Stirring the Hornets Nest

In Kaiya's captain quarters, the room was adorned with Fire Nation decor, reflecting her unwavering allegiance. The rich, crimson banners and intricate gold embroidery spoke of power and dominance. Despite being in a colonial town, not a single Earth Kingdom flag or emblem was visible, showcasing Kaiya's disdain for anything not purely Fire Nation. The twins, Rina and Lina, sat on the opposite side of Kaiya's grand desk, their postures tense.

A long silence hung between the three women, the weight of the revelation pressing down on them. Kaiya grappled with the unsettling news that there were earthbenders in the town. Rina and Lina held their breath, their eyes watching the young, new commander closely, uncertain how she would respond to this challenge.

Finally, Kaiya broke the silence, her voice steady and resolute. "Action must be taken," she declared. "I have devised a multi-phase plan to eliminate the earthbenders from this town."

Rina and Lina exchanged worried glances before Rina spoke up, her voice cautious. "Captain Kaiya, we advise maintaining the status quo. Things have been peaceful so far. It's best to allow things to continue as they are and not stir the hornet's nest."

Kaiya's eyes narrowed slightly, her determination evident. "The hornets are gathering strength as we speak," she countered, "This is due to the failure of treasonous commanders to uphold the Fire Lord's will. We are at war, and the only ones capable of retaliation are the earthbenders. They may appear innocent and peaceful, but they are wolves in sheep's clothing, biding their time for the perfect moment to strike."

Rina and Lina glanced at each other, their concern deepening. "Captain, the backlash you will receive for plunging the town into chaos could be severe," Lina warned, her voice filled with apprehension.

Kaiya remained firm, her resolve unwavering. "The backlash will be far greater if I ignore the presence of earthbenders in the town and they execute a successful operation. It is better that I take decisive action now to enforce Fire Nation policy."

Rina asked, "What is the plan, Captain?"

Kaiya leaned forward slightly, her eyes glinting with determination. "I will handle this matter with a certain finesseThe plan is to double the taxes on Earth Kingdom citizens. This will incite outrage and provoke a violent response from an earthbender. Once they retaliate, we will punish them severely and use the incident as justification for broader measures to root out more earthbenders."

Lina spoke up, "But how can you be sure the earthbenders will retaliate? Wouldn't it be in their best interest to lay low?"

Kaiya's expression remained confident. "Human nature is diverse. Some are reserved, while others are impulsive and quick-tempered. Earthbenders are no exception. It will only take one incident to set everything into motion."

Kaiya took out a scroll and brush, meticulously writing her order to double the taxes on Earth Kingdom citizens and their businesses. She then sealed it with a wax stamp bearing the Fire Nation insignia.

Handing the scroll to Rina, she said, "Deliver this to the sergeant."

Rina bowed and set off, while Lina remained with Kaiya, both twins feeling uneasy.

Lina, her voice tentative, spoke up. "Captain Kaiya, I apologize if my question crosses any boundaries, but I know of your background as the princess's protégé. I wonder if this course of action might draw too much attention to you."

Kaiya's eyes flashed with determination. "It would be far more humiliating for the princess if I ignored this hidden threat," she retorted. "In the eyes of the Fire Nation, if I knew about the threat but did nothing, I would be deemed treasonous. If I were unaware, I would be seen as ignorant and incapableEither scenario would tarnish the princess's reputation."

"The previous commanders were fortunate that nothing happened during their tenure," Kaiya said, her tone resolute. "But I cannot afford to take that risk, not when the princess's reputation is at stake."

Kaiya and Lina sat in silence, the tension lingering in the air.