Morning Embarrassment

The morning sun filtered through the windows of the Black Bulls' common room, casting a warm glow over the space. Gwendolyn slowly woke up, blinking sleepily as she tried to orient herself. She found herself on the couch, a bit unsure of when she had fallen asleep the previous night. As she became more aware of her surroundings, she felt a pleasant warmth against her side, which quickly turned into an intense blush as she realized what it was.

Vanessa, in her typical minimal attire, had somehow attached herself to Gwendolyn during the night. Her arms were wrapped around Gwendolyn's waist, and she was nestled comfortably against her. The older witch's peaceful expression and the gentle rise and fall of her breathing added to the scene's tranquility, despite Gwendolyn's growing embarrassment.

Taking a deep breath, Gwendolyn tried to gently untangle herself from Vanessa without waking her. She moved slowly and carefully, mindful of not disturbing her friend. However, the task proved to be more challenging than she anticipated. Every slight movement seemed to make Vanessa tighten her grip, as if subconsciously seeking more warmth and comfort.

Gwendolyn bit her lip, her cheeks flushing even more. She could feel the curious gazes of some of the early risers in the common room, which only added to her embarrassment. Summoning her resolve, she continued her delicate effort to free herself.

Just as she managed to lift Vanessa's arm off her waist, Vanessa stirred, opening her eyes slightly. She looked up at Gwendolyn with a sleepy smile, clearly still half-asleep. "Morning, Gwen," she murmured, her voice soft and drowsy.

Gwendolyn smiled awkwardly, trying to keep her voice steady. "Morning, Vanessa. I, um, need to get up."

Vanessa yawned and slowly released her grip, stretching out on the couch. "Alright, alright. Sorry for clinging to you. I guess I got a bit too comfortable."

Gwendolyn chuckled nervously, finally able to stand up. "No worries. I'm just... not used to it."

Vanessa gave her a reassuring smile, still lying comfortably on the couch. "Don't sweat it. Happens all the time around here."

As Gwendolyn smoothed her clothes and tried to compose herself, she noticed the amused looks from some of her fellow Black Bulls. She sighed, knowing this would probably become a topic of playful teasing for a while.

Magna walked by, grinning. "Looks like you had an interesting night, Gwendolyn."

Charmy, who was already munching on a morning snack, added, "Yeah, you two looked cozy!"

Gwendolyn rolled her eyes, trying to hide her embarrassment. "Alright, alright. Enough teasing. I need to get ready for the day."

Yami, who had been observing from his usual spot with a knowing smirk, called out, "Welcome to the Black Bulls, Gwendolyn. Get used to the chaos."

Despite the teasing, Gwendolyn felt a sense of warmth and belonging. The Black Bulls were a rowdy bunch, but they were her family now. She smiled to herself, ready to take on whatever the day had in store.

As she headed to her room to freshen up, she couldn't help but think about how far she had come in such a short time. With the support of her new friends and the strength she had gained, Gwendolyn knew she was ready for any challenge that lay ahead. The future was bright, and she was eager to embrace it, surrounded by the wonderful chaos of the Black Bulls.


Gwendolyn had found a secluded spot a fair distance away from the Black Bulls' hideout. The morning was crisp, and the air was filled with the sounds of nature. She stood in the clearing, taking a deep breath as she prepared to let herself go. It had been so long since she had allowed herself the freedom to dance and sing, and she felt a mix of excitement and nervousness.

As she closed her eyes and began to move, her body remembered the rhythm naturally. She started to sing, her voice carrying through the trees with a different song than the one she had sung before. This song was lighter, filled with hope and joy, a reflection of the new life she was building.

In the morning light, I find my way, Dancing through the dawn, a brand new day. With every step, I feel so free, The music of my heart, it carries me.

Vanessa had woken up feeling a bit guilty about her behavior the previous night. She decided to follow Gwendolyn to apologize properly now that she was fully awake. As she approached the clearing, she heard Gwendolyn's voice and paused, stunned by the beauty of the song and the grace of her dance.

I'll dance through the storm, through the rain and the pain, With a song in my heart, I'll find my way again. Every moment, every beat, Is a step towards the dream I'll meet.

Vanessa's thoughts were filled with admiration and awe. She had never seen this side of Gwendolyn before, and the joy and freedom in her movements were captivating. Gwendolyn's voice was pure and uplifting, a stark contrast to the soulful song she had sung the night before. Vanessa felt a sense of pride and a touch of envy at Gwendolyn's talent and the way she could express herself so freely.

With every turn, with every spin, I leave the past behind, and I begin. A journey new, a path untold, With courage in my heart, and dreams of gold.

Vanessa watched in silence, not wanting to interrupt the beautiful moment. She felt a deeper connection to Gwendolyn, understanding a bit more about the complexities and strengths of her new friend. The song and dance were a testament to Gwendolyn's resilience and her ability to find joy despite everything she had been through.

I'll dance through the storm, through the rain and the pain, With a song in my heart, I'll find my way again. Every moment, every beat, Is a step towards the dream I'll meet.

