The Flames of Kaiya

Written by: AUSTRO

Comic Artwork by: NEWP

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The sun hung low over the Earth Nation village, casting long shadows across the buildings with their characteristic green roofs. The wide dirt street, usually bustling with life, lay in disarray, bearing the scars of a recent battle. In the center, a pile of Fire Nation soldiers lay defeated, save for one who remained standing, flames dancing from his hands as he faced off against Toph.

Sokka, standing nearby and reacting in comical fear as flames licked the barrier, called out, "Toph, you planning on making friends with him? Or can we wrap this up?"

Toph's response was curt and dismissive. "Shut up."

With a swift movement, Toph slammed a stone pillar into the Fire Nation soldier's stomach, sending him flying. He landed heavily, dazed and confused.

"How is he still alive?!" Toph said sarcastically, her voice dripping with mock disbelief.

"I'm on it!" Sokka responded, readying his boomerang. With a swift throw, the boomerang sailed through the air and struck the soldier's helmet, knocking him out.

Sokka placed his foot on the soldier's backside and declared proudly, "And that's that! Another Earth Nation village liberated by yours truly!"

Toph, unimpressed, retorted sarcastically, "Gee thanks, Sokka, couldn't have done it without you." She spat on the ground, a clear indication of her true feelings. "Please tell me we're done... my feet are killing me!"

Sokka consulted a map, his brow furrowing. "Just one in the area left. Though it's probably heavily fortified..."

Without waiting, Toph started walking ahead. "Toph! Hold on! We need to meet up with Aang and Katara first," Sokka urged, clutching the map as he hurried to keep up.

"Nope! I wanna get this day over with as soon as possible," Toph shot back.

After traveling for an hour, Toph and Sokka reached another Earth Nation village. This one seemed more like a town, with well-put-together buildings and a neatly paved stone path. The road was narrower, flanked by green-roofed buildings that lined either side of the deserted main pathway. The atmosphere was eerie, reminiscent of a ghost town, the emptiness and silence creating an unsettling feeling as they entered the village.

As Toph walked ahead of him, Sokka warned, "We need to be more careful, there could be an ambush around any corner."

Toph laughed, brushing off his concern. "You think I'd allow them to ambush me?!"

Sokka looked around, confused. "Okay, so the Fire Nation turned out to be a bunch of wimps and abandoned the town... but where'd all the locals go?"

Toph stopped Sokka with a firm palm to his gut, knocking the wind out of him. "Wait!"

Sokka, grabbing his stomach, gasped, "What was that for?!"

Toph's expression was serious. "That's definitely them. They're inside the buildings."

Sokka's concern grew. "Huh? Why're they all cooped up inside?"

"It's like they're scared of someone... or something..." Toph mused, her gaze distant.

Sokka scratched his head, perplexed. "I don't get it..."

Suddenly, Sokka made an impulsive decision. He cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled into the sky, "Hey everyone! We're with the coalition! So come out! You're safe now!"

Toph's sarcasm was palpable. "So much for being careful..."

Scared eyes peeked out from window panes, some blinds snapping shut at Sokka's outburst. Toph's seismic sense picked up a presence.

"Come out! I can sense you!" Toph called, her voice on high alert, pointing and looking at the ground as she spoke.

Sokka, still confused, asked, "Who are you yelling at?!"

Toph pointed ahead, her finger steady. "Her..."

From the shadowy archway, a figure emerged with a fluid grace, her presence commanding and enigmatic. Jet-black hair cascaded down, flowing with each step she took and caught by the wind, it fluttered around her face like a dark halo. Her attire, a deep crimson ensemble, shimmered in the light, exuding an air of regality and quiet strength. The fabric hugged her form, accentuating her lithe figure, while intricate golden accents highlighted the craftsmanship of her outfit.

Her pale skin and vibrant yellow eyes seemed to glow with an inner fire. As she walked towards Toph and Sokka, her eyes held a curious yet determined expression, a blend of intense focus and quiet confidence. Each step she took was deliberate, her poise unwavering, as if the ground beneath her feet belonged to her. The light of the surroundings danced across her figure, casting an almost ethereal glow around her, while the wind continued to play with her hair, adding to the mystique of her arrival.

The girl stopped around 15 meters away from the duo, a tense showdown following suit.

