She looked at herself in the mirror and touched her cheeks.

Lana.... This is embarrassing, his gonna know that am shy. What am i gonna do?

She applied much pink powder on them and opened the door for him, he had a box in his hands, he looked at her.

Lana.... Come... in..

Rio.... Hahahahaaaa.... 

Lana.... Whats funny?

Rio.... Sorry to laugh but your cheeks, what did you do to them?


He sat on her bed and she also sat down on the bed looking the opposite side from Rio. 

Rio.... Ummm, about earlier, am really sorry. I didnt mean to.... try anything with you, so please forgive me. 

Lana.... Its okay... its not like i saw anything. 

Rio.... Thanks, your always sweet and innocent. 

Lana.... (Here we go again with the sister thing, his obviously going to mention it next.)

Rio.... Anyway, i bought for you this dress yesterday but i didnt get the chance to give it to you. 

Lana.... You bought it for me? Thanks.... thanks alot.

Rio.... Atleast look at me. 

Lana.... Why? You want to make fun of my cheeks.

Rio.... Hahaha.... i wont, i promise. 

Lana.... Promise?

Rio.... I promise. 

She turned and faced him. He stood up and went to her mirror, he pulled out the chair. 

Rio.... Come and sit here, i know about makeup and i will help you fix it. 

Lana..... Ok... okay. 

She went and sat infront of the mirror, Rio started fixing her makeup but their faces were close to eachother. Lana was scratching her fingers in shyness with her heart racing non stop, so was Rio's heart. 

Lana.... (Its like as if we are going to kiss, him being close yet his perfume shouts loud in my nose, i feel... like.... eating him alive. Why does he have to toture me like this? Was i wrong to fall for this hot guy?)

Rio..... (She looks the prettiest up close, makeup just ruins her skin because she looks like an angel with just her natural looks. I cant believe that am here with my fiance doing this, i love you so much Lana.)

He fininshed. 

Rio.... What do you think?

Lana.... Wow! Your a professional Rio, just like Dano. Where did you learn to do this? Is it your job?

Rio.... Hahaha, i have athousand jobs, just know that am a professional in everything. 

Lana.... (In everything? What does that supposed to mean? Oh dear! My dirty brain is active now, shut down you silly head.)

Rio.... I should let you get ready, i will be waiting downsrairs.

He left and Lana wore the dress he bought for her, she went downstairs, he was waiting for her in the couch, he saw her coming down the stiara looking very hot and sexy, he gasped. 

Rio.... (So today is my death? She is taking all my oxygen yet i need to breath so that i love her for long. Am indeed God's favorite to have this sexy indian british girl as my fiance.)

Lana.... Shall we?

Rio.... Lana, you look very pretty. 

Lana....(Is that coming from him? Am... lost... say something you lost for word mouth.) Th... thanks.

Rio.... Lets get going. 

They went to the party but everyone gasped on seeing them, Lu approached them. 

Lu.... Oh my greatest life! You guys should get married soon, how the heck are you this perfect fit? Stand closer so that i take a picture of you two.

Lana.... But... 

Rio.... Its okay. 

Lana.... Its okay?

Lu.... Just strike any pose, go on. 

She stood closer to him, but he held her waist and Lu took their photo, Lana was suprised. A song started playing. 

Lu.... You guys should dance to this love song, lets talk after Rio.

Lu left. 

Lana.... Aheem!

Rio.... Shall we dance?

Lana.... Yeah... ofcourse. 

He walked closer to her and gently held her waist, she also slowly wrapped her hands around his neck, their eyes locked. 

Lana.... (His eyes... his eyes... his eyes... great God, you created this perfect guy just to drive me nuts. Yet his eyes are looking... are looking in mine... its like his looking in my soul, why did i have to fall this harder for him?)

Rio.... (Looking in her beautiful eyes, it makes my heart race in harmony and it makes me feel at ease because it feels like she will be mine forever. I think i fell for her so hard that i cant control myself around her).

Later, the song stopped. 

Rio.... Ummm, stay here Lana, i need to talk to Lu about something urgent. 

Lana.... I wouldnt mind. 

He left and Lana touched her heart happily. That very moment, a hot guy approached her. 

Mario.... Hi Lana, you look breath taking. 

Lana.... Do i know you?

Mario.... No wonder why my brother is crazy about you. 

Lana.... Excuse me?

Mario.... Am Mario, i've heard many stories about you and am glad that I've finally met you.

Lana.... How do you know me?

Mario.... Who doesnt know you Lana? Oh, so he hasnt said anything about it?

Lana.... Who? About what?

Mario.... I should leave, we will be meeting alot your highness. Also, Elda sends her regards. 

He held her hand and kissed it then left. 

Rio.... What? So Mario is here in Spain?

Lu.... He is, just keep Lana in your watch.

Rio.... I will, our people will give their lives to protect her, so will i. 

Lu.... And its obvious that his after her. 

Rio.... I will be with her and am going to alert everyone to tighten security on her. Let me go and find her, he might even be here.