Lana sat for her first exam and the results werent pleasing at all. 

Lana.... Dad nor Dano wont be happy about these results, am so doomed. What am i going to do?

After lessons, Dano picked her up from school and took her home, she showed him her result slip. 

Dano.... Goodness! Its as if you didnt study but were given an exam.

Lana.... I know, but i dont know if i will improve because nothing gets in my head even if i revise harder. 

Dano.... Stop it, i dont wanna see you in this state. I will ask Rio to tutor you because his bright and his not busy two days a week.

Lana.... Rio? For real?

Dano.... Why? Dont you want him to help you out?

Lana.... No... its not that, am just suprised about it. 

Dano.... His a nice guy and he will surely agree to this, let me give him a call now. 

Bw called Rio and they talked, the call ended later. 

Lana.... So?

Dano.... Your in luck Lana, he agreed without hesitation. 

Lana.... (So he also wants to spend time with me? Could it be that he... he... he feels the same way too?)

Dano.... Anyway, he will pick you up from school tomorrow then tutor you from here. 

Lana.... Thanks for always looking out for me, i love you Dano. 

Dano.... Love you too Lana, i should get going now.

Lana.... See ya. 

Dana went to work and Lana was over the moon.

Lana.... Where will we sit? In my bedroom? Yes, in my bedroom, dad will be at work so will Dano. It will be just us two and he might confess his love for me soon.

The next day after lessons, he picked her up from school and they went to Lana's house. 

Lana.... Feel at home. What should i serve you?

Rio.... Anything will be fine. 

The tutoring session begun but Lana wasnt focused at all, the only thing she focused on was Rio's face. He hit her with a pen on her head.

Lana.... Ouch!

Rio.... Focus, will ya?

Lana.... I was focused. 

Rio.... Look at you, young and innocent, dont fall for me little one, okay?

Lana.... Wh... wha... whaaattt??? Your overthinking things.

Rio.... Good, now focus because i want to order pizza after our tutoring sesh. 

Lana.... I dont... like pizza. (My spirit is crushed, how could he ask me not to fall for him yet i already did? Doesnt he not care about how i look at him at all? I thought that he... he... he liked me, i was wrong.)

Rio.... Are you okay?

Lana.... You should leave, my head is spinning and i want to take a nap. 

Rio.... So lazy, arent ya? You cant fool me you lazy head, we are still going on with the sesh.

Lana.... Suit yourself then. 

Lana ran to her bedroom with tears flowing from her eyes, she locked the door and laid on her bed crying her eyes out.

Rio.... Whats with her? Maybe she really does have a headache, i should let her rest.

Rio had no idea about Lana's feelings for him and that she was hurt for the words he told her. The next day, she didnt wait for him, she boardered a taxi and it took her home, only to find Rio there waiting for her.

Lana.... What... are you doing here?

Rio.... That's not the right way to greet your tutor. 

Lana.... Am not feeling well today, so, no tutoring. 

Rio.... I can tell that your pretending, dont you want me to tutor you, or did i offended you somehow?

Lana.... I dont... know what your talking about. 

Rio.... Ofcourse you do, now tell me, what is it?

Lana.... Fine, let's get over with this tutoring so that i can rest.

Rio.... Good!

He tutored her but still, she sneakingly looked at him. 

Lana.... (I cant control myself around him, this is out of hand, get a grip Lana.)

The session ended. 

Rio.... Am starving, let's go and eat something. 

Lana.... I will pass. 

Rio.... Why do you keep shutting me down these days?

Lana.... No... reason, am just tired, thats all. 

Rio.... Sorry but am not taking no for an answer, lets go. 

He held her hand and grabbed her outside. 

Rio.... Enter the car,. 

Lana.... I... dont want... to. 

Rio.... Little girl, dont act tough because it doesnt suit you, am being serious here. 

Lana.... (Its not like i can say no when he glazes into my eyes like that.) Your being persistent, you win.

Rio.... Good girl. 

They went to a restaurant he once took her to and were served food, a girl approached them. 

Girl.... Who is this chick Rio?

Rio.... Not here Sandra. 

Girl.... Oh really?

Rio.... Why dont you take a close at her, am sure you know her. 

The girl gasped on seeing Lana's necklace.

Girl.... Am... am so sorry Mace.... 

Rio.... Off you go. 

Girl.... I really mean it, am sorry. 

Lana.... Its okay. 

The girl left. 

Lana.... Why did she suddenly apologize? Does she really know me?

Rio.... Don't mind her, lets just eat and go for a ride. 

Lana.... A ride?

Rio.... You heard me right.

Lana.... But... 

Rio.... Save it, like i said, am not taking no for an answer from you, just give up fighting me already.

Lana.... Why do you want... to hang out with me?

Rio.... Because its fun being with you, your childish and it makes laugh. 

Lana.... Childish?

Rio.... That was a joke, your special Lana, if only you knew. 

Lana.... (Did he just say am special? To him? What kind of mind game is he playing? I really cant escape him, can i? Fine, i give in because this racing heart cant be stopped.)