Sokka shaded his eyes from the sun, trying to make out the figure. "It's just a kid," he said, confused.

"But that's no ordinary Fire Nation outfit," he added, raising his boomerang defensively.

Toph laughed mockingly. "Deploying kids? The Fire Nation must be getting really desperate!"

Sokka processed the diss, his expression comical.

The girl responded emotionlessly, "Might I suggest a mirror? Though, it's doubtful you'd grasp its reflection."

Sokka, holding in laughter, "You gonna let her talk to you like that, Toph?!"

Toph's face flushed with fury, her fists clenching and trembling with rage. Her voice was a growl as she stepped forward, her posture radiating aggression. "Either BACK OFF or you'll be eating BOULDERS for lunch!"

The girl stared at her, emotionless. Sokka sheathed his boomerang, trying to defuse the situation. "Listen... If they dragged you into this war, we can try to help. Let's sort this out peacefully. I'm Sokka. What's your name?"

She closed her eyes, looked upwards, and inhaled deeply.

Sokka, leaning towards Toph, whispered nervously, "Uhh... I think she's about to attack us..."

Toph grinned excitedly, assuming her signature earthbending stance as the ground beneath her feet cracked. "She's got guts, I like that! What's your move, kid?"

The girl's eyes snapped open, fire igniting from her fingers. She positioned her hands behind her back, concealing the buildup of her attack. With a sudden, fluid motion, she outstretched her arms, unleashing streams of fire from each finger. The flames burst forth in chaotic waves, surging down the road toward Toph and Sokka.

The flames quickly spread across the entire width of the street, creating an all-consuming wall of fire. The intense heat illuminated the houses on either side, casting eerie, flickering shadows. The bright yellow and orange hues of the flames bathed the surroundings in a hellish glow, making the air shimmer with heat. The roar of the inferno was deafening, and the suffocating warmth rushed towards Toph and Sokka, creating an overwhelming sense of chaos.

"Get us up now!" Sokka yelled, urgency in his voice. Toph, shocked but quick to react, slammed her palms to the ground, erecting a stone pillar that lifted them to rooftop level, just above the searing flames.

From their elevated position, Toph and Sokka could see the entire width of the road engulfed in flames. The street below became a sea of fire, the houses on either side glowing ominously. The girl inhaled deeply, then exhaled forcefully, augmenting the flames upwards. The wall of fire grew higher, surrounding Toph and Sokka.

The girl, watching her own destructive handiwork, smiled as a tear fell from her eye. "Exquisite."

It was like something out of a hellish nightmare: flames roared around them, reaching for the sky, creating a suffocating heat that made the air shimmer. The intense light and heat distorted their vision, making it difficult to see anything beyond the wall of fire.

The inferno's oppressive heat made communication impossible, and the two friends were trapped, the fire rising ever higher around them. Sokka looked around in terror as the flames closed in, their heat singeing his clothes.

The Fire Nation girl stood in the center of the street, her arms outstretched above her head, maintaining the flames with an almost reverent expression. The scale of the massive wall of fire she controlled was staggering. The flames stretched high above, casting an intense orange glow over the entire scene. The houses on either side of the road were illuminated in the fiery light, their windows reflecting the blazing inferno. Shadows danced and flickered across the buildings, emphasizing the heat and chaos of the moment.

Toph and Sokka, surrounded by the raging flames, were drenched in sweat, struggling to withstand the heat. Toph's face showed determination as she prepared to earthbend. Sokka looked worried but trusted Toph's judgment. Toph stomped her foot on the ground with a firm stance, the force of her earthbending sending cracks through the earth. The ground responded to her command, forming a protective rock dome around her and Sokka. The dome rose quickly, shielding them from the intense heat and flames.

Inside the rock dome, Toph and Sokka stood in idle poses, their clothes partially burned. Their faces were blank, both in shock and wondering how they got there. The interior was dark, casting an eerie silence over the moment. They began talking without altering their poses or expressions.

"Well, this is bad," Sokka said.

"Thanks, Captain Obvious," Toph replied.

Sokka suddenly turned to Toph, his face showing disappointment and anger. "Why'd you underestimate her?! You had the chance to capture her before she attacked!"

Toph matched Sokka's energy. Her head was lowered, staring at the ground, but her expression was angry and accusatory. "YOU put your boomerang away!"

