The Inquiry

After ensuring that Gwendolyn was stable, Madam Pomfrey insisted that Daphne return to the Slytherin common room. Daphne reluctantly left, casting worried glances over her shoulder as she departed. The hospital wing grew quiet, save for the occasional rustle of curtains or the soft footsteps of Madam Pomfrey attending to her duties.

Later that evening, the silence was broken by the arrival of Professors Snape and Dumbledore. They walked in with a sense of urgency, their expressions grave. Madam Pomfrey greeted them, leading them to Gwendolyn's bed where she lay resting, her face still pale but showing signs of recovery.

"How is she, Poppy?" Dumbledore asked, his voice gentle but filled with concern.

Madam Pomfrey sighed, glancing at Gwendolyn before responding. "She's stable now, but it was a severe reaction. Her body is under a great deal of stress from these visions. I've managed to stop the bleeding and stabilize her condition, but she needs rest and time to recover."

Snape's eyes narrowed, and he leaned in closer, his tone intense. "What caused this episode, Poppy? Have you seen anything like this before?"

Madam Pomfrey shook her head. "I've seen students suffer from various magical ailments, but this is different. It's as if her mind is being assaulted from within. The stress and exhaustion are taking a physical toll."

Dumbledore nodded thoughtfully. "Thank you, Poppy. We will need to speak with Miss Grimshaw when she awakens. There are many questions that need answers."

Madam Pomfrey gave a small nod. "Be gentle with her. She's been through a lot."

Dumbledore and Snape moved closer to Gwendolyn's bed, their faces lined with concern. Dumbledore's usual twinkle was absent from his eyes, replaced by a deep worry. Snape's expression was unreadable, though his eyes held a hint of something softer as he looked at his student.

Gwendolyn stirred, her eyelids fluttering open. She blinked, disoriented, her vision slowly focusing on the two figures standing over her. Recognizing them, she tried to sit up, but Dumbledore gently placed a hand on her shoulder, keeping her down.

"Easy, Miss Grimshaw," he said softly. "You've had a rough experience. How are you feeling?"

Gwendolyn took a deep breath, her mind still hazy. "Tired. Confused. It's... it's hard to explain."

Snape's voice was calm but firm. "Tell us what happened, Gwendolyn. Describe everything you remember."

Gwendolyn closed her eyes, trying to gather her thoughts. The visions were still vivid in her mind, a chaotic mix of images and sensations. She took another deep breath and began to speak.

"It started like the other visions, but this one was different. More intense. I saw a figure cloaked in darkness, holding a wand and casting powerful spells. The ground shook, and the air felt thick with magic. It was... overwhelming. Then, I felt something cold and dark, like it was trying to take over my mind. I tried to fight it, but it was so strong."

Dumbledore and Snape exchanged a worried glance. Dumbledore spoke gently. "Do you remember anything specific about the figure? Any details that might help us understand what you saw?"

Gwendolyn shook her head slowly. "No, everything was so blurred and chaotic. I couldn't make out any clear details. But the presence, it felt familiar, like I've felt it before in my other visions."

Snape's expression darkened. "This presence, did it speak to you? Did it say anything?"

Gwendolyn hesitated, the memory of the voice sending a shiver down her spine. "Yes. It told me to embrace the power, to embrace the madness. It felt like it was trying to pull me into the darkness."

Dumbledore's eyes softened with concern. "You did well to fight it off, Gwendolyn. You're stronger than you realize."

Gwendolyn met Dumbledore's gaze, her voice trembling. "But it's still there. I can feel it lurking at the edges. I'm scared, Professor."

Dumbledore placed a reassuring hand on her arm. "We will help you, Gwendolyn. You are not alone in this. We will find a way to understand these visions and protect you from their effects."

Snape nodded in agreement. "You've made significant progress in Occlumency. Continue to strengthen your mental defenses. We will monitor your condition closely and provide any assistance you need."

Gwendolyn nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and lingering fear. "Thank you, Professors."

