Mario came out from his car with an umbrella, he walked towards Lana.

Lana.... You... Mario?

Rio.... Lana, stay away from her Mario. 

Rio also arrived since he was chasing after Lana. 

Lana.... What else do you want Rio?

Rio.... Lana lets please go home and talk quietly. 

Lana.... No, am tired of this crap Rio, i knew that their might be someone, my hunch was right. 

Rio.... Am sorry Lana if i made you think that... but... 

Lana.... Today... i came home because i wanted to be comforted by you after getting mistreated at work... but... you were... 

Rio.... Lana please.... 

Mario.... Dont cry for such a guy, lets go.

Rio.... Your taking her no where. 

Lana.... Lets go Mario, i dont wanna see his face for long. 

Rio.... If you even touch a hair on her, i will kill you Mario. 

Mario.... Hahaha... see ya brother. 

Mario left with Lana in his car, Rio cried and made a call. 

Rio.... Dont lose her, keep her on your sight because she is with the enemy and keep me updated. 

Mario kept driving. 

Mario.... Let me take you to my place. 

Lana.... Thank you but just drop me in that corner, i know a hotel there. 

Mario.... Here is my card, just call me if you need anything. 

Lana.... Thanks again and sorry to bother you. 

Mario.... No worries. 

He dropped her off at the hotel and she went inside, all the employees lined up on seeing her. 

Lana.... Whats... going on?

Employees.... Your most welcome your higness. 

Lana... What? Me? Wow! Is this how you welcome your guests? Am impressed. I need an ordinary room.

Woman.... This way please. 

Lana.... Shouldnt i pay first?

Woman.... To you, everything is free, follow me please. 

Lana.... So I've come on the day youve offered free lodging? Thanks.

She was taken to a VVIP room. 

Lana.... Wow! You guys are the best, i will give you a five star.

Woman.... What shall we bring for you your highness?

Lana.... Just wine, i will also step out to buy shoes. 

Woman.... I will be back in a second, excuse me your highness. 

She left, Lana went in the bathtub and sat in it queitly, she remembered what she saw at home and tears started flowing from her eyes once again. 

Lana.... Am so stupid to not have noticed that he liked someone else. Losing my internship wouldnt be bad... but seeing him... with another woman.... proposing breaks my heart into pieces. Why did i have to fall for him this hard? It hurts... it hurts... i only want him.

She cried her eyes out, the hotel attendant came back and knocked, she wore a bathrobe and washed her eyes then opened the door for her. 

Woman.... This is the best wine in all of Spain, please enjoy. Also, here are your shoes and clothes. 

Lana.... What? Why are you guys being more than kind?

Woman.... Excuse me your highness, i should let you rest. 

She left. Lana failed to sleep thinking about Rio and crying non stop until dawn. Her eyes were swollen, she showered and dressed up. 

Lana.... I should go and get my phone, how did i even leave it at the firm? Now i have to go back and face that Sia devil, ugh! I hate my life.

She bought glasses and covered her swollen eyes then headed to the firm to pick up her phone she left there. 

Yuri.... Oh dear! Here is your phone, i tried calling you then i heard it ringing from here.

Lana.... Thanks Yuri, i should go. 

Yuri.... Whats with those glasses? Did you cry about getting fired?

Lana.... No, bye. 

Yuri.... Wait, the CEO is coming now, we have a meeting and i think you should talk to him about Sia. 

Lana.... For real? That makes sense, i should talk to the real boss.

Yuri.... Lets go, am sure he has arrived. 

They went to the meeting room, Sia arrived, so did the CEO. Lana was suprised, the CEO was Rio. 

Sia.... Sir, before we start, i would like mrs Lana to leave because i fired her. 

Rio.... And who gave the right to fire anyone here?

Sia.... She misbehaved... 

Rio.... Enough!

Lana stood up to leave. 

Rio.... Lana is my fiance. 

Lana.... What?

She stood in shock, everyone gasped so did Yuri. 

Rio.... Sia, your fired.

Sia.... But sir. 

Rio.... Meeting is over, Lana can we please talk?

They all left and it was the two of them in the room. Rio walked to Lana, she took steps back but he kept walking her way until she reached the wall.

Lana.... What game are you playing? You are... the boss here? How many secrets do you have Rio apart from having a mistress and being the CEO here?

He said nothing and kissed her, she pushed him away. 

Lana.... Am not getting fooled by you anymore, dont think that am soft just because i loved you so much, dont take advantage of me. 

Rio.... Just lash out at me, i will take it. 

Lana.... Oh really now? It all makes sense now how you didnt want to even touch me, i tried many times to give myself to you but you only thought of her, am so dumb. Say something!

He held her face and looked in her eyes. 

Lana.... (He is using his charm on me.... i cant take it because i still love him). 

She pulled herself away from him. 

Lana.... Since your the boss, i should tell you this, i quit. 

Rio.... You cant, you signed a contract with this firm and until your period is over, you cant leave yet. 

Lana.... You!

Rio.... Lets go home and talk about everything. 

Lana.... How the heck are you so calm at this moment? Oh, i get it, your not bothered because you have a lover but you wanna be a smart player.

Rio.... I only love you Lana, but i dont wanna pressure you because you will be mine no matter what. 

Lana.... Why do you keep saying that with confidence? Because you think i crazily love you? Fine, i will keep working because i need this but... me and you are over!

She walked away, Yuri was waiting for her. 

Yuri.... So... he is the boyfriend we talked about?

Lana.... Not anymore. 

Yuri.... Did you guys fight because of Sia?

Lana.... I should get going Yuri, i will come back for work tomorrow.