There Are Quite a Few Beauties

Lazy to think too much, Shen Lang just wanted a decent job where he could work with beautiful women. That wouldn't be bad.

Before long, Shen Lang finally got his interