WebNovelMake Me.80.00%

Fresh Air

The door swings open and Kians father comes in followed by another younger man. Kian turns around to face his father.

' Son what have you done? '

' Exactly what you taught me father... I took what was mine! '

' You know what this means right? '

' I do '

The man looks beyond Kian straight to me.

' And you girl? Are you aware of what you've done and what this means? '

I swallow hard and I nod. I know very little of the inter workings or any plans but I truly don't I could be any safer than with Kian.

' What can I do to help sir? ' I ask.

' Sir... Hmm. Call me Leo... You'll have no choice darling. Not only is my foolish sons life on the line but so is yours. '

I furrow my brows as I hear this.

' Your brother has been keeping a close eye on the Canes.. They're all losing their minds. They know about files and have their eyes on the prowl. '

The man takes Kian to the side and shows him something in his phone while Leo takes a step closer before lowly says

' I hope your intentions are true girl, I love my son but I do handle my business as needed. If you prove yourself loyal you will have gained a loyal family in return... Something you've never known! '

His words are cold and harsh, but it wakes me up a bit. Do I give up my natural family for Kian, his family and an unknown life? I need to. This is my first choice I've made on my own and for myself. And I most definitely choose Kian. So that choice was made.

' I choose Kian now and always... '

The words just come out. I watch his face soften and turn to form a smile as he turns to his son and insist on Kian walking them out and he does.

When Kian returns he asks me what his father had said to me. I sugar coat it saying it was just asking if I was loyal... I left out the veiled threat. He looks at me and says

' And you are right? '

I nod before answering.

' I made my bed! '

Kian kisses me before grabbing me, I wrap my legs around him as he walks toward the bed, sits down and lays back. Still on his lap I look down at him as I feel his rough hands on my bare hips under the dress... I feel him growing...

' No panties? ' He grunts before heading down undoing his bottoms.

I look down and say ' freely this time '

I'm so inexperienced I don't know if this is the right idea but something in me switched. I'm literally craving him.. ALL of him. Mentally, physically & spiritually. It's not love yet but it's definitely a mutual deep intimacy.

The game of chicken we play with our eyes are enough to drive me mad, I could get lost in his coffee colored windowpanes all day and night. He knows I'm not experienced but I really don't think he cares, not the way he looks at me... The way he's always looked at me over the past almost two weeks.

The throbbing between my legs is back and stronger than before. His eyes are hungry and I'm ready to feed him.

I lift myself self up a bit allowing him to slide his pants down enough for his manhood to stand at attention.

Kian leans up to kiss me as I feel his arms lift up my dress from me and throw it wherever. His mouth crashes on either of my breasts taking his time with each. The heartbeat of myself getting louder and louder.

I gasp when I feel his teeth bite my chest but it doesn't stop his nibbles all over me.

' This will forever be worth a war '

I hear him growl before he grabs my hip dips lifting me up just enough to shove his cock so far deep inside of me I literally cry out as he slides me down by my hips. I don't know if I could ever mold to his size.

He slides me down very slowly, I feel myself stretching around him, and I can't stop from groaning his name. I feel him sucking and biting me as he builds his rhythm up eventually leaning back and leaving me to do it myself.

And I do slow and deep. Thrusting through the lessened ache. Before long I'm bouncing faster and faster until I can't anymore.

Kian swoops me underneath of him and he throws my legs on either of his shoulders for a few strokes before I move them to around his waist as he does shallow thrusts using his thumb to rub my magic lamp and boy is it magical.

He rubs faster and faster as his thrusts matches his thumb. Our eyes are locked as we exchange lustful moans drinking one another in we're both close to climax. He plunges in viciously 5 times before he finishes and collapses on top of me with him still inside of me.

' I could never get tired of this ' I whimper. I hear him laugh as he lifts himself up and looks down at his mess almost proud like.

' You should get some sleep princess... The game begins tomorrow '

I am wore out and sleepy but my mind is overwhelmed. He goes to the kitchen butt ass naked and makes me a cup of chamomile tea as this seems like a nightly routine. He kisses my forehead before climbing on the other side of me. I smoke a cigarette and drink my tea as I ask Kian if his mom is aware of everything. Something that caught him off guard.

