She recalled the wand movement and the incantation, "Transfiguro," and with a determined flick of her wand, she attempted the spell.

The matchstick shimmered but remained mostly unchanged. Gwendolyn frowned, her determination intensifying. She tried again, concentrating harder. This time, the matchstick elongated slightly, taking on a more metallic sheen but still far from a perfect needle.

She glanced around the room, seeing varied levels of success. Hermione Granger, unsurprisingly, had already transformed her matchstick into a flawless needle and was receiving praise from Professor McGonagall. Harry and Ron were struggling, their matchsticks showing little change.

Gwendolyn took another deep breath and steadied her hand. She visualized the matchstick becoming a needle, focusing on the details: the sharp point, the metallic glint. She whispered the incantation and flicked her wand.

This time, the matchstick transformed into a passable needle, not perfect, but much closer than her previous attempts. She smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment. It wasn't perfect, but it was progress.

Professor McGonagall made her rounds, observing each student's work. When she reached Gwendolyn, she gave a curt nod. "Well done, Miss Grimshaw. A decent first attempt. Keep practicing, and you'll see improvement."

"Thank you, Professor," Gwendolyn replied, feeling a mixture of pride and determination. She knew she had room for improvement, but she was on the right track.

The rest of the lesson passed with Gwendolyn refining her technique. Each attempt brought her closer to a perfect transformation, and by the end of the class, she had managed to create a respectable needle. It was still not as perfect as Hermione's, but she was pleased with her progress.

As the class ended, Gwendolyn packed her things and headed out, her mind already turning to the next lesson. Defense Against the Dark Arts was coming up, and she felt a familiar excitement building within her. The visions and the powerful magic she had seen in her dreams were never far from her thoughts, and she was eager to see how they would translate into her formal education.

Gwendolyn's anticipation for her Defense Against the Dark Arts class was palpable as she made her way through the castle. The lessons so far had been a mix of successes and challenges, but this was the class she had been most looking forward to. Her dreams of powerful magic and combat spells fueled her excitement, and she was eager to see how they would translate into real-world practice.

The classroom for Defense Against the Dark Arts was located in one of the castle's towers, and as Gwendolyn entered, she saw that it was already filled with students. They chatted excitedly, their voices echoing off the stone walls. At the front of the room, Professor Quirrell stood nervously, his turban wrapped tightly around his head.

"Good morning, class," Professor Quirrell said, his voice trembling slightly. "T-today, we will b-be learning about the basics of defensive spells and how to p-protect yourselves from dark creatures and curses."

Gwendolyn took a seat near the front, her eyes fixed on the professor. Despite his nervous demeanor, she knew that this class held the potential for great learning and growth. She pulled out her notebook and wand, ready to take notes and practice spells.

"First, we will s-start with the Disarming Charm," Professor Quirrell continued. "The incantation is 'Expelliarmus.' This charm is u-used to disarm an opponent by f-forcing whatever they are holding out of their hands."

He demonstrated the spell, pointing his wand at a dummy at the front of the class. "Expelliarmus!" he said, and a red light shot from his wand, striking the dummy and causing the wand it held to fly across the room.

"Now, I want each of you to pair up and practice the Disarming Charm on each other," Professor Quirrell instructed. "Remember to focus on your aim and the force of your spell."

Gwendolyn paired up with a fellow Slytherin, her mind already focused on the spell. She raised her wand and took a deep breath, recalling the silent casting techniques she had seen in her dreams. But for now, she would start with the traditional method.

"Expelliarmus!" she said, pointing her wand at her partner. A bolt of red light shot from her wand, hitting her partner's wand and causing it to fly out of his hand. Gwendolyn felt a surge of satisfaction; the spell had worked perfectly.

"Good job, Grimshaw," her partner said, retrieving his wand. "Your turn now."

Gwendolyn nodded and braced herself as her partner aimed his wand at her. "Expelliarmus!" he shouted, and she felt her wand fly out of her hand. She quickly picked it up, eager to practice again.

They continued practicing, each time getting a little more comfortable with the spell. Gwendolyn felt a deep connection to the magic, her confidence growing with each successful attempt. The dreams had shown her a glimpse of her potential, and now she was starting to see it come to life.

After a while, Professor Quirrell called for the class's attention. "Very good, everyone. Now, let's move on to the Shield Charm. The incantation is 'Protego.' This charm creates a magical barrier that can deflect spells and physical attacks."

He demonstrated the spell, casting "Protego" and forming a shimmering shield in front of him. "Now, I want you to practice casting the Shield Charm and using it to block the Disarming Charm."

Gwendolyn was eager to try. She focused on her partner, who aimed his wand at her again. "Expelliarmus!" he shouted, and she quickly cast "Protego," forming a shield that absorbed the impact of the spell.

They continued practicing, alternating between casting the Disarming Charm and the Shield Charm. Gwendolyn found that she had a natural aptitude for defensive magic, her shields strong and reliable. She experimented with the timing and strength of her spells, trying to find the perfect balance.

