Azula's Protégé


The Fire Nation Throne Room was grand and imposing, with tall, ornate pillars and intricate decorations reflecting the Fire Nation's power and wealth. The room was ablaze with roaring flames, casting eerie shadows that danced across the walls. The throne itself was elevated on a dais, surrounded by a ring of fire, adding to its majestic and intimidating presence.

Azula stood before her father, her posture rigid and her expression conflicted.

"Father, I understand you want me to train this girl, but—"

Ozai interrupted, his voice booming and authoritative. He sat regally on his throne, exuding an aura of absolute power.

"This GIRL'S name is Kaiya. She possesses GREAT POWER. All attempts to harness it have failed. YOU must succeed where others have faltered. Fulfill this duty, and you shall have what you desire."

Azula clenched her fists, her face a mixture of determination and frustration. The flames around the throne flickered wildly, casting intense shadows across her features.

"Yes, Father. I will ensure she brings glory to the Fire Nation."

A female servant stepped forward, bowing respectfully as she approached Azula. She held out a scroll, her hands trembling slightly from the heat and intensity of the room.

"Here is her information, Princess."

Azula snatched the scroll aggressively, her face contorting into a frown. She glanced at the scroll briefly before turning on her heel and storming out of the throne room, her stride determined.

Ozai's eyes followed Azula's departure with a satisfied, calculating expression. The flames around him roared higher, casting long, dramatic shadows in the dim light.

* * *

The Royal Training Grounds were expansive, with multiple sparring areas, training dummies, and weapon racks. The ground was covered with scorched patches and signs of intense training sessions. The sun was high, casting sharp shadows across the grounds.

Azula delivered an aggressive head kick to a training dummy, blue flames blazing from her foot. The dummy smoldered, the blue fire leaving scorch marks.

Mai stood nearby, holding a scroll and reading from it with her usual monotone voice.

"Expelled from the Royal Academy for defying instructors, frightening other students, and continuous misconduct." Her expression was neutral, but there was a slight mocking tone towards Azula.

"So, you're stuck with THIS girl?" Mai said, her eyes flicking up from the scroll.

Azula's face contorted with anger and annoyance, her eyes narrowing as she spoke.

"It's infuriating! Wasting my time on some... miscreant."

Mai smirked, still reading Kaiya's information from the scroll, her tone shifting to slightly impressed.

"Apparently, she burned a girl's—"

"I know what it says, Mai!" Azula yelled, cutting her off. She walked over to Mai and snatched her water canteen, taking a quick drink. Her movements were sharp and filled with frustration.

Mai, trying to find the easiest and laziest solution possible, suggested,

"Just teach her a few moves and send her off."

Azula's expression turned stern and serious, her eyes locking onto Mai's.

"This is not merely about teaching her a FEW TRICKS. Once I deem her ready, she REPRESENTS me. Should she falter or fail, it tarnishes MY image. And I cannot—and will not—allow that."

Azula looked off to the side, her expression softening slightly.

"But if I push her too far, she'll crack, and this mentorship will fail." Her voice dropped to a contemplative tone. "I need to determine her character the moment she enters the palace."

Mai smirked, clearly glad this task wasn't hers. She looked at Azula with a mixture of amusement and sympathy.

"Looks like you have your hands full."

Azula stared off into the distance, the sun casting a sharp shadow behind her, the weight of her new responsibility heavy on her shoulders.

* * *

The grand entrance of the Fire Nation Palace loomed with an imposing presence. Tall, ornate doors stood sentinel amidst lush gardens that flanked the path, exuding a sense of grandeur and power. Red and gold accents adorned the intricate carvings, each detail reflecting the splendor of the Fire Nation. Under a clear sky, the sun cast a warm glow over the scene, enhancing the regal atmosphere.

Kaiya's mother, dressed in elegant yet modest attire, stood before Azula with a posture that was both respectful and filled with an underlying tension. Beside her, Kaiya appeared composed, yet a subtle apprehension shadowed her demeanor. Kaiya's mother began to speak, her voice filled with a mix of honor and concern.

"It is a profound honor that the Royal Family considers my daughter for the war effort, Princess. However, may I express my concern, given all that our family has endured?" Her eyes glistened with unshed tears, and her voice wavered slightly, betraying the emotional turmoil she felt.

Azula, maintaining her stoic expression, responded with a tone that held a flicker of understanding.

"Your husband's death was a tragedy. No one foresaw my uncle abandoning the siege at Ba Sing Se. His sacrifice, saving many lives, is honored throughout the Fire Nation."

Kaiya's mother gently placed her hand on Kaiya's shoulder, offering a comforting touch. Azula's expression remained unchanged, yet her eyes briefly softened.

"Rest assured," Azula continued, "her deployment will be managed with utmost care. I will personally oversee it to ensure no unnecessary risks are taken."

Kaiya's mother bowed deeply, her gratitude evident.

"Thank you, Princess Azula."

She hugged her daughter tightly, a tender moment filled with both pride and sorrow. Azula turned her head away, avoiding the mother-daughter embrace. This poignant contrast highlighted the hardened exterior Azula maintained.

As Kaiya's mother departed, she cast one last glance at her daughter, her eyes brimming with a mixture of pride and sorrow.

Azula then turned to Kaiya, her tone firm and authoritative.

"My father trusts your potential. Our success is mutually beneficial. With my guidance and your compliance, we will exceed his expectations."

Her gaze unwavering, Azula added,

"I've assigned a servant girl to you. You'll be staying in my brother's room. He's on an extended vacation. Your training begins at dawn. Don't be late."

Kaiya bowed deeply, her expression one of determination and respect.

"Princess, your mentorship is an honor. I am eager to learn from the finest the Fire Nation has to offer."

Azula's eyes sharpened.

"From now on, you will address me as Master. You are more than a student; you are my chosen protégé. Ensure you live up to that title."

Kaiya nodded solemnly, her voice steady and resolute.

"Of course, Master."

* * *

The palace hallway was spacious and elegantly decorated, with high ceilings featuring red and gold tapestries and lanterns casting a warm light. The walls had detailed carvings that illustrated the Fire Nation's history. As Kaiya and Lin walked side-by-side, their footsteps echoed softly on the marble floors.

"Pardon me," Kaiya began, her voice thoughtful, "how should I properly address you?"

Lin glanced at Kaiya, slightly surprised but appreciative.

"You want to know my name?"

Kaiya offered a small smile.

"'Servant girl' isn't a real name. Even the princess must know that. So, what should I call you?"

Lin's expression softened, and she smiled slightly.

"My name is Lin. Thank you for asking, Lady Kaiya."

Kaiya nodded appreciatively, her expression warm.

"Your company is appreciated, Lin."

"It's my pleasure," Lin replied.

As they arrived at Zuko's room, the large, ornate door stood decorated with symbols of the Fire Nation. Lin gestured politely.

"As our esteemed guest, the entire palace is at your disposal. Please let me know if I can be of assistance."

Kaiya's gaze was thoughtful as she considered her next request.

"The wisdom of the twin elders is quite renowned. Could you tell me where they are?"

"They should be at the turtle duck pond at this hour," Lin replied. "Would you like me to escort you?"

Kaiya smiled, her eyes lighting up with interest.

"That would be delightful, thank you."

At the turtle duck pond, Kaiya bowed to both Lo and Li while Lin watched from under a tree. The pond was peaceful, with turtle ducks swimming gracefully, creating a serene atmosphere.

* * *

In Azula's room, the ambiance shifted to a more intimate setting. Azula leaned against the wall, arms crossed, dressed in her robes, with Lin present in the softly lit room.

"Seeking wisdom certainly isn't out of the ordinary," Azula remarked.

Lin, standing respectfully, responded with a hint of amusement.

"I'd say it was more of a... back-and-forth conversation."

Azula stroked her chin and glanced to the side thoughtfully, her expression calculating.

"Yes, yes, that will do."

With a dismissive gesture, Azula shooed Lin away. Lin bowed and left the room, her steps quiet.

"So, she's the philosophical and idealistic type," Azula mused to herself, her voice low and contemplative. "Just like my fat uncle. She's going to be difficult, very difficult."

Her eyes narrowed as she leaned back against the wall, deep in thought.

* * *

Azula stood on the sidelines as Mai and Kaiya faced off in the training grounds arena.

"We'll start with a non-bending test. Mai, no knives. Kaiya, no firebending. You two will fight."

Mai stood with her arms crossed, a look of mild annoyance on her face.

"Isn't she your student? Why can't you beat her up instead?"

Azula closed her eyes and smirked, her confidence evident.

"Oh come now, Mai. I'm here to observe. This won't work as well otherwise."

Mai sighed, her tone resigned.

"Whatever. Let's just get this over with."

She approached Kaiya, who stood motionless, meeting Mai's gaze with unwavering calm. Kaiya, now dressed in a lighter outfit that showcased her midriff and shoulders, her bare feet and knees visible, looked strikingly different from her usual elegant robes.

Mai grabbed Kaiya's shoulders and shoved her to the ground. Looking down at Kaiya, her expression was a mix of disdain and curiosity.

"What? Are you just going to roll over and die if you can't use your PRECIOUS bending?"

As Kaiya got up, she remained calm and composed, brushing off the dirt with deliberate slowness.

"Absolutely. Life without bending would be rather dull. It's a shame some will never experience such exhilaration."

Mai's eyes narrowed at the insult, her jaw tightening.

"Can I use my knives now, Azula?"

Mai approached Kaiya again, this time sweeping her leg and slamming her to the ground. Kaiya let out a painful grunt but quickly composed herself.

"I thought this would be more exciting. What a shame. Have fun with your wooden plank of a student, Azula." Mai walked away, her steps casual and dismissive, though her clenched fists betrayed her frustration.

Azula frowned and strode up to Kaiya, her frustration palpable.

"Are you playing games with me? You were supposed to defend yourself, and you did nothing!"

Still on the ground, Kaiya looked up at Azula with a calm expression, her eyes steady.

"To my recollection, Master, your duty was to observe and note the results. Shall we continue to the next test?"

Azula got in Kaiya's face, her eyes blazing with anger.

"Don't be smart with me, girl. Your bending test better blow me away, or I'll know I've wasted my time."

Kaiya simply stared at Azula, her face emotionless and unreadable, but with a hint of a knowing smile.

* * *

A few moments later, everything at the training grounds was prepared for the bending test. Azula stood on the sidelines, and Kaiya was ready for the test, with dozens of training dummies set up in the arena.

"For the bending test, burn as many dummies as you can, as quickly as possible. Use any technique you prefer. Enter the arena whenever you're ready."

Kaiya surveyed the setup, her eyes narrowing in assessment before she turned to Azula, confidence evident in her expression.

"I won't need to enter the arena, Master."

Adopting an unusual stance, arms outstretched and fingers pointed towards the dummies, one leg forward, Kaiya took a deep breath, her focus intense. Azula observed with curiosity, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"That's not a stance I recognize..." Azula remarked, her tone tinged with intrigue.

Kaiya charged up fire, unleashing thick streams from each finger. Flames roared to life, engulfing the dummies in an instant. The ferocity and precision of the attack left the dummies ablaze, consumed by the intense heat.

Azula's eyes widened in shock, her expression one of disbelief.

"How did you generate so much fire without any traditional forms?"

Kaiya's gaze was steady, her voice calm and assertive.

"Do you truly believe that perfecting forms enhances your firebending? It seems to me, you're merely bartering in compromises."

Azula's face hardened, her voice firm and challenging.

"Without forms, you're a sitting turtle-duck on the battlefield. You can't hope to survive by just standing still."

Kaiya remained resolute, her voice unwavering.

"Versatility has its merits, but it dilutes the fierce blaze true firebending demands. I will not compromise. For me, there is only fire, the ultimate expression of art."

Kaiya walked towards the blazing fence, her steps measured and deliberate. The flames extinguished as she moved, a testament to her control over the element.

"Where are you going?!" Azula demanded, frustration lacing her words.

Kaiya entered the arena, her presence magnetic. Inhaling deeply, she began to move her arms in fluid, circular motions, summoning the fire from the blazing dummies around her. The air shimmered with heat, creating ripples of distortion.

With a decisive thrust of her arms, she drew the flames towards her, spiraling them outward to form a towering vortex. The wind surged, carrying embers and ash. As the fire tornado grew, its roar filled the arena, a symphony of raw power and heat.

Kaiya stood at the heart of the inferno, her movements precise and graceful, guiding the flames as they reached 15-20 meters skyward in a ferocious dance. The spiraling flames flickered and twisted, a terrifying yet beautiful display of her control.

Azula, observing from a safe distance, raised an arm to shield herself from the intense heat. Her eyes, a mix of awe, followed the fiery spectacle, every flicker and flare of the flames reflecting in her gaze.

Elsewhere, Mai stood outside her residence, feeding her brother Tom-Tom. Her eyes widened in surprise as the tornado caught her attention, the sheer power of it captivating.

Back at the palace, Ozai was carried outside by his servants, the scene before him chaotic. Servants rushed around, their faces etched with alarm.

"What is that?!" a servant exclaimed, eyes wide with astonishment.

Ozai pushed aside the curtain and looked up, initially surprised. His surprise quickly transformed into a wide grin.

"That's my daughter's protégé."

The whirlwind of fire and wind continued its relentless dance, showcasing Kaiya's raw power and the potential that Azula aimed to harness.

* * *

A few moments later, Kaiya stood at attention, her posture rigid as she faced Azula. The Royal Training Grounds were eerily quiet, the midday sun casting harsh shadows across the scorched earth. The remnants of their recent test still smoldered in the background, the scent of charred wood lingering in the air.

Azula's eyes bore into Kaiya, her tone clipped and authoritative.

"The tests show your firebending is exceptional, but you lack agility and stamina due to neglecting traditional forms. We'll fix this immediately. Starting today, your training intensifies. Mastering the forms will ensure you're well-rounded and fast-track our progress, guaranteeing the Fire Lord's favor."

Kaiya's expression remained steady, her voice calm but firm.

"I'm sorry, Master, but that won't happen."

Azula's eyes narrowed, a dangerous edge to her voice.

"What did you just say?!"

"I will not be learning the traditional firebending forms. I seek refinement, not transformation. I honor your prowess; similarly, my firebending approach seeks your respect." Kaiya's tone was unwavering, her words deliberate.

Azula laughed mockingly.

"Your 'approach'? Is that what you call it?" She stepped closer, her voice dripping with condescension. "You realize the battlefield isn't just about firebending, right? There are arrows, spears, rocks, and countless other dangers. Without the ability to dodge or defend, how do you expect to survive? Do enlighten me with your plan."

Kaiya met Azula's gaze with unwavering determination.

"Devise a solution, if you would. Isn't that the expectation placed upon a mentor?" She turned to leave, her steps measured. "I'll leave you to it, then."

Azula's anger flared, but she quickly composed herself, a menacing smirk forming as a sinister plan took shape.

"Your father was well-versed in the forms, wasn't he? Are you really going to forsake him with your stubbornness?"

Kaiya stopped, turned around, and got in Azula's face.

"Mention my father again, and this ends two ways: I'll kill you, or you'll kill me. Neither would please the Fire Lord." She paused, her fingers glowing as she readied a firebending attack. "Choose your next words carefully, Master."

Azula, still smirking, backed down.

"Well, you certainly have a fiery spirit. If only we could get you on the right path."

Kaiya turned around and walked away.

"I'm not finished with you yet—" Azula began, but Kaiya interrupted, her back still to Azula.

"Master, only a calm mind fosters deep thought. I'll have Lin fetch you a relaxing brew."

Azula stood there, her jaw clenched in frustration, her eyes burning with a mixture of anger and reluctant admiration as she watched Kaiya walk away.