' Ma is just something else... You're kinda like her you know.. A tough, spoiled brat with a lot of love and life to give out. She's going to love you. '

' She doesn't know me? But your father.. '

' Father doesn't like involving her in more than he has to. He knows the Canes are dirty, he never mixed any of their businesses nor with your family '

I sigh. I set my mug on the side table and adjust myself into the bed. I fall asleep to overwhelmed thoughts but feeling at peace, I can only think I made the right choice. I wanted a way out and I got it.. In a way I never could've imagined.

The next morning I awake to a shake and toast. His way of appreciation I assume but I'm not sure. I eat, brush my hair and ready myself. White jeans and crop top with flip flops, super casual. I throw my hair up and head out to the kitchen placing my coffee mug in the sink and washing it.

I hear the door open and I see Kian coming in and doing a double take at me.

' It's good you're ready, we're taking a trip. '

' Where? '

' My parents place, welcome to the club you're now involved in this war princess. You get to hear the plan... If you think Micah won't come for you I've got bad news.'

He pauses for a single moment before finishing

' My brother killed two men last night caught trespassing on the house... Looking for you... '

My eyes go wide in shock and disbelief. Micahs obsession with me is unreal, but he's a classic narcissist. If he can't have me nobody can.

' I have no idea how to fight or ... or do anything Kian how can I help? '

' I'm sure my father has a plan for you.. a lure ... insider knowledge who knows but let's go find out. '

He grabs my hand and my clutch that he's already readied. And off we go. It's a long scenic ride, a bit from the city. Close enough to it that the commute isn't terrible. We pull into an extremely large house double the size of my house.. My old house..

Kian parks the car and gets our running to open my door and help me out walking hand in hand up the drive. The door swings open and we're greeted be an antsy teen girl immediately jumping into his arms forcing him to release my hand and embrace her.

The girl looks up to me and says ' You must be Lyannah... They didn't tell me how pretty you were ' I blush and smile and thank the girl. She grabs Kians hand and drags him forward where he looks back at me in Heartbreak.

I follow behind them as she leads us into their back yard where they're all seated on the patio around a large table. There's a few men and a women clipping roses a ways away. She sees me and immediately stands up and heads my way.

She's a bombshell. Tall, curvy, tan and brunette. Absolutely stunning. I hope she's nice. She immediately pulls me into a hug before pulling back drinking me in.

' You are just gorgeous honey, My goodness are you a breath of fresh air. '

I smile and embrace although my sister is the only one I ever hugged, my family has never been the type to show too much affection. I'm assuming that's why I am the way I am.

I tell her it's nice to meet her, she drags me to the table pouring me a glass of lemonade motioning for me to sit, I oblige. She takes a seat on Leo's lap before kissing his forehead.

Kians family seems full of so much love I'm almost uncomfortable. Kian comes to my side and grabs my drink from my hand before taking a drink, winking at me and handing it back.

' Ma, this is Lyannah, Lyannah this is ma. '

The woman chuckles and says ' You can call me Ma or you can call me Nova '

I giggle as I sip my drink. After a bit of small talk Nova tells the young girl to head inside and wash up for lunch as she follows her inside.

I walk away to smoke and process everything as I sneak an edible. When I return Kian has taken my spot but pulls me onto his lap as he and the other men spark Cubans and grab the poured amber in small glasses.

' Lyanna, darling I need you to tell me anything you know... Anything you think would be useful. I'm sure Kian has told you Konstantine found two of the mooks men out searching for you? '

' Uh. Yes sir. I mean yes Leo he did. I don't know how much help I could be for information... I know very little about the Canes. My father on the other hand I could help with... '

I feel like a traitor... But am I a traitor if they betrayed me first. I've never been one much into philosophy but I feel like that's right. The more I learn the more I don't believe my father didn't know who he would be giving me to.

' Our main target will be Michael, but we have to play our cards right, a senator will be a big deal. We must be careful. Michael Crane will have many allies and muscle. I will give each of you your duties. You must use the undergrounds to make this clean. I've got Tonio digging around looking for a way in. '

Leo looks right at me and says

' If he fails you will be used as bait darling '

I gulp as this does infact terrify me. I feel Kian grip my hip letting me know he's got me.

' Yes Sir ' I Shakily respond.

All this is because of me and I can't help but feel so guilty but yet so at home. This still feels like the right choice. Only time will tell. And I can only hope and pray Kian feels the same, because if he changes his mind I'm the only one who would lose just about everything... And that's just not an option at this point.