Chapter 44

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Once again, the body encased in the Forbidden Technique: Eternal Slumber emerged from the ground.

Unlike before, this time Gensou, with unwavering hands, formed the Seal of the Tiger and uttered a low command:

"Forbidden Technique: Release!"

The black membrane covering the body instantly glowed.

Soon, the membrane split apart, transforming into tadpole-like black symbols that swiftly traversed the body's surface. Before long, they all congregated at the heart, forming a black tomoe.

With a sudden leap, the black tomoe detached from the body, rose into the air, and evaporated rapidly under Gensou's gaze, disappearing completely.

Gensou knew this signified the complete dissolution of the Forbidden Technique: Eternal Slumber.

Thump! Thump!

The powerful beating of a heart echoed throughout the Valley of the End.

It was as if a terrifying entity was awakening from its slumber.

In that instant, all the insects, birds, and beasts within the valley fell silent, rendering the entire area eerily quiet.

Gensou looked down.

His own body, unobstructed, lay fully revealed before him.

It was as if the most intense battle had just ended.

His body was covered with countless wounds, some so severe that his chest had a large cavity, exposing both flesh and bone, with blood continuously seeping from various parts.

Despite this, Gensou could feel a strong, oppressive aura emanating from his body, exuding a sense of defiance and dominance.

Moreover, the chakra within his reanimated body seemed to activate autonomously, as if responding to an immense threat, causing an involuntary reaction.

"So this is my true body!"

Even though it was gravely injured, it was still brimming with life.

Gensou looked at his heart beating, blood flowing, and his rosy skin, his eyes full of anticipation.

"It's time."

Knowing that his body wouldn't remain in this state for long, he quickly formed hand seals.

"Spirit Transformation Technique!"

After a few moments, Gensou completed the final seal.

As the technique took effect, Gensou felt a powerful force accelerating his soul.

It was as if an infinite energy source could send him anywhere instantly.

With a flash of determination in his eyes, Gensou's soul left his body.

Ignoring the rift to the Underworld that appeared overhead, Gensou's soul, propelled by the Spirit Transformation Technique, moved with unparalleled speed, breaking free of its constraints and merging seamlessly with his long-awaited true body.

Like a swallow returning home.

With a "swish," Gensou's soul fused perfectly with his body, without the slightest hindrance.

The next moment, his unblemished right index finger twitched slightly.

Then, as if responding to a command from his central nervous system, the fingers moved sequentially.

Clumps of dirt fell from his hand.

His right hand, clutching the earth, slowly rose to his now open eyes.

Gensou opened his eyes.

Looking at his hand and feeling the wet dirt, he smiled.

"Yes! This is the feeling!"

Gensou clutched his heart with his other hand.

Thump! Thump!

Since his reanimation, it was the first time he had felt his heart beating so vividly.

Looking at the fresh blood on his hand, Gensou couldn't contain his joy, laughing maniacally:

"The taste of blood! The feeling of pain!"

"Hahaha!!! This is my true body! I can finally shine with the full glory of the Hagoromo clan! Hahaha..."

Only by experiencing it firsthand can one truly understand.

At that moment, Gensou fully comprehended the elation and joy Madara felt upon his resurrection during the Fourth Great Ninja War.

The brilliance of life is something everyone who has tasted death yearns for.

Now, Gensou clenched his fists, feeling the surge of power.

Even though he was severely injured, with his chakra greatly diminished, and intense pain from all over his body, he reveled in the feeling.

This feeling, so different from the reanimated body, so full of life!

After a while, Gensou finally calmed down. Not minding the blood flowing from his wounds, he shook his head, donned a black cloak, and covered himself.

Having done all this, he looked at his reanimated body still standing before him.


The reanimated body had not yet dissipated, reverting to the original sacrifice.

Moreover, his Spirit Transformation Technique was still active.

Gensou knew why.

After thoroughly reading the Spirit Transformation Technique scroll, he understood that the technique didn't entirely detach the soul from the body.

Gensou had speculated this before.

If the Spirit Transformation Technique allowed the soul to move freely, Dan wouldn't have died. At the very least, he could have survived in his soul form for some time.

Additionally, during the Fourth Great Ninja War, reanimated Dan could have used the Spirit Transformation Technique to escape the reanimation's control rather than briefly meeting Tsunade before returning to the Underworld.

The Spirit Transformation Technique has its limitations.

When the soul leaves the body for assassination, possession, or message transmission, a small part remains as an anchor, ready to pull the soul back to prevent disorientation.

In the Fourth Great Ninja War, reanimated Dan Kato's soul didn't get pulled into the Underworld because part of it was anchored to the reanimated body.

The same applied now.

A small part of Gensou's soul remained in the reanimated body.

When the Spirit Transformation Technique ended, his main soul would uncontrollably return to the reanimated body.

Gensou couldn't change this.

Changing the foundation of the Spirit Transformation Technique would create a new soul technique, which was almost impossible.


Gensou shook his head.

"Doubt Orochimaru, understand Orochimaru, become Orochimaru."

First, solve the immediate issue; the rest can wait.

Gensou steadied himself and, before the Spirit Transformation Technique ended, clapped his hands and coldly commanded:



His soul split.

A fragment of his soul detached from the main.

Gensou looked up, enduring the pain of soul separation, and stared at the reanimated body.

With a rustling sound, paper scraps flew around.

The soul fragment replaced the main soul, pulled into the Underworld.

The reanimated body collapsed.

In its place lay an unfamiliar Sound ninja corpse.

"It's over."

Gensou looked up, raising his hand to shield his eyes from the sun.

Feeling no threat from the Underworld.

He smiled brightly.

No matter the challenges.

Gensou had truly resurrected!

(End of Chapter)