Sokka's expression changed to a bright smile as he had an 'eureka' moment. "Boomerang... right."

Sokka reached for his boomerang, pulling it out with a confident look on his face. He began grinding his boomerang against the rock wall, searching for the right angle, his expression intense with concentration. He licked his lips, focused on his task. Toph, with a skeptical look, stood with her hands on her hips.

"Wanna explain how scratching the wall helps us out of this mess?" Toph asked.

Without breaking his concentration, Sokka glanced briefly at Toph, then back at the boomerang and wall. "I don't think she's moved. If I angle my throw right, she'll have to react. That'll break her concentration and lower the flames."

Toph raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms. "Then what?"

Sokka, now looking at Toph with determination, held the boomerang firmly. "It'll give you an opening to take her out. You need to make a hole in the wall on my go."

Toph, uncrossing her arms and showing a hint of concern, leaned slightly forward. "But that'll mean-"

"Yeah, we'll take some fire, so you need to close it right after. You ready?" Sokka interrupted with urgency, stepping closer to emphasize his point.

Toph's expression shifted to fierce determination. She palmed her fists and nodded. "Let's kick her butt."

Sokka readied his throw. "Now!"

The boomerang flew out of his hand, spinning rapidly through the air. It cut through the dense heat inside the dome, streaking toward the wall of fire. As it pierced the barrier, a burst of flames rushed through the opening, singeing Toph's and Sokka's clothes. The boomerang continued its trajectory, carving a path through the inferno and emerging on the other side with a trail of sparks and embers in its wake. It sailed through the sky with a determined arc, its polished surface glinting in the fiery light.

Toph and Sokka, their eyes shut tightly to protect against the searing heat and brightness, tried to look away from the fire seeping into the dome.

"Close it!" Sokka yelled, his voice urgent despite the situation.

The Fire Nation girl noticed the glint of the boomerang as it approached, her eyes narrowing in response.

She moved her palms downwards, causing the towering flames to lower in response. She then generated an energized orb in the palm of her hand, its bright light contrasting sharply against the dim surroundings. With a swift, deliberate motion, she released the energy at the incoming boomerang.

The orb struck the boomerang, altering its trajectory with a powerful shockwave. Toph, sensing the vibrations through the earth, had a sudden look of surprise as she realized something significant.

"Whoa," Toph muttered, her eyes widening.

A sly grin spread across Toph's face as the realization settled in. "I've got you figured out, sweetie," she said confidently.

Toph grinned, her expression full of determination and newfound understanding.

"Now's your chance!" Sokka yelled intensely, his voice cutting through the chaos with a sense of urgency and determination.

Toph responded swiftly, her movements precise and powerful. She broke the stone dome surrounding them with a decisive earthbending move, sending shards of rock flying. The protective barrier shattered, revealing the blazing inferno below them.

Without hesitation, Toph stomped her foot, and a small cylindrical stone pillar erupted from the ground in front of her, rising to waist level. Her hand hovered over it, her bending precise and controlled. Cracks spiderwebbed across its surface, accompanied by swirling dust and fragments.

With a subtle yet forceful gesture, Toph transformed the pillar into several levitating, razor-sharp stone discs, each resembling a lethal vinyl record. The discs glinted menacingly, ready for her command.

Toph launched them with a swift, decisive motion, sending the discs hurtling towards the Fire Nation girl. They sliced through the air with lethal precision, their trajectory forming a perfect spherical curve as they closed in on their target. The sharp edges glinted ominously in the fiery light, creating a mesmerizing yet deadly sight.

The Fire Nation girl's eyes widened in alarm as she noticed the incoming projectiles. Her expression shifted from determined focus to concern. She reacted instinctively, summoning her bending prowess. With a graceful yet urgent movement, she enveloped herself in a spherical fire shield. The flames erupted around her, swirling and pulsating with intense energy, forming a protective barrier against the oncoming attack. The heat from the shield distorted the air around her, casting a fierce, almost ethereal glow.

The discs came into contact with the fire shield, disintegrating as they made contact, bursting inside the shield with a bright yellow glow. The explosive impact created a dense dust cloud within the fire barrier.

As the dust cloud settled, the Fire Nation girl was left standing awkwardly, her entire body enveloped in thick dust. She collapsed to her knees, coughing violently and covering her throat with her hands.