As the lesson drew to a close, Professor Quirrell praised the class for their efforts. "W-well done, everyone. Keep practicing these spells, as they are essential for your defense against the dark arts."

Gwendolyn left the classroom with a sense of accomplishment. The visions and dreams had given her a glimpse of her potential, and now she was starting to realize it. The challenges of the day had only strengthened her resolve, and she felt more determined than ever to master her magical abilities.

As she walked through the corridors of Hogwarts, she reflected on the day's lessons. Each class had its own unique challenges, but she had faced them with determination and skill. The path ahead was long, but she was ready to embrace every opportunity to learn and grow.


The classroom was silent now, the students having left to attend their next lessons. Professor Quirrell stood alone, a slight tremor in his hands as he gathered the attendance list. He moved slowly, his eyes flickering with a nervous energy that belied the dark presence within him. He was not alone in his thoughts; the dark lord who shared his body was always present, always watching.

Quirrell glanced down at the attendance list, the names written in neat rows. Two names, in particular, stood out to him: Harry Potter and Gwendolyn Grimshaw Gaunt. He felt a shiver of excitement and trepidation as he considered their significance.

"Potter," he whispered, his voice barely audible. The name sent a wave of anger and desire through him, a reaction mirrored by the dark lord within. Harry Potter, the boy who had somehow survived Voldemort's killing curse, the boy who was now within his reach. He had seen the boy in class, had watched him struggle and succeed. The sight of him, so close and yet so untouchable for now, filled him with a burning need for revenge.

But it was the other name that intrigued him just as much, if not more: Gwendolyn Grimshaw Gaunt. A supposed Gaunt, a name that carried weight and dark history in the wizarding world. Voldemort's own lineage traced back to the Gaunts, and the thought of another Gaunt at Hogwarts stirred a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

"She is... interesting," Quirrell murmured, feeling Voldemort's consciousness shift slightly, focusing on the girl. "Raised by Ollivander, they say. Skilled, determined. But what secrets does she hold? What potential lies within her blood?"

Voldemort's influence surged, pushing Quirrell to consider the possibilities. A Gaunt, raised outside the taint of her family's madness, could prove to be a valuable ally or a formidable foe. Her performance in class had been notable; she had shown a natural aptitude for defensive magic and a drive that mirrored Voldemort's own ambition.

"She could be useful," the dark lord's voice hissed in Quirrell's mind, a cold whisper that sent chills down his spine. "Or she could be a threat. Watch her closely, Quirrell. Learn her strengths and weaknesses. We must know where her loyalties lie."

Quirrell nodded, though there was no one to see the gesture. He felt the weight of the dark lord's command pressing down on him, an unyielding force that demanded obedience. He would watch Gwendolyn Grimshaw Gaunt, would study her every move and report back to Voldemort.

As he stood there, lost in dark contemplation, Quirrell felt a flicker of hope. The return of the dark lord was inevitable, and with Harry Potter and a Gaunt both at Hogwarts, the pieces were falling into place. The power that had once been his would be his again, and those who stood in his way would fall.

He took a deep breath, the scent of parchment and ink filling his lungs. The future was uncertain, but it was filled with potential. Quirrell, under Voldemort's influence, felt a twisted sense of excitement. The game was afoot, and he was determined to play his part to perfection.

With a final glance at the attendance list, Quirrell tucked it away and left the classroom. His steps echoed through the empty corridors, each one a reminder of the dark path he had chosen. As he moved through the castle, he felt Voldemort's presence, a constant shadow guiding his actions.

The day had been filled with significant encounters, and the dark lord's plans were beginning to take shape. Harry Potter and Gwendolyn Grimshaw Gaunt—two names that held the key to power and destiny. And Quirrell, as the vessel for Voldemort's will, would ensure that the dark lord's return was inevitable.


The Room of Requirement welcomed Gwendolyn once again, its familiar warmth and magical ambiance providing a sanctuary where she could practice undisturbed. The room had adapted to her needs, setting up targets and providing ample space for her to refine her spells.

Gwendolyn stood in the center of the room, her wand at the ready. She took a deep breath, recalling the silent casting techniques she had seen in her visions. The images from her dreams were vivid and clear, as if they were memories from another life. She focused on those images, trying to replicate the precise movements and mental focus she had seen.

She started with a simple spell, "Stupefy," but instead of speaking the incantation, she willed the magic to flow through her silently. Her wand moved with minimal motion, just as she had seen in her visions. A bolt of red light shot from her wand, hitting the target dead center.

Gwendolyn felt a surge of satisfaction. The spell had felt natural, almost instinctual, as if it were a part of her. She tried again, this time with "Expelliarmus." The disarming charm flew from her wand, striking the target and causing it to shudder and glow. Each spell she cast felt more fluid and powerful than the last.

Despite her success, Gwendolyn couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing. The spells were effective, but they lacked a certain depth or completeness. She felt as though she was only scratching the surface of her potential.

She paused for a moment, her mind racing with thoughts. What was she missing? The visions had shown her a glimpse of powerful, silent casting, but there was an element that eluded her. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, allowing herself to sink into the memory of her dreams.