Dumbledore stood up, his expression thoughtful. "Rest now, Gwendolyn. We will speak more in the morning. For now, focus on recovering your strength."

As the two professors turned to leave, Snape paused and looked back at her. "Remember, Miss Grimshaw, you are stronger than this darkness. Do not let it consume you."

With that, they left the hospital wing, leaving Gwendolyn to her thoughts. She closed her eyes, feeling the weight of their words and the burden of her visions. The path ahead was uncertain, but she knew she had to find the strength to continue. The shadows were closing in.


As Snape and Dumbledore left the hospital wing, the heavy door closing softly behind them, they walked in silence for a few moments. The flickering torches cast long shadows on the stone walls, their footsteps echoing in the otherwise quiet corridor. Once they were out of earshot, Dumbledore turned to Snape, his expression grave.

"Severus, these visions Gwendolyn is experiencing are deeply troubling. We need to understand the nature of this presence she speaks of."

Snape nodded, his face a mask of concern. "I agree, Albus. The intensity of her visions is unlike anything I've seen before. This presence—it's powerful and dangerous. We must find a way to protect her from it."

Dumbledore sighed, his eyes filled with worry. "Do you think it's possible that Voldemort is somehow involved? The dark energy she described, the whispers urging her to embrace madness—it all points to a connection with dark forces."

Snape's expression darkened. "It's possible. If he is aware of her and her potential, he might be trying to manipulate her through these visions. We need to be vigilant. Gwendolyn must not fall into his grasp."

Dumbledore nodded, his mind working through the possibilities. "Her progress in Occlumency is encouraging, but she will need more than that to withstand such an assault on her mind. We must strengthen her defenses further and find a way to uncover the source of these visions."

Snape's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "We could use Legilimency to delve deeper into her mind, to understand the true nature of these visions. But it's risky. Her mind is already fragile from the stress and exhaustion."

Dumbledore considered this, his expression somber. "Legilimency could indeed help us understand more, but we must proceed with the utmost caution. Her well-being is our top priority. I will speak with her again in the morning, see how she feels about this approach."

Snape nodded, his agreement clear. "And in the meantime, I will prepare additional protective measures. There are potions and enchantments that might help shield her mind from these intrusions."

Dumbledore placed a hand on Snape's shoulder, a rare gesture of solidarity. "Thank you, Severus. Your dedication to her well-being is commendable. Together, we will find a way to help her through this."

Snape gave a curt nod, his resolve firm. "We must. She has great potential, but if she falls into the wrong hands, it could be disastrous."

As they continued down the corridor, Dumbledore's thoughts drifted to the larger implications of Gwendolyn's situation. If Voldemort was indeed trying to influence her, it meant that the battle between light and dark was far from over. He felt the weight of responsibility pressing down on him, but he also knew that with allies like Snape, they had a fighting chance.

"We will need to keep a close watch on her," Dumbledore said quietly. "And on Harry as well. The fates of these two students are intertwined in ways we may not fully understand yet."

Snape's eyes flickered with a complex mix of emotions at the mention of Harry. "Potter seems to attract danger wherever he goes. We will need to ensure his safety as well."

Dumbledore nodded, his expression pensive. "Yes, Harry's journey is only beginning, and he will face many trials. But with guidance and support, both he and Gwendolyn can rise to meet their destinies."

As they reached the end of the corridor, Dumbledore turned to Snape once more. "Thank you, Severus. I know this is not easy, but your efforts are invaluable. Together, we will protect them."

With that, they parted ways, each heading to their respective quarters, their minds filled with plans and concerns for the days ahead. The path was fraught with danger, but they were determined to navigate it, to ensure that the students under their care would not succumb to the darkness that threatened to consume them.


The morning sunlight streamed through the windows of the hospital wing, casting a warm glow on the white sheets and polished floors. Gwendolyn lay in her bed, feeling the weight of the previous night's events pressing down on her. She had managed to get some rest, but her mind was still a whirlwind of confusion and fear.