Below, the fire beneath Toph and Sokka had been significantly reduced, but the stone road remained blazing hot. Sokka pointed at the coughing Fire Nation girl with a big smile on his face as he turned to Toph.

"You totally dusted her!" Sokka exclaimed.

Toph crossed her arms, her expression nonchalant. "Any other firebender would've dodged your boomerang. But she used that crazy move to defend herself. That clued me in on something..."

"She just bends. Doesn't even try to dodge or move!" Toph concluded.

Sokka's face lit up with understanding. "I get it! You hit her with those discs from multiple angles, forcing her to pop up that fire shield! Since they were thin, they disintegrated and covered her on impact!"

They watched as the Fire Nation girl crawled to the front of a building and leaned against it, still coughing.

"Let's go down. I'll cuff her, and we'll take her back to the coalition camp," Toph said, her tone resolute.

Sokka nodded, and together, they prepared to descend and secure their adversary.

The Fire Nation girl was exhausted, covered in dust, sweating, and completely defeated. She struggled to catch her breath, her body trembling with fatigue. The once-intense flames had died down, leaving the street scorched and the air filled with the acrid smell of burnt stone.

Before Toph and Sokka descended from the stone pillar, Sokka suddenly grabbed Toph's shoulder, a look of realization dawning on his face.

"Wait, something's not right," Sokka said, his voice tense with concern.

Toph frowned, confused. "What do you mean? We won! She can't even stand!"

Sokka glanced around the deserted village, his mind racing. "Are the villagers still inside?"

Toph closed her eyes and used her seismic sense, feeling the vibrations of the earth. "Yeah, they are! Not a single one of them's left."

Sokka's expression darkened. "They should've evacuated from the back by now. That can only mean one thing."

Toph's eyes widened in understanding as the gravity of the situation hit her.

"They're being held hostage," Sokka concluded, his voice grim.

Inside one of the dimly lit buildings, a family huddled in the corner, their faces pale with fear. The flickering light from a distant flame cast long shadows across the room. In front of them stood a man in a Fire Nation uniform, his stance menacing as he held a gleaming glaive. The family's eyes were wide with terror, their bodies pressed tightly together as if seeking comfort and protection from one another.

The realization of the deeper threat weighed heavily on Toph and Sokka, steeling their resolve to save the innocent villagers.

Sokka, albeit a bit comically, tried to warn Toph about the seriousness of the situation, his eyes closed. "Okay, Toph, this is a delicate situation. We need to be careful with our words. Also-"

Toph interrupted, her impatience growing with the situation. "Hey! The villagers have nothing to do with this! Let them evacuate! Unless you're chicken!" she yelled, pointing at the Fire Nation girl.

Sokka facepalmed at Toph's lack of finesse.

The Fire Nation girl conjured a flame in her hand, positioning it menacingly near the wall of the building she was sitting against. The flickering firelight cast eerie shadows, highlighting the dust and sweat on her face.

Sokka's eyes widened in fear at the sight, realizing the impending danger of her setting a house full of people on fire. "Okay, that's DEFINITELY not what we wanted!"

Toph cracked her knuckles, a grin spreading across her face. "If she wants to play hardball, I'm all in."

With a decisive motion, Toph broke off some rock from the massive cubic stone they were standing on, shaping them into sharp, pointed projectiles. Dozens of these rocks hovered in the air, all aimed directly at the Fire Nation girl.

The Fire Nation girl remained unfazed, still holding the flame dangerously close to the house.

Sokka turned to Toph, anger and concern in his voice. "Hold on! We need a plan so no one gets hurt! You can't just bulldoze through this!"

Toph spat in frustration, then dropped the rocks. She turned to Sokka, but kept her eyes lowered. "What's wrong with bulldozing the crazy girl who wants to set the town on fire?! I'm not giving her more time to recover!"

Sokka tried to reason with Toph, his tone turning accusatory. "If we keep fighting, innocent people are gonna die! Aang and Katara would know what to do, and you just had to insist on coming here without them!"

Toph took Sokka's comments personally, her face tightening with hurt and frustration. "Oh, I'm sorry I'm not good enough. I've only kept you alive this entire time!"

"You know that's not what I meant!" Sokka shot back, his voice rising.

The two began bickering, their voices overlapping and rising in intensity. Meanwhile, the Fire Nation girl silently observed them, her expression blank and unreadable.

