
The next morning, Gwendolyn awoke feeling more refreshed and ready to tackle the challenges ahead. She had a sense of purpose now, a goal to regain her magic and integrate into the Black Bulls. She got dressed and made her way downstairs, where Yami was waiting for her.

"Morning, Gwendolyn," Yami greeted, his usual cigarette in hand. "Hope you slept well. We've got a trip to make today."

Gwendolyn nodded, eager to get started. "Morning, Captain Yami. Where are we going?"

Yami gave her a slight smirk. "We're heading to a Grimoire Tower. It's about time you got yourself a grimoire. It might help you connect with the magic in this world."

Gwendolyn felt a surge of excitement and anticipation. "A grimoire? That sounds amazing. I'm ready."

Yami led the way, and the two of them left the Black Bulls' headquarters, heading towards the nearest Grimoire Tower. The journey was relatively quiet, with Yami occasionally offering insights about the world they were in and the nature of grimoires.

"You see," Yami explained as they walked, "grimoires are magical books that choose their wielder. They contain spells and can help you channel and enhance your magic. Given your situation, getting a grimoire might be just what you need."

Gwendolyn listened intently, absorbing the information. The idea of having a magical book that could aid her was both intriguing and reassuring. She had always relied on her mana, and a grimoire could be the key to unlocking her potential in this new world.

As they approached the Grimoire Tower, Gwendolyn couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. The tower was tall and imposing, with an air of ancient wisdom and power. Yami led her inside, where they were greeted by an attendant.

"Captain Yami," the attendant said respectfully. "How can we assist you today?"

Yami gestured to Gwendolyn. "This is Gwendolyn Grimshaw Gaunt. She's here to receive her grimoire."

The attendant nodded and led them deeper into the tower. They arrived at a large, open chamber filled with floating books. The air crackled with magical energy, and Gwendolyn felt a tingling sensation as she stepped inside.

"Stand in the center, Gwendolyn," the attendant instructed. "The grimoires will sense your presence and choose you."

Gwendolyn moved to the center of the chamber, her heart pounding with anticipation. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, focusing on the energy around her. She could feel the magic in the air, a gentle hum that resonated with her own.

Moments passed, and she sensed movement. She opened her eyes to see several grimoires floating towards her, their pages fluttering in the air. One by one, they circled her, examining her aura and magic.

Suddenly, one grimoire stood out from the rest. It floated closer, its cover gleaming with an otherworldly light. Gwendolyn reached out, her hand trembling slightly, and the grimoire settled into her grasp. She felt a surge of energy, a connection forming between her and the book.

Yami watched with a knowing smile. "Looks like you've got your grimoire. Hold on to it. We'll see what it can do once we get back to the base."

Gwendolyn nodded, clutching the grimoire tightly. She felt a sense of empowerment and relief. The grimoire had chosen her, and she was one step closer to reclaiming her magic.

As they left the tower and made their way back to the Black Bulls' headquarters, Gwendolyn couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of hope. The future was uncertain, but with her grimoire in hand and the support of the Black Bulls, she was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Back at the headquarters, the other members of the Black Bulls gathered around, curious to see what kind of grimoire Gwendolyn had received. Yami, always the practical one, gave her a nod of encouragement.

"We'll test it out later," he said. "For now, get familiar with it. The more you understand your grimoire, the better you'll be able to use it."

Gwendolyn nodded, grateful for his guidance. She spent the rest of the day studying her new grimoire, eager to unlock its secrets and discover the magic within.


Back in her room at the Black Bulls' headquarters, Gwendolyn sat at her desk, her new Runic Grimoire open in front of her. The book's pages were filled with intricate designs and symbols, each one pulsing with latent magical energy. She felt a deep connection to the grimoire, as if it were an extension of her own magical abilities.

As she studied the book, Gwendolyn discovered that it contained several runes already etched into its pages, corresponding to spells she was familiar with from her time at Hogwarts. These runes were the foundation upon which she could build more complex magical patterns and circles, enabling her to cast powerful spells.

She carefully traced her fingers over the runes, feeling their energy resonate with her own. The first rune she focused on was for the Stupefy spell.

