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I hear my name being called from the foyer, I throw my blankets over my head in protest. I know what my mother wants.. And I'm not going to make this easy, she knows this! Before long I hear my bedroom door creek open.

'Lyannah Mae Storm - Get up sweetie we have a busy day!' I feel her pull the blankets down and I have grumpy written all over my face.

'I don't wanna do this stupid party, I'd rather avoid the soulless pit of 'I'm better than you' asshats!' I say knowing full well my mother doesn't care about my pathetic attempt at a protest.

'Leah, this ball is being thrown in your honor! Now you will get up, get ready and you will paint a happy face and you will be there tonight! Don't make me chain you!.. Oh and take a shower I have a handsome surprise for you.' She says with smirk.

'Mom, I swear if it's Micah I'm leaving!' I say. She's having none of my antics I just watch ad she turns on her heels and heads for the door not before reminding me that Micah is the perfect match and how if she was 20 years younger blah blah blah.

Micah Cane, 25, one of the city's top bachelor's. Yeah he's attractive but he's the BIGGEST ass you've ever had the displeasure of meeting. His smug two faced personality. He can fool everyone except me. He's your typical playboy, blonde hair, perfect teeth, radiant skin, more money he knows what to do with... And also apparently doesn't do well when told no. A lepo who thinks that money can buy or buyoff anything and anyone.

I mean he's not wrong, my last name has gotten me out of a lot of trouble, not that I care much about the politics of our families and their ties!

I'm turning 23 and my mother still thinks it's appropriate to throw parties for me. Although I know her intentions on this one, she wants me to do everything I can to bag a worthless douche because apparently money is a mutual benefit to us and love is not.

I'm no sucker for love, I actually despise it, probably because my mom married my father because he was rich, my father married my mother because she was a hot little mistress. Two daughters later nothing has changed. I'm sure there's some love there but not super genuine more like superficial.

They don't fight much, they do show affection but I'm old enough to recognize the game. My sister Helenah though, I love her but she's just as bougie & superficial. All three of us 'Bleach Blonde Beauties' my mom like to call us. That was until I colored my hair the blackest it would go. I'm tired of all the bullshit of my looks, the black sheep finally went dark. Although my icy eyes do pop more.

I'm in my bathroom warming up the water thinking to myself, why won't mother auction Helenah off to Micah? They'd be the better match, two lepos without a care in the world, perfect match. I would think the tall thin blonde would go better than a curvy brunette with more sass than class would, but what do I know?

I spend the next hour taking too much time making sure I'm smooth and smell good. I might be a rebel but these things are a must! By the time I get out of the shower there's a mask and a big fluffy ball gown on my bed. I literally scoff, yeah that's a no go. I'll look like a pink cloud, the mask on the other hand is beautiful. It's a partial, black, with almost glowing engraving carved in, I can't make out the language or what it says but it's magical.

I throw on my oversized tee and head to the kitchen to make my morning straw-nana shake. Way too much caffeine but I need it. I run into Helenah as she's snacking on the cheese platter.

'Mom is gunna spaz on you if you don't hurry up little sister!' I hear from behind me. I turn with smirk.

'Well she's in for quite the shock tonight then... Ew did she tell you whose coming?' I ask, she laughs. 'Yeah your future hubby' she spits out. It's like poison.

I have only a few hours before the party begins and still have so much to do. I head back into my room and sit at my vanity, I grab my cell and text Helenah asking her to do something with the mop atop my head.

Soon enough I hear my door open and see her with bag of hair stuff, I almost regret asking. She only spends a bit of time, one of her many talents.. a magician with cosmetology and wardrobe. She'll be a great private beauty enhancer. She asks if I'm going to ruin my hair putting on my dress? I laugh and say 'Not a chance.'

I spend the next hour putting my face on, not the typical, it's pretty dark but hey it'll match my little black dress perfectly.

As I'm sliding my foot into my heel I hear my phone ding. It's Micah, I roll my eyes as I read his text 'Make sure my princess is lookin good for her man! I have something big planned for the night. -Micah Cane'

I throw up in my mind, the audacity. I've never hidden my disgust for this 'man' yet he sees this as a challenge. A hunt I'm desperate to win. I don't even respond, I rarely do.

I'm all ready for the party, I throw my cigarettes and 'party favor cigarettes' into my large clutch, tie my mask and head down into the booming party that's already started. My party, a party I'd rather be anywhere but. She can make me go but she can't make me enjoy it.