Madam Pomfrey had just finished checking on her when the doors to the hospital wing opened, and Professors Dumbledore and Snape entered. Their expressions were serious, but there was a gentle kindness in Dumbledore's eyes as he approached her bed.

"Good morning, Miss Grimshaw," Dumbledore said softly, taking a seat beside her. "How are you feeling today?"

Gwendolyn tried to sit up, her movements slow and careful. "Better, I think. Still a bit... disoriented."

Snape stood at the foot of her bed, his gaze steady. "You endured a significant ordeal last night. It's understandable that you would still feel the effects."

Dumbledore nodded in agreement. "We are here because we want to help you, Gwendolyn. After hearing about your visions and the intensity of last night's episode, we believe that we need to take further steps to understand what is happening to you."

Gwendolyn's eyes flickered with apprehension. "What do you mean?"

Dumbledore glanced at Snape before continuing. "Professor Snape is a skilled Legilimens, someone who can enter the minds of others and explore their thoughts and memories. We believe that by using Legilimency, we might be able to uncover the source of your visions and better understand how to protect you from them."

Gwendolyn felt a surge of fear at the thought of someone entering her mind, especially given the chaotic state it was in. "Is it safe?"

Snape stepped forward, his tone firm but reassuring. "Legilimency can be invasive, but I will proceed with the utmost caution. The goal is to help you, not to cause further distress. If at any point you feel uncomfortable, we can stop."

Dumbledore reached out and gently placed a hand on Gwendolyn's arm. "We would never do anything to harm you, Gwendolyn. This is merely a way for us to understand more about what you are experiencing and to find a way to help you manage it."

Gwendolyn took a deep breath, her mind racing. The idea of allowing someone into her thoughts was daunting, but she trusted Dumbledore and Snape. They had been her guides and protectors through this ordeal, and she knew they had her best interests at heart.

"Okay," she said finally, her voice trembling slightly. "If you think it will help, I'm willing to try."

Dumbledore smiled gently. "Thank you for your trust, Gwendolyn. We will proceed with care."

Madam Pomfrey stepped closer, her expression reassuring. "I will be here as well, to ensure your physical well-being throughout the process."

Gwendolyn nodded, feeling a mixture of fear and determination. She lay back against the pillows, trying to steady her breathing as Snape moved to stand beside her. He drew his wand, his expression focused and calm.

"Close your eyes and try to relax," Snape instructed. "I will be gentle, and if at any point you wish to stop, just let me know."

Gwendolyn closed her eyes, her heart pounding in her chest. She felt the cool touch of Snape's wand against her temple, and then a strange sensation as if her mind was being gently probed.

"Legilimens," Snape murmured, and the world around Gwendolyn shifted.

She felt herself being drawn into a whirlpool of memories and visions, the images flashing by in rapid succession. She saw herself at Hogwarts, practicing spells in the Room of Requirement, laughing with Daphne, and sitting in her lessons with Snape. Then, the visions grew darker—shadowy figures, powerful spells, and the chilling presence she had felt in her dreams.

Snape's presence was a steady anchor, guiding her through the chaos. He moved carefully, examining each memory and vision with precision. Gwendolyn could feel his calm determination, his focus unwavering.

As they delved deeper, they encountered the dark presence again. It was stronger here, its malevolent energy pulsating through her mind. Snape paused, his presence growing more intense as he probed the darkness, trying to understand its nature.

Gwendolyn felt a surge of fear, but Snape's presence was reassuring. "You're doing well, Gwendolyn. Stay with me."

Together, they pushed further, unraveling the threads of the vision. The dark presence seemed to recoil, its energy weakening under Snape's scrutiny. Gwendolyn felt a sense of relief, the oppressive weight lifting slightly.

Finally, Snape withdrew, guiding Gwendolyn back to the surface of her mind. She opened her eyes, feeling exhausted but relieved. Snape's face was pale, but his expression was one of grim determination.

"I have a better understanding now," he said quietly, turning to Dumbledore. "This presence is indeed powerful, but it can be fought. We will need to strengthen her defenses further and find a way to counteract its influence."