Gwendolyn took a deep breath and began to draw the rune in the air with her clawed fingers. The lines glowed with a faint blue light, and as she completed the symbol, she felt the familiar rush of magical energy. She pointed her hand towards an empty spot in the room and uttered the incantation.


A bolt of red energy shot from her hand, striking the wall with a sharp crack. The spell had worked, and the rune had successfully channeled her magic. Gwendolyn smiled, feeling a sense of accomplishment.

Next, she turned her attention to the Protego rune.

Drawing the Protego rune in the air, Gwendolyn felt the magic take shape. She could visualize the shield forming in front of her, a transparent barrier shimmering with protective energy. She called out the spell, reinforcing her intent with the rune.


The shield materialized, glowing brightly before her. She tested its strength, tapping it with her hand and feeling the solid resistance. The rune had effectively channeled the defensive spell, providing her with a reliable means of protection.

Lastly, Gwendolyn focused on the rune for Confringo.

With deliberate precision, Gwendolyn drew the Confringo rune in the air. She felt the magic coalesce, building up energy within the symbol. She aimed at a target dummy in the corner of her room and cast the spell.


A fiery explosion erupted from her hand, striking the dummy and causing it to burst into flames. The force of the blast shook the room, and Gwendolyn quickly extinguished the fire with a wave of her hand. The rune had successfully amplified the spell's destructive power.

Gwendolyn sat back, her heart racing with excitement. The Runic Grimoire was proving to be an incredible tool, allowing her to channel her magic in new and powerful ways. She knew that mastering the runes would take time and practice, but she was eager to learn and grow.

As she continued to study the grimoire, Gwendolyn felt a renewed sense of purpose. The runes were not just symbols; they were the key to unlocking her potential in this new world. With each new rune she learned, she could create more complicated patterns and circles, casting larger and more powerful spells.

The future was filled with possibilities, and Gwendolyn was determined to master the Runic Grimoire and become a formidable mage.

As evening settled over the Black Bulls' headquarters, Gwendolyn felt a surge of determination. She had spent the day studying her Runic Grimoire and practicing her spells, but she knew that real progress would come from testing herself in combat. Gathering her resolve, she made her way downstairs to the common area where the rest of the squad was relaxing.

Spotting Luck Voltia, the squad's resident lightning mage, Gwendolyn approached him with a determined expression. Luck, known for his love of combat and his relentless energy, looked up curiously as she neared.

"Hey, Luck," Gwendolyn called out, drawing the attention of the other Black Bulls. "How about a duel? I want to test my skills."

The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at her. The request was unexpected, especially given how recently Gwendolyn had joined and how little time she'd had to acclimate to her new magic. Whispers of surprise and curiosity rippled through the group.

Luck's face lit up with excitement, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "A duel? Sounds fun! I like your spirit, Gwendolyn. Let's do it!"

Yami, who had been observing from the corner, raised an eyebrow but didn't object. He was curious to see how Gwendolyn would fare against one of their strongest fighters.

The squad quickly cleared a space in the courtyard for the duel. Gwendolyn and Luck took their positions, facing each other with focused expressions. The air was thick with anticipation as the rest of the Black Bulls watched closely.

"Ready when you are," Luck said, electricity crackling around his body.

Gwendolyn took a deep breath, feeling the runes in her grimoire resonate with her mana. She activated her mana sense, basilisk reflexes, and heightened sight, ready to react to Luck's incredible speed.

"Begin!" Yami called out.

Luck moved first, dashing towards Gwendolyn with blinding speed. Gwendolyn's enhanced senses kicked in, allowing her to track his movements more accurately than she otherwise could. She quickly drew the Protego rune in the air, casting a shield just in time to block Luck's initial attack.


The shield held, but the force of Luck's blow pushed her back. Gwendolyn countered with a swift Stupefy spell, drawing the rune and firing off the stunning bolt.


Luck dodged the spell with ease, his lightning-fast reflexes making it look effortless. He grinned, clearly enjoying the challenge. "Not bad! But you'll have to do better than that!"

He attacked again, zigzagging around her to confuse her senses. Gwendolyn struggled to keep up, her body moving slower than her mind. She managed to dodge some of his strikes, her basilisk reflexes and sight giving her an edge. Drawing the Confringo rune, she unleashed a blast of explosive energy.


