Chapter 7: The Bloom of Magic

At dusk, the first streak of evening glow appeared on the horizon. Rather than witnessing the birth of night, it felt more like witnessing the death of day.

As light and dark alternated, Ino walked alone in Diagon Alley.

Perhaps because it was summer vacation, the streets remained bustling even in the early evening.

The passersby around him were varied; most were dressed in robes and wore pointed hats, though a few in Muggle attire—suits and ties—didn't seem out of place either.

The streets were lined with an array of peculiar buildings and shops: Gringotts, Eeylops Owl Emporium, Flourish and Blotts, Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour, Potage's Cauldron Shop, and more.

Bathed in the glow of the setting sun, everything looked both mysterious and magical.

Familiar shops now appeared before his eyes one by one.

"Some things and scenery, you really need to experience firsthand to appreciate their beauty."

Ino stood by the street, mesmerized by the scene before him.

That summer, the screen showed the worn bricks parting in the middle, opening a path to a fantastical world for all young wizards.

Perhaps, the seed of magic was quietly planted at that moment.

"It's time to go back!"

Considering the time, Ino took one last look at the bustling street and then turned back the way he came.

He knew well that despite the peaceful times and the prosperity of Diagon Alley, a young wizard wandering alone at night could be seen as an unexpected fortune for many.

No matter how prosperous a place looks on the surface, there is always darkness lurking behind it.

And... Diagon Alley being connected to Knockturn Alley is probably no coincidence.

London at night always brought up a faint mist.

By the Thames, under a secluded bridge.

Ino was busy preparing dinner. He first heated up the leftover fried fish from lunch, then tossed a bit of tea into an aluminum kettle.

After finishing all this, he leaned back against the bridge pier to rest.

"Four Sickles and five Knuts... I need to find a way to make money."

Looking at the pitiful coins in front of him, Ino couldn't help but sigh. No matter where you are, money always seems to run out quickly.

Today's shopping had successfully spent all 20 Galleons provided by Hogwarts' aid.

And that... many things were bought second-hand, such as cauldrons, robes, glass bottles, and even half a bottle of ink.

Especially the ink, which reminded him of the stationery shop owner's face when he bought half a bottle.

Amusingly, when he explained that diluting the ink with water still made it usable, the owner looked at him as if he had seen a ghost.

"How rare, adding a bit of water just makes the color lighter, but it saved me five Knuts at least."

Ino played with a few silver Sickles in his hand, pondering ways to make money.

The fantasy world was his first exclusion. Despite treasures and gold being common, every fairy tale and folk story around the world was essentially telling the same thing—

Greedy people never have good outcomes.

If lucky, you might end up empty-handed; if unlucky, you could lose your life.

The fantasy world values character, which is why he has been diligently hiding his true self.

Kindness and innocence bring good fortune, even animals will help you. On the other hand, being evil or greedy could make you a target, solved by any passerby.

"Only divination remains..."

After much thought, Ino realized that aside from storytelling, divination was the only skill he could use to earn money.

Whenever he thought of divination, a certain figure always came to mind, the person who gave him the dice.

The first time he entered the fantasy world, lacking a sense of security, he blindly chose to follow a seemingly kind minstrel.

To gain the minstrel's protection, he even worked as an unpaid apprentice for several months.

Of course, the gains were significant.

Not only did he safely travel to nearby towns, but he also honed the skills necessary to survive in the fantasy world—pretending to be kind and well-behaved.

After spending months together, the minstrel generously gave him a precious gift upon their parting.

A six-sided die blessed by the goddess of fate, which could be used for divination.

But more than the divination die, Ino was grateful for the minstrel's teachings.

"Living here, remember this: everything you desire controls you. When you desire nothing, you will own the world."

This wasn't just a warning, but Ino's guiding principle for the past two years.

By keeping this in mind, he avoided many potential dangers in the fantasy world.

"Teacher Hans, you've really helped a lot..."

Thinking of the mysterious middle-aged man, Ino felt sincere gratitude.

The old aluminum kettle whistled, bringing Ino back to the present.

Simultaneously, the small bridge filled with the aroma of tea.

A few pieces of fried fish with bread, and a kettle of boiling tea, were his simple dinner for tonight.

After dinner, Ino opened today's shopping bag and pulled out a thick book after rummaging through it.

——"The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1" by Miranda Goshawk.

This book was a carefully considered choice.

Compared to Transfiguration or Potions, which seemed fancy and complicated, he always believed that spells were the foundation of magic, or its cornerstone. Other subjects were merely embellishments.

More importantly, he wanted to quickly learn a few simple spells to use for his next crossing.

As for the Statute of Secrecy and the Trace... in the original book, Hermione tried all the spells before starting school and never received a warning from the Ministry of Magic.

Perhaps the Trace only takes effect after a young wizard enters Hogwarts.


Opening "The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1," Ino found the contents surprisingly friendly.

First-year spells included only seven. Apart from the Levitation Charm requiring some technique, the other spells like the Unlocking Charm, Softening Charm, Fire-Making Charm, Repairing Charm...

They were really simple, just requiring step-by-step practice to master.

Of course, mastering them was just the beginning... after all, the Repairing Charm is taught from the first year all the way to graduation, each year deepening in complexity.

In the small bridge, the candle quietly burned, providing a faint light for the space.

By the weak candlelight, the boy focused intently on his reading.

Two hours later.


At the sound of the incantation, a small flame flickered at the tip of his magic wand, soon blown out by a breeze.

Yet, this brief spark of light made him ecstatic.

"This is magic..."

Ino gently caressed the magic wood's rough knots.

Throughout the night, faint light could be seen through the heavy canvas covering the bridge, alternating as the flames flickered inside.