As the song came to an end, Gwendolyn slowed her movements, opening her eyes and taking in the serenity of the moment. It was then that she noticed Vanessa standing at the edge of the clearing, watching her with a warm smile.

"Vanessa!" Gwendolyn exclaimed, a bit embarrassed but also pleased to see her.

Vanessa walked over, her expression a mix of admiration and apology. "Gwen, that was beautiful. I didn't mean to intrude. I just came to apologize for last night."

Gwendolyn blushed, feeling a wave of warmth at Vanessa's words. "Thank you, Vanessa. And you don't need to apologize. I didn't mind it... I'm just not used to it."

Vanessa grinned, a playful glint in her eyes. "Well, if you didn't mind it, then it's all good. We'll just have to get you used to it."

Gwendolyn laughed, the tension melting away. "I guess so."

Vanessa's teasing was light-hearted, and it made Gwendolyn feel even more at ease. The bond between them was growing stronger, built on mutual respect and understanding.

"I'm glad I followed you out here," Vanessa said, her tone sincere. "You have an amazing voice, and your dancing... it's like you're in another world."

Gwendolyn smiled, feeling a deep sense of gratitude. "Thank you, Vanessa. Sometimes, it feels like I am. It's my way of coping and finding happiness."

Vanessa nodded, her eyes filled with understanding. "Well, if you ever need a dance partner or someone to sing with, I'm here."

The two of them shared a warm moment, their friendship solidifying in the peaceful clearing. Gwendolyn felt a renewed sense of belonging and joy, knowing that she had friends who appreciated her for who she was.

As they headed back to the hideout, the bond between Gwendolyn and Vanessa grew stronger, built on shared moments and mutual support.

As Gwendolyn and Vanessa returned to the Black Bulls' hideout, they came upon Asta in the training area, vigorously swinging his large, unwieldy sword. His movements were filled with determination and energy, and it was clear that he was giving it his all. Gwendolyn couldn't help but be impressed by his dedication and spirit.

Vanessa nudged Gwendolyn playfully. "Look at him go. Asta's got enough energy for all of us combined."

Gwendolyn chuckled, watching Asta with interest. "He's really something. He seems about my age, but he's already so determined."

Asta noticed them watching and paused, grinning broadly. He wiped the sweat from his brow and walked over to them, his excitement palpable.

"Hey, Gwendolyn! Vanessa!" Asta greeted, his voice brimming with enthusiasm. "Did you see me training? I'm getting stronger every day!"

Gwendolyn smiled warmly. "I did, Asta. Your dedication is impressive. How long have you been training like this?"

Asta shrugged, still grinning. "Ever since I can remember! I want to be the Wizard King, so I have to give it my all."

Gwendolyn felt a surge of admiration for Asta's unwavering ambition. "That's an incredible goal, Asta. I'm sure you'll achieve it with that attitude."

Vanessa nodded in agreement. "Yep, that's Asta for you. Always pushing himself to the limit."

Asta looked at Gwendolyn curiously. "What about you, Gwendolyn? What's your goal?"

Gwendolyn thought for a moment, reflecting on her journey so far. "I guess my goal is to master my magic and find my place in this world. I want to become strong enough to protect my friends and contribute to the Black Bulls."

Asta's eyes sparkled with determination. "That's a great goal! We'll both work hard and achieve our dreams together."

Gwendolyn felt a sense of camaraderie with Asta, their shared determination forging a bond between them. Despite the differences in their backgrounds, they were both striving to become stronger and make a difference.

"Thanks, Asta," Gwendolyn said, her smile reflecting her newfound sense of purpose. "Let's help each other reach our goals."

Vanessa watched the interaction with a satisfied smile. "Looks like you two are going to be great friends."

Asta nodded enthusiastically. "Definitely! The more, the merrier."

As they chatted, Gwendolyn felt a deepening connection to the Black Bulls. The bonds she was forming with her teammates were becoming stronger, and she knew that together, they could overcome any challenge.

The rest of the day was filled with training and camaraderie. Asta continued to push himself, while Gwendolyn practiced her runic magic, honing her skills with the support and encouragement of her friends.

That evening, as they gathered for dinner, the atmosphere was filled with laughter and warmth. 

The night had been filled with celebration and laughter as the Black Bulls enjoyed a rare moment of downtime. The camaraderie and joy were palpable, and everyone indulged in the festivities. Vanessa, true to her nature, had celebrated a bit too enthusiastically. By the time the evening was winding down, she was so drunk she could barely stand.

Vanessa attempted to get up from her seat, a glassy-eyed determination on her face as she wobbled on her feet. "I think it's time... for bed," she slurred, her words barely coherent.

Gwendolyn, who had been watching Vanessa with growing concern, saw her friend teeter dangerously. With near-superhuman reflexes, Gwendolyn shot out her arm, catching Vanessa just before she could fall.

"Easy there, Vanessa," Gwendolyn said softly, her voice filled with concern. "Let's get you to bed."

Vanessa gave a dazed smile, leaning heavily against Gwendolyn. "You're a good friend, Gwen," she mumbled, her words slurred but sincere.

