Part 1, the beginning of the story

(Hello and sorry Unfortunately, the author of the story published his new story after publishing some small spin-offs, and from now on this story will be translated )

Executioner's son Wake up, wake up, we have to go quickly wake up .... No, wait one more time I was sleeping in my own dream when I got up with a bucket of ice water and looked around dumbfounded. Yes, as usual, it was my father who woke me up like this, I shouldn't have been surprised Father: I told you many times that whenever I tell you to wake up, wake up quickly, otherwise I will wake you up again. Now, hurry up and get ready to go, we have a lot of work to do and went out I went to the closet and tried to choose a good dress, which was no different because they were all the same After putting on my clothes, I went to the mirror and looked at my appearance A long one-piece long shirt that was up to my knees and had no buttons (a long sweatshirt similar to Assassin's Creed's dress)

Black mask and black pants, nothing else was visible from my face except for my two black eyes and black hair Actually, my job is my father's job… Alex, where are you? I came I came And I quickly went to my father who was waiting in the yard Father: Why did you come? And we walked .....

prison ….

Ah AI I was wrong sorry bro… shut up

Irrespective of the sounds, we came with my father to the room of the commander and supervisor of Rafitam prison, in fact Shahshahi prison. Taskmaster: Well, Antonia, from the list of new prisoners, do your work as usual After getting the list, my father took a look at the contents written in it and after getting permission from his work commander, we went to his father's office. which was the punishment room I sat on the seat and waited for the first person with my father I made a mistake, I'm sorry, I won't do that again Prisoners speak first A disheveled, middle-aged man who was extremely thin and it was clear from his appearance that he was miserable. After leaving the door, the guard left the room and I, the father of the disheveled man, remained in this room

My father went to his work tools and after choosing an ax went to the disheveled man Prisoner: Sir, I was wrong, I swore to the gods, what else can I swear to, If you believe I had to for my children? A very clichéd word that I was used to hearing since I came here I looked at the list on the table It was written in the list of execution specifications


Name… Koa Fabin Occupation: unemployed, theft Number of children: four, three girls and one boy Spouse; he is dead Crime: Theft and attack on church property The reason for the crime: According to this person, he saved his children from starvation and death The rationality of the reason for the crime: illusion and lies Death penalty

I looked up from the paper and my eyes crossed with my father who, after seeing me looking at the scene of the man's punishment, without paying any attention to the man and his helplessness, he lowered the ax on the man's neck and the man's work was finished. Shrew There was the sound of a man's head falling on the ground My father shouted to bring the next person I still felt fear after seeing these scenes of the punishment and execution of different people. I felt that the angel of death is here by my side every moment and every minute, waiting for my father to finish the work of the people. To take them with him to the underworld to the gods of death to determine the rest of their lives The feeling of fear that made my hair stand on end

I have seen this scene many times, but I am still afraid that I have a small crime and my own death at the hands of my father. A man who was known as the greatest executioner and condemner of the Rojnar Empire, who was known as an emotionless man with no ears to hear or speak. And I am the son of this man, the son of the executioner, the son of the famous Antonia executioner I was right. My father was tall and had a big body And with the mask he wore during punishment, his face became even scarier And I was afraid of this man, my father

After bringing several prisoners, it was the turn of the last person A middle-aged man who had no fear or emotion in his eyes The guards brought him and he was surprisingly quiet and did not react or plead helplessly Chaining him and my legs like that and they went out I looked at the list All were crossed and punished except for the last o

Name: Nameless Child: No, according to his claim, they are all dead Spouse: According to the person's claim, his wife has died Crime: Attack on the life of Bishop John Paul II The reason for the crime: according to the claim of the unknown person, the attack a few years ago and the murder of his wife and the death of his children due to slavery and hard work were under the supervision of the church. The rationality of crime: illusory and rejected Punishment: Investigating the intent of abuse and torture in order to reveal and state the real reason for their malicious intent and prevent such incidents from happening

My father went to his ax and went to the man Man: Hey, did you think I was afraid of death? It's like drinking wine for me, which makes me forget this world. that my father raised the ax and took it towards the man to cut off the man's head The man closed his eyes and waited for death Instead, my father grabbed the man's neck with his long hand pliers and started to strangle the man and started torturing the man (First point, always be unpredictable even in torturing people in this job according to my father)

His work commander: Well, you are not going to say anything now A man who could not tell anything from the blood and bruises on his body and face. He did not show any reaction and raised his head He spat In the face of his boss His work commander slapped the man's ear hard His commander: It's a pity that you have to reveal the reason for the move and the intention against the gods and stay alive, otherwise I would have killed you. And then he pointed us to go out His boss: Well, Antonia, this last person has to stay alive, you know any method you have to do to get this man to talk,

you understand

And the commander left We were on our way home and I thought because of this man's work …. The end of the part ....