The explosion forced Luck to leap back, but he quickly regained his footing, electricity surging around him. He moved in again, this time landing a series of rapid strikes that Gwendolyn struggled to block. Despite her best efforts, she couldn't match his speed and agility.

The duel continued, with Gwendolyn hanging on far longer than anyone had expected. Her use of runes and her heightened senses allowed her to keep up with Luck, if only barely. She managed to land a few glancing blows, earning nods of approval from her onlookers.

Finally, after an intense exchange, Luck landed a decisive blow, sending Gwendolyn sprawling to the ground. She lay there, panting and exhausted, but with a satisfied smile on her face. Luck extended a hand to help her up, his grin as wide as ever.

"That was awesome, Gwendolyn! You're pretty tough," Luck said, genuine admiration in his voice.

The other Black Bulls cheered and clapped, impressed by her performance. Even Yami seemed pleased, a rare smile crossing his face.

"You've got guts, kid," Yami said approvingly. "Keep this up, and you'll fit in just fine around here."

Gwendolyn took Luck's hand and stood up, feeling a mix of exhaustion and exhilaration. She had lost the duel, but she had proven her determination and potential. The experience had taught her valuable lessons about her abilities and limitations.

"Thanks, Luck," Gwendolyn said, her voice filled with gratitude. "I learned a lot."

Luck nodded, still buzzing with energy. "Anytime! Let's do it again soon."

As the Black Bulls dispersed, returning to their activities, Gwendolyn felt a renewed sense of purpose. She had taken a significant step in her journey, and with the support of her new family, she knew she would continue to grow stronger.

After the intense duel with Luck, Gwendolyn made her way back inside the Black Bulls' headquarters. The cool air of the evening was a welcome respite from the exertion of the fight, and she felt a mixture of satisfaction and exhaustion as she stepped into the lively common area.

Spotting Vanessa lounging on a couch, Gwendolyn walked over and sat down next to her. Vanessa looked up and gave her a warm smile, a glass of wine in her hand.

"Nice job out there, Gwendolyn," Vanessa said, raising her glass in a small toast. "You held your own against Luck. That's no small feat."

Gwendolyn smiled back, grateful for the compliment. "Thanks, Vanessa. It was tough, but I learned a lot."

Just then, Charmy came over, carrying a plate piled high with various snacks. Without hesitation, she plopped down next to Gwendolyn and leaned against her, munching happily. Gwendolyn didn't mind the breach in personal space; in fact, she found Charmy's presence comforting. She draped her arm that ended just above the elbow around Charmy's shoulders, feeling a sense of warmth and camaraderie.

Charmy looked up at Gwendolyn with a smile, her cheeks puffed out with food. "You're really strong, Gwendolyn! Wanna share some snacks? They're delicious!"

Gwendolyn chuckled, the lightheartedness of the moment lifting her spirits. "Sure, Charmy. Thanks."

Vanessa watched the interaction with amusement, taking a sip of her wine. "You seem to be fitting in well, Gwendolyn. It's good to see you relaxing a bit."

Gwendolyn nodded, feeling a sense of belonging she hadn't felt in a long time. "Everyone's been really welcoming. It's nice to have a place where I feel accepted."

Charmy, still leaning against Gwendolyn, offered her a piece of food. "Here, try this! It's one of my favorites."

Gwendolyn took the offered snack and tasted it, smiling at the rich flavor. "This is really good, Charmy. You're a great cook."

Charmy beamed with pride. "Thanks! I love cooking for everyone. It makes me happy to see my friends enjoy my food."

Vanessa set her glass down and stretched, looking at Gwendolyn with curiosity. "So, what's your plan now? Gonna keep training with your grimoire?"

Gwendolyn nodded thoughtfully. "Yes. I want to learn as much as I can about the runes and how to use them effectively. The duel with Luck showed me that I have a lot to improve on, but it also gave me confidence in my abilities."

Vanessa smiled, her eyes twinkling with encouragement. "That's the spirit. We're all here to help you, so don't hesitate to ask if you need anything."

Charmy nodded enthusiastically, still leaning comfortably against Gwendolyn. "Yeah! We're all friends here. And friends help each other!"

Gwendolyn felt a surge of gratitude and warmth. She had found a new family in the Black Bulls, and their support meant everything to her. The challenges ahead were daunting, but she knew she wasn't alone.

