The Fire Lord's Will

Kaiya walked down the bustling street, flanked by Rina and Lina. Citizens of the colonial town instinctively made way for them, bowing respectfully as they passed. The trio moved with purpose, their presence a silent reminder of the Fire Nation's authority.As they continued, they noticed a growing commotion up ahead. The crowd parted, allowing Kaiya, Rina, and Lina to move through the throng and reach the center of the disturbance. There, they found two soldiers holding a young man dressed in Earth Kingdom attire. He was on his knees, blood trailing down the side of his head, staining his clothes. The sergeant stood nearby, his expression stern.Kaiya's eyes narrowed as she assessed the scene. She addressed the sergeant, her tone commanding yet composed. "Sergeant, what has transpired here?"The sergeant straightened, his voice steady. "Captain Kaiya, this man used earthbending to kill one of our soldiers and injure two more during routine tax collection."Kaiya looked at the young man for a long moment, her gaze penetrating and unreadable. Then she turned her attention back to the sergeant, her expression resolute."Mobilize the troops and bring all Earth Kingdom citizens to the town plaza," she ordered, her voice carrying a blend of authority and urgency. "We will address this matter publicly and ensure that order is maintained."* * *A wooden platform was prepared at the town plaza, with Kaiya, Rina, and Lina standing near the earthbender who was tied to a wooden pole at its center. Around fourty Earth Kingdom citizens were made to sit in front of the platform, soldiers strategically positioned between the crowd and the platform, as well as flanking the sides to prevent any attempts at escape.Kaiya stepped forward, she began her speech. "For decades, this town has enjoyed a serene peace," she declared. "That peace was shattered today by the violent actions of an earthbender."She paused, letting her words sink in before continuing. "You have all been granted peace, order, and protection by the benevolent Fire Lord during this brutal war," she said, her tone shifting to one of subtle reproach. "Yet, there are those among you who harbor earthbenders, endangering the very stability and safety we have provided."Kaiya's eyes scanned the crowd, her expression stern yet composed. "I am a very reasonable person," she continued, her voice calm but resolute. "I am willing to turn the other cheek if the remaining earthbenders stand up right now and reveal themselves."A heavy silence fell over the plaza as Kaiya looked around the crowd, her gaze unwavering. But all remained seated, the tension palpable in the still air.Kaiya stepped forward again. "An attack on the Fire Lord's soldiers is to be treated as an attack on the Fire Lord himself," she declared, her voice echoing through the plaza. She lifted her finger, a flame igniting from it like a fiery dagger, extending about five to seven inches long.The crowd watched in silent horror as she aimed the flame towards the man tied to the wooden pole. He yelled defiantly, "Ashmaking scum!"Kaiya took a deep breath, making one final plea to the crowd. "I only wish to resolve this peacefully," she said, her voice steady but strained. Her eyes scanned the faces before her, teeth clenched in anger and horror, yet none stood up or revealed any hidden earthbenders.Lina leaned in, whispering urgently in Kaiya's ear. "Remember, the plan is just to give him a scar and then imprison him."Kaiya's eyes remained fixed on the flame dancing at her fingertip. She remembered the words she had told Ozai when he asked what her purpose was. "To burn his enemies alive." Her mind began to race, recalling that at the time, she was merely telling Ozai what he wanted to hear. But now, she faced the reality of fulfilling that promise. Her mind flashed to her ultimate goal—a firebending sanctuary, where she could explore her limits in peace and privacy. She had to enact the Fire Lord's will, no matter how brutal, to remain in his good graces.Closing her eyes, Kaiya looked away, her finger trembling. The internal conflict raged within her, but ultimately, she let loose a torrent of flames from her finger. The wooden pole and the man tied to it were engulfed in an inferno.Rina and Lina watched in horror, their faces pale. The crowd gasped and recoiled, their expressions a mix of terror and shock. Even the soldiers turned their heads, unable to fully process the brutal display before them.Kaiya opened her eyes, and despite the horror unfolding before her, she couldn't help but be mesmerized by the beauty of the fire. Her shaking stopped, and a slight grin crept across her face.The crowd was a mix of reactions. Women cried, old men looked away, and young men clenched their fists, struggling not to retaliate.Kaiya turned to the crowd and declared, "No Earth Nation citizen will enter or leave this town. You have twenty-four hours to turn in all earthbenders, or there will be further consequences."The soldiers then began to disperse the crowd, pushing them back as they tried to process the brutal spectacle they had just witnessed.The sergeant approached Kaiya, his face a mix of anger, though he tried his best to hide it. "Do you know what you've done, Captain?" he questioned, his voice low. "You've just upended decades of peace and stability within this town."Kaiya stepped closer to the sergeant, her eyes aflame with intensity. "If you had done your job and liquidated the earthbenders, we wouldn't be in this mess," she retorted, her voice dripping with scorn. "Should we question your loyalty to the Fire Lord and our nation's policies?"The sergeant remained silent, his jaw clenched. After a tense moment, he turned and walked away, his back stiff with barely restrained anger."Rina, Lina, escort me back to the garrison," Kaiya commanded, her tone brooking no argument. The twins, visibly shaken and hesitant, exchanged uneasy glances but followed her nonetheless.