Dumbledore nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Thank you, Severus. Your efforts are invaluable."

Gwendolyn looked at them, her voice trembling. "What did you find?"

Snape met her gaze, his eyes serious. "The presence you felt is indeed a dark force, likely connected to Voldemort. But you are strong, Gwendolyn. With our help, you can fight it. We will teach you how to protect your mind and keep it at bay."

Dumbledore placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You are not alone in this, Gwendolyn. We will be with you every step of the way."

Gwendolyn nodded, feeling a mixture of fear and hope. The path ahead was daunting, but with Dumbledore and Snape by her side, she felt a renewed sense of determination.

A few days later, Gwendolyn was finally able to leave the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey had insisted on one last thorough check-up before releasing her, and now Gwendolyn found herself walking through the corridors of Hogwarts, heading towards her next class. The familiar sights and sounds of the castle brought a sense of comfort, though the weight of recent events still hung heavily on her mind.

She had spent her recovery time catching up on her missed work, and thanks to her diligent study habits and theoretical knowledge, she was able to seamlessly reintegrate into her classes. In Charms, Professor Flitwick praised her for her understanding of spell theory, and in Defense Against the Dark Arts, her practical knowledge impressed Professor Quirrell, who seemed particularly on edge lately.

Despite her success in class, the thought that Voldemort might have a hold on her mind was a constant worry. The idea that someone as dark and powerful as Voldemort could be influencing her visions sent chills down her spine. She had discussed her fears with Professor Snape, who had reassured her that they were taking every precaution to protect her.

One afternoon, as Gwendolyn sat in the library poring over a particularly dense book on magical defenses, Daphne slid into the seat across from her. Her friend's presence was a welcome distraction from the heavy subject matter.

"Hey, Gwen," Daphne said, her voice soft with concern. "How are you holding up?"

Gwendolyn looked up, managing a small smile. "I'm doing alright, I guess. Just trying to catch up on everything I missed."

Daphne nodded, glancing at the pile of books. "You've always been ahead in most of our classes anyway. I don't think you have much to worry about there. But... how are you really?"

Gwendolyn sighed, her fingers tracing the edge of the book. "It's just... the idea that Voldemort might be connected to my visions. It's terrifying. I'm constantly worried that he might be trying to manipulate me or worse."

Daphne reached across the table and squeezed Gwendolyn's hand. "You're not alone in this, Gwen. You have Dumbledore, Snape, and all of us here to support you. And you're strong—you've shown that time and again."

Gwendolyn nodded, grateful for Daphne's words. "Thanks, Daphne. It helps to know that I have people I can rely on."

As the days passed, Gwendolyn threw herself into her studies, determined to stay ahead and keep her mind occupied. She continued her advanced lessons with Snape, focusing on strengthening her Occlumency and learning new defensive spells. Snape's guidance was rigorous, but she appreciated his dedication to helping her.

One evening, after an intense Occlumency session, Snape paused and looked at her with a rare expression of something close to approval. "You are making significant progress, Miss Grimshaw. Your mental defenses are becoming stronger. Continue this level of focus, and you will be able to keep the darkness at bay."

"Thank you, Professor," Gwendolyn replied, feeling a surge of confidence. "I won't let you down."

As she left Snape's office, she felt a renewed sense of determination. She had faced many challenges already, and she was prepared to face whatever came next. The thought of Voldemort's influence still haunted her, but she refused to let it control her.

One night, as she sat in the Room of Requirement practicing her spells, she felt a strange sense of clarity. She knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but she also knew that she had the strength and the support to face it. The visions might continue, and the darkness might still lurk at the edges of her mind, but she was not alone.

With her wand raised and her mind focused, Gwendolyn cast a powerful shield charm, the magic flowing through her with a sense of purpose and control. She was a witch of immense potential, and she would not be swayed by the shadows that threatened to consume her.

As the shimmering barrier enveloped her, she felt a surge of determination.