Gwendolyn smiled gently, carefully adjusting her grip to support Vanessa better. Despite her petite frame, Vanessa was surprisingly heavy when she was completely relaxed and leaning on someone. Gwendolyn braced herself and stood up, silently helping Vanessa to her feet.

"Come on, let's get you to your room," Gwendolyn said, her tone soothing. She wrapped Vanessa's arm around her shoulders, taking most of her weight as they began to walk slowly towards the stairs.

Vanessa stumbled slightly, but Gwendolyn held her steady. The common room was quieting down, the other Black Bulls either passed out from their own indulgences or quietly chatting in corners. The warmth and noise of the festivities were fading, replaced by the calm of the night.

"You're really strong, Gwen," Vanessa muttered, her head lolling slightly as she leaned more heavily against Gwendolyn. "Not just... physically. You're strong here too." She tapped her chest weakly, indicating her heart.

Gwendolyn blushed slightly, touched by Vanessa's words. "Thank you, Vanessa. You're strong too, in more ways than you know."

They slowly made their way across the common room, Gwendolyn careful to navigate the obstacles of discarded bottles and furniture. Vanessa's steps were unsteady, but Gwendolyn's firm grip kept her upright.

"You know, I really appreciate you, Gwen," Vanessa said, her voice growing softer. "You're... special."

Gwendolyn's heart swelled with warmth. "I appreciate you too, Vanessa. You've all made me feel welcome here."

Vanessa giggled, a sound that was both endearing and slightly pitiful in her inebriated state. "That's because you are welcome. You're one of us now."

As they approached the stairs, Gwendolyn took a deep breath, preparing for the more challenging part of their journey. She knew getting Vanessa up the stairs would be no small feat, but she was determined to see her friend safely to her room.

Step by step, they began to ascend, Vanessa's weight leaning more heavily on Gwendolyn with each step. Despite the difficulty, Gwendolyn's resolve never wavered. She was determined to help Vanessa, just as Vanessa had helped her feel at home among the Black Bulls.

With each step, Gwendolyn felt a deepening sense of connection and responsibility. The bond she shared with Vanessa and the rest of the Black Bulls was growing stronger every day. They were more than just comrades; they were family.

As they continued up the stairs, Gwendolyn silently vowed to always be there for her friends, no matter the challenge. They were in this together, and together, they would face whatever the future held.

Reaching the door to Vanessa's room had been a challenge, but Gwendolyn felt a sense of relief as she gently pushed it open. The room was dark, the only light coming from the moon filtering through the window. Carefully, Gwendolyn guided Vanessa to her bed, making sure she was comfortable.

Just as Gwendolyn began to step back, Vanessa's hand shot out, grabbing her wrist with surprising strength. In one swift motion, Vanessa pulled Gwendolyn into a tight embrace. Gwendolyn froze, startled by the sudden movement.

"You're my family now," Vanessa whispered, her voice soft but filled with a depth of emotion. She patted Gwendolyn's head twice, then began to gently stroke her hair.

The warmth and sincerity in Vanessa's words hit Gwendolyn like a wave. She felt a rush of emotions, memories flooding back. The comforting embrace of Ollivander when he gave her her first wand, the sense of belonging and purpose she had felt with the Loki Familia, and now, the unconditional acceptance from the Black Bulls. Each memory brought with it a mixture of joy, sorrow, and gratitude.

Vanessa's grip gradually loosened as she succumbed to sleep, her breathing evening out. Gwendolyn carefully extricated herself from the embrace, making sure Vanessa was settled comfortably in bed. She took a moment to tuck the blankets around her, ensuring she was warm and safe.

With a deep breath, Gwendolyn stood up and quietly exited the room, closing the door softly behind her. Standing alone in the dim hallway, the weight of the night's emotions settled heavily on her shoulders. She leaned against the wall, her eyes welling up with tears.

The flood of memories and the realization of how far she had come overwhelmed her. She thought about Ollivander, who had seen something special in her and given her the tool to begin her magical journey. She remembered the comrades and mentors of the Loki Familia, who had become her second family and taught her strength and resilience. And now, here she was, embraced and accepted by the Black Bulls, who had shown her what it truly meant to be part of a family.

The tears spilled over, and Gwendolyn let them flow freely. She wasn't crying from sadness, but from the sheer intensity of the love and gratitude she felt. Each tear was a testament to the struggles she had faced, the battles she had fought, and the unwavering spirit that had carried her through it all.

Standing there in the quiet hallway, Gwendolyn allowed herself this moment of vulnerability. She had been through so much, yet she had found strength and support in the most unexpected places. The words Vanessa had whispered echoed in her mind, solidifying her resolve.

You're my family now.

With a final deep breath, Gwendolyn wiped her eyes, a small smile forming on her lips. She felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination. The journey ahead was still uncertain, but she knew that with the Black Bulls by her side, she could face anything.

As she stood there, the tears gradually ceased, replaced by a calm, steady resolve. She had found her place, and she was ready to embrace whatever the future held, confident in the love and support of her new family.