As the evening wore on, the three of them continued to talk and share stories. Gwendolyn felt a deep sense of peace and contentment, surrounded by her new friends. The journey ahead was still uncertain, but for now, she was happy to simply be in the moment, enjoying the company of those who had welcomed her with open arms.

That night, as she lay in bed, Gwendolyn reflected on her newfound friendships and the sense of belonging she felt. The Black Bulls were more than just a group of adventurers; they were a family, and she was grateful to be a part of it.


A week had passed since Gwendolyn had officially joined the Black Bulls. During that time, she had immersed herself in studying her Runic Grimoire and training alongside her new teammates. Her progress was steady, and she felt more at home with each passing day.

Today, Gwendolyn found herself dressed in the distinctive Black Bull robes, a sense of pride filling her as she looked at her reflection. The robes symbolized her place in this new world and the family she had become a part of.

The Black Bulls were making their way through the bustling streets of the city. The atmosphere was lively, with people milling about, vendors calling out their wares, and children running around playing games. It was a stark contrast to the quiet and intense training sessions at the Black Bulls' headquarters.

"Apparently today is some kind of testing or something to find candidates to join the Magic Knights," Gwendolyn mused aloud. She wasn't entirely sure of the details, but she knew Yami had to be there, and the rest of the Black Bulls had taken it as an opportunity to explore the city.

Vanessa walked beside her, a friendly smile on her face. "Yeah, it's the Magic Knights Entrance Exam. Every year, people from all over come to test their skills and see if they have what it takes to join one of the squads. It's a big deal."

Gwendolyn nodded, taking in the vibrant surroundings. "Sounds interesting. Thanks for offering to show me around, Vanessa."

Vanessa waved a hand dismissively. "No problem at all. It's a good chance for you to see the city and maybe find some cool places. Plus, I'm always up for a bit of fun."

As they walked through the streets, Vanessa pointed out various landmarks and popular spots. She showed Gwendolyn the best places to eat, shop, and relax. The city was full of life and energy, and Gwendolyn found herself enjoying the tour.

They eventually made their way to a large, open plaza where a stage had been set up. A crowd had gathered, and Gwendolyn could see young mages, each looking eager and nervous, preparing for the entrance exam.

"That's where the exam will take place," Vanessa explained. "The captains of the Magic Knights will watch and decide who they want to recruit. It's quite the spectacle."

Gwendolyn watched as the candidates went through their paces, showcasing their magic and skills. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement and curiosity about the process.

"Do you think we'll see any promising new recruits?" she asked Vanessa.

Vanessa shrugged, a playful glint in her eye. "Who knows? It's always a surprise. Sometimes you get a real gem. Speaking of which, look over there."

Gwendolyn followed Vanessa's gaze and saw Yami standing with the other Magic Knight captains, his imposing figure easily recognizable. He was watching the proceedings with his usual intense focus, a cigarette hanging from his lips.

"Yami seems pretty invested," Gwendolyn observed.

Vanessa nodded. "Yeah, he takes the selection process seriously. We might be the Black Bulls, but we don't take just anyone. They've got to prove they've got what it takes."

As the exams continued, Gwendolyn found herself drawn into the excitement of the event. She watched as candidates displayed their magical prowess, some with incredible skill and others with raw potential. It was clear that joining the Magic Knights was a prestigious and highly sought-after goal.

After a while, Vanessa led Gwendolyn to a nearby café, where they sat down to enjoy some refreshments. The café was cozy and bustling, with a pleasant aroma of coffee and pastries filling the air.

"So, how are you finding everything so far?" Vanessa asked, sipping her drink.

Gwendolyn smiled, feeling genuinely happy. "It's been great. I've learned so much already, and everyone's been so supportive. I feel like I'm really starting to find my place here."

Vanessa nodded, her expression warm. "That's good to hear. You're doing really well, Gwendolyn. Just keep pushing yourself, and you'll go far."

As they chatted and enjoyed their drinks, Gwendolyn felt a deep sense of gratitude for her new life and the opportunities it presented. The journey ahead was still full of challenges, but she was ready to face them with her new family by her side.

The Magic Knights Entrance Exam continued outside, a reminder of the world of possibilities that lay ahead.