Chapter 25: The Library

Madam Pince never liked the start of a new term because it meant that her beloved books would once again be mercilessly handled by the unruly young wizards.

Similarly, the tranquil and solemn library would become noisy and chaotic.

And today, on the very first day of the new term, she saw a sneaky little wizard silently slip into the library, pretending to browse the shelves. She had seen too many students like this.

Sure enough, the student stopped right at the entrance to the Restricted Section.

"They're never easy to manage. I really don't understand what's so fascinating about that place," she muttered to herself.

Although Madam Pince was complaining in her mind, she wasted no time in taking action. She quickly intercepted the student before he could get too close to the restricted area.

"Child! What book are you looking for? The area ahead is the Restricted Section, and it's off-limits to students," she said.

To be honest, Madam Pince had intended to reprimand the student, but the moment he turned around, his clear and bright eyes made her soften her tone.

"Hello, Professor!" Ino greeted with a slight bow. Although he knew she wasn't a professor, he addressed her politely.

"As you can see, I got lost! I really wasn't planning to go into the Restricted Section. I just came to the library to find some books on spells because my last class was Professor Flitwick's Charms class."

While speaking, Ino subtly observed the witch in front of him. Madam Irma Pince, the librarian of Hogwarts, looked exactly as described in the original works—an elderly, gaunt woman.

"I'm not a professor; just call me Madam Pince," she smiled.

Unlike the usual noisy young wizards, the polite and well-mannered boy in front of her seemed to awaken her hidden maternal instincts, making her unusually gentle.

"Alright, Madam Pince!" Ino nodded lightly. "Can you tell me where the books on spells are? Merlin's beard, this place is enormous."

"Of course! The collection here is unimaginably vast," she said with pride. After a few seconds of thought, she continued, "There are too many books on spells, but I recommend starting with the most basic ones. Follow me, child!"

A few minutes later.

Ino followed Madam Pince to another section of the library.

"All the books here are about spells, but I sincerely suggest you don't read blindly. Perhaps in a few years, you can try reading the books on the further shelves, but not now."

Just as Madam Pince was about to leave, she seemed to remember something and turned back to say, "Oh, by the way, although you seem polite, I must say this: if you tear, crease, throw, or damage the books in any way, I will permanently ban you from the library. Hogwarts has given me this authority."

"Rest assured, I will cherish every book as if it were a friend," Ino promised without hesitation.

He understood Madam Pince's personality well. Although he didn't know why she was so amiable today, it was wise to establish a good relationship with the actual authority of the library if he wanted to spend a lot of time there.

Madam Pince nodded slightly in approval upon hearing his promise.

"Sorry if I scared you. It's my job to explain the rules to every new student visiting the library."

Ino responded nonchalantly, "Of course, a responsible librarian is not only a blessing for the library and its books but also for us borrowers."

A little flattery made Madam Pince beam with joy.

"If only all students were as sensible as you…"

With Madam Pince gone, Ino's thoughts shifted to the books before him.

Unlike most people, he had no interest in the dark magic of the Restricted Section. Even an Unforgivable Curse, when used by a young wizard, would at most make Mad-Eye Moody's nose bleed.

Conversely, Death Eaters might still not withstand Dumbledore's casual Firestorm spell.

This clearly showed that the power lay not in the spells themselves but in the one casting them.


Amid the dazzling array of book titles, Ino prudently chose the second-year edition of "The Standard Book of Spells."

Nothing else mattered; safety was paramount.

Carefully picking up the book, he walked to a nearby reading area.

Upon opening the book, he noticed that compared to the introductory standard spells, the second-year textbook not only provided a more in-depth explanation of the previous spells but also introduced several new practical spells, such as the Engorgement Charm, the Freezing Charm, the General Counter-Spell, and the Tickling Charm...


The Hogwarts Potions classroom.

Located in the castle's dungeons, it was the closest classroom to the Slytherin common room.

After returning from the library, Ino, carrying his textbook, went with Malfoy and the others to the classroom for their lesson.

The Slytherins always took their head of house's class seriously, arriving early and waiting in silence. There wasn't even the usual pre-class chatter; the classroom was eerily quiet.

However, this silence didn't last long. As more Gryffindors entered the classroom, the noise gradually increased.

"I really don't think it was necessary to come so early. Look at the time, Harry! We're twenty minutes early…" Ron complained.

"Ron, stop it and get in here quickly. Have you forgotten this morning's Transfiguration class? And compared to Professor McGonagall, this Professor Snape seems even less forgiving..." Harry replied.

Their voices preceded them.

In the relatively quiet dungeons, the conversations from the corridor could be heard clearly.

Inside the classroom, a nearly dozing Malfoy perked up at the mention of Harry's name, his eyes brightening with a mischievous glint, ready to cause trouble at any moment.


Time ticked by.

Ino sat quietly in the back row, watching the young wizards entering the classroom one by one with interest.

Harry, Ron, the explosive Seamus, the brave Neville, the know-it-all Hermione, and so on...

Interestingly, Hermione seemed to be in a bit of a mood. When she passed by Ino, she turned her head away and arrogantly raised her chin.

She looked like a proud swan.

"So strange! Every day... like someone owes her money," Ino thought, a bit speechless. He was sure he hadn't offended Hermione and hadn't even spoken to her since the Sorting.


At 2 o'clock sharp.

With a "bang" at the door, Professor Snape strode into the classroom.

A tall and thin figure in a flowing black robe, his sleeves billowing with every step.

The candles on the walls lit up as he walked by.

When he reached the podium and turned, all the candelabras simultaneously brightened.

Snape stood calmly at the podium, coldly surveying everyone. No student dared to meet his gaze.

"Very good. It seems you all understand the importance of punctuality."