I walk through the sea of people heading for the backyard that is also filled with uppity folks making conversations about anything and everything. I stop the waiter and I grab two of the Amber colored bubbly champagne, I down one before he even had a chance to leave. I leave him the empty glass as I continue my way.

The sky is at its most beautiful, the pastel colored clouds painting an elegant picture. I finish my glass as I finish my cigarette as well. Before I turn around I feel a hand on my ass creeping into my stomach.

'Lyannah, I've been looking all over for you, you're not avoiding me are you?' Micah says as he spins me around. And with a snarky tone I tell him I obviously didn't do it good enough apparently. He doesn't hide the fact he isn't amused with my response.

'This can't be what Evalyn picked out... But I must say you wear this well, I'd be delighted to be the one who slides it off later.. Yknow like an early honeymoon.' Micah continued.

I completely blow off his comment as I ask dryly 'Don't you think you and Helenah are better suited?'

I hear him laugh before he responds 'I'll pass on the spoiled, you on the other hand are a clean untouched .. Flower I do intend on plucking .. Whether she likes it or not'

I push him out of my way and head for the office, it's the closest room with booze and noone will be in there. My head is fuming how is there not smoke coming from my ears. I notice an unusual face on my way but when I try to look again the face was gone. Before I make it to the door my wrist is snatched.. Hard!

'LEAH!!' It's Micah, his grip actually hurts, in face to face with him once more. 

'Now you will listen to me and listen good because I'm going to be crystal fucking clear! I have been more than patient with you! You are going to stop playing this little rebel without a cause bullshit, You are intended to me, YOU BELONG TO ME! You will go back to blonde, take that piercing out and you will learn to be a good little obedient wife... Or you will learn the hard way.'

I can't even process this, and noone is even around to see any of this. A predator's best method. In the flight or flight I'm in I do the only thing I can think of to do. I knee him in his jewels and take off leaving my heels and a crouching Micah behind.

I grab my slides and book it through the front door trying to not cause chaos and attention. I grab my adult friendly cigarette and spark up, walking to anywhere but home. After about an hour I'm at a lit pathway and I take a seat on the bench that's empty. Why wouldn't it be, who the hell else would be here at this time.

I'm baked, alone and finally have a chance to try and process. I atleast found out why Micah chose me, who knew never being with a man would cause such a problem. The more I simmer down the more I realize I should head back, I have no idea where I am and it's late. And I'm definitely not dressed for the local.

I feel eyes on me even though I seen this area was empty, I can't shake the feeling but it must be the smoke. Before I get up I hear a ding. I look down it's from my mother..

'Honey where are you??? Micah said you stormed off after a misunderstanding! Come home please, it's bad hosting to not farewell and thank the guests'

I roll my eyes, I don't want to go home but I have nowhere else to go. I trace my way back until I reach the end of the too long driveway of home.. Before I take another step I'm grabbed from behind, a masculine scented hand covers my mouth and the other pressing me against whoever this is.

He backs up until we're almost inside the bushes before saying 'Don't you know how dangerous it is for such a delicious looking treat such as yourself to be out wondering around like..... This?' I feel his grip loosen as he moves his hand from my mouth to my throat. Gripping it enough to allow me to try and get a peak.

He's got a party mask, this is a guest.... I feel his free hand caressing the painful mark on my wrist. All I can let out is a pitiful 'Who are you?' He laughs before telling me 'Maybe next time' and before I know it he let's go and I make my way up the drive, back into the party.

When my mom sees me she loses her shit, She won't make a scene but her face never fails her. I say a few goodbyes before there's only a few more I'm 'obligated' to see out. The last of them being the Canes, cold hard power. I couldn't imagine a worse life than to be locked into that.

Our parents talk as Micah backs me into the wall as he grips my chin between his fingers. 'Your parents agreed, so expect to start the fun.' I feel his free hand slide his finger up my leg stopping at my innocence. 'And I'm patiently awaiting to taste just innocent my soon to be wife will taste!' He says before planting a cold peck to my turned cheek.

He can see the distain on my face. He smiles and turns to farewell my parents and I just storm up to my room slamming my door shut and locking it.

I slide out my dress, wash my face and lay down and mess around on my phone, checking my socials and texts. When an unsaved number text comes through.

'Be good I'm watching you'

It's gotta be Micah, but why the new number? And what the fuck does he mean by that. I text back 'Fuck off' and silence my phone as I ready myself for bed. I'm over this day and probably all the days to come.