The visions had always been intense, filled with powerful magic and silent incantations. But they also carried a sense of connection, a deeper understanding of the magic she was wielding. It was as if the magic was not just a tool, but a part of her very essence.

Opening her eyes, Gwendolyn decided to approach the spells differently. Instead of simply replicating the movements and silent casting, she focused on the connection she felt in her dreams. She visualized the magic flowing through her, becoming an extension of herself.

She raised her wand again, this time focusing on "Protego." She imagined the shield not as a separate entity, but as a natural manifestation of her own will and power. With a minimal movement of her wand and a silent incantation, she cast the spell.

A shimmering shield formed in front of her, stronger and more vibrant than any she had cast before. She could feel the magic pulsing through it, connected to her in a way that felt deeply personal and powerful. The missing element had been the sense of integration, the understanding that the magic was not separate from her, but a part of her.

Encouraged by this revelation, Gwendolyn continued practicing. She cast a variety of spells, each time focusing on the connection between herself and the magic. "Stupefy," "Expelliarmus," "Protego"—each spell became more powerful and controlled, flowing from her with a natural ease.

As the hours passed, Gwendolyn felt a deep sense of accomplishment. She was beginning to understand the true nature of her abilities, and the visions were guiding her towards a greater mastery of magic. The Room of Requirement had provided the perfect environment for her to explore and refine her skills.

Finally, feeling both exhausted and exhilarated, Gwendolyn decided to take a break. She sank into a comfortable chair, her mind still buzzing with the thrill of her progress. She knew that she had a long way to go, but she was on the right path.

The sense of something missing had diminished, replaced by a deeper understanding and connection to her magic. Gwendolyn felt more confident and empowered than ever before. She was determined to continue her practice and uncover the full extent of her potential.

As Gwendolyn rested in the comfortable chair, her thoughts kept returning to the sensation she had felt while casting her spells. There was something profoundly different about the way the magic had flowed through her, a deeper connection that she wanted to explore further. She stood up, her curiosity piqued, and moved back to the center of the Room of Requirement.

Closing her eyes, Gwendolyn focused on her breathing, taking slow, steady breaths. She envisioned the magic as a living entity within her, a stream of energy that coursed through her veins, interwoven with her very being. She concentrated on feeling this mana, letting it flow naturally, without forcing it.

At first, the sensation was subtle, like a gentle warmth spreading from her core to her extremities. It was soothing, almost like the comfort of a warm blanket on a cold night. As she focused more intently, the warmth grew stronger, transforming into a vibrant energy that seemed to pulse in rhythm with her heartbeat.

She imagined the mana as a river, flowing smoothly and powerfully through her. It started in her chest, where it felt like a swirling pool of light, before branching out through her arms and legs. The sensation was both exhilarating and calming, a perfect blend of power and tranquility.

Gwendolyn raised her wand, and with her eyes still closed, she envisioned a spell. She wanted to see if she could direct the flow of mana more deliberately, guiding it to her wand and then outward into the world. She felt the mana gather in her chest, then flow down her arm like a current of electricity, tingling and alive.

When it reached her wand, the energy seemed to hum, resonating with the wood and core as if they were in perfect harmony. She focused on the spell "Stupefy," imagining the mana condensing and then releasing in a powerful burst. Without uttering a word, she willed the spell to manifest.

A bolt of red light shot from her wand, striking the target with a force that surprised even her. Gwendolyn opened her eyes, feeling a rush of exhilaration. The spell had felt effortless, the mana flowing naturally and powerfully through her.

She wanted to experiment further, to understand this connection on an even deeper level. She took a deep breath and focused on another spell, "Protego." This time, she imagined the mana forming a protective barrier, flowing outward from her core and enveloping her in a shimmering shield.

The mana responded to her intent, flowing through her like a river of light. She felt the energy radiate from her chest, spreading through her arms and out through her wand. A shield formed around her, vibrant and strong, shimmering with a brilliant light.

The sensation was incredible. It was as if the magic was an extension of her will, responding to her thoughts and emotions with perfect clarity. She felt a profound sense of unity with the mana, as if it was a part of her very essence.

Gwendolyn continued to experiment, casting various spells and focusing on the flow of mana with each one. She cast "Expelliarmus," feeling the mana surge through her and release in a powerful disarming spell. She cast "Lumos," feeling the mana gather at the tip of her wand and emit a bright, steady light.

Each spell felt more natural and more powerful than the last. She could feel the mana flowing through her like a living current, vibrant and full of potential. The sensation was addictive, and she found herself wanting to explore it even further.

As the hours passed, Gwendolyn felt a deep sense of accomplishment. She was beginning to understand the true nature of her abilities, and the mana flowing through her was a vital part of that understanding. The Room of Requirement had provided the perfect environment for her to explore and refine her skills.

Finally, exhausted but exhilarated, Gwendolyn decided to take a break. She sank back into the comfortable chair, her mind buzzing with the thrill of her progress. She knew that she had a long way to go, but she was on the right path.