As Toph and Sokka bickered, the Fire Nation girl remained silent, maintaining a low presence. Slowly, she rose from her seated position, her movements deliberate and controlled. She dusted herself off, shaking loose the remnants of dirt and debris that clung to her clothes. Stretching her limbs, she inhaled deeply, her chest rising as she prepared for her next attack. Her eyes locked onto the platform where Toph and Sokka stood, determination hardening her features.

Toph, oblivious to the danger, continued arguing. "I told you, she's exhausted! She won't be making another fire shield."

Sokka's face contorted with anger and concern. "And you want to bet people's lives on that?! I'm not gonna let you do that just because you're ticked off!"

"Yeah?! Well-" Toph began, but Sokka's expression suddenly shifted to alarm as he noticed the Fire Nation girl's poised stance.

"Incoming fire!" Sokka yelled, his voice cutting through the tension.

Toph quickly created a barrier, the earth rising protectively around them. They both ducked down, bracing for the anticipated onslaught of a massive firestream, their minds still reeling from the recent heat and trauma. The memory of the intense flames made them instinctively huddle closer, muscles tensed in expectation.

But nothing happened. The atmosphere, however, began to darken ominously.

Toph smirked confidently. "Hah! Told you, she's got nothing left."

Sokka glanced upwards, his eyes widening as he noticed the sky beginning to darken. Thick, black smoke started to envelop them, the air growing heavy and oppressive.

"What's happening to the sky?" Sokka's voice trembled with unease.

Beyond their immediate view, the Fire Nation girl was employing a cunning technique. Using Heat Control and Heat Redirection, she manipulated a mixture of the hot stone and lingering flames from the battle. The intense heat from the ground and residual fire were redirected, causing thick smoke to billow upwards. This smoke quickly spread, encompassing the entire area around them, creating a wide radius of choking, dark fumes.

The smoke enveloped them quickly, and they began coughing violently, instinctively covering their mouths. The acrid, suffocating air made communication impossible, their words lost in the choking haze. The atmosphere grew increasingly dire, the dark smoke transforming the bright day into a stifling, shadowy struggle for breath.

Toph, covering her mouth with one hand, clenched her fist as the ground underneath and around the Fire Nation girl began to rumble and crack. The earth responded to Toph's will, causing fissures to snake across the road. The sudden unevenness of the ground destabilized the Fire Nation girl, causing her to fall backward. This abrupt shift disrupted the smoke stream, but the damage had already been done-Sokka, overwhelmed by the noxious fumes, fainted.

Seeing Sokka vulnerable and unconscious, Toph's heart raced. She knew she had to act quickly. Summoning her bending skills, she levitated the earth, shaping it into an arch that hovered above her shoulder. With precision, she crafted a giant rock gauntlet, delicately lifting Sokka and placing him securely on the arch. The gauntlet steadied him, ensuring he wouldn't fall.

Toph then took a deep breath and jumped down from the platform. As she descended, she bent the earth beneath her into a rock sledge, using it to brace her fall. The impact sent minor shockwaves through the ground. She landed smoothly on the road, away from the Fire Nation girl, and without hesitation, she began to move swiftly, Sokka safely in tow. Her determination was evident in every movement, driven by the urgency of the situation and the weight of her responsibility.

As the Fire Nation girl stumbled to her feet, her body covered in dust and her appearance disheveled, she moved with deliberate steps towards the platform. Her once pristine attire was now smeared with grime, and her hair hung in tangled strands around her face, reflecting the intensity of the recent battle. Each movement was accompanied by a soft rustling of dirt and debris falling from her form.

Rounding the platform, she took in the scene on the other side of the road. The air was still thick with the remnants of smoke, but Toph and Sokka were nowhere to be seen. A deep groove carved into the stone path stretched out towards the entrance of the town, marking their hasty departure. The wide rut was a clear indication of Toph's rock sliding technique, a swift escape route etched into the earth.

A smirk crept onto the Fire Nation girl's face, a mix of amusement and respect glinting in her eyes. She stood there for a moment, absorbing the aftermath of the encounter, her expression revealing a begrudging admiration for her adversaries.

"It appears your tutelage has borne fruit. Master Azula," she murmured, her voice carrying a hint of admiration and a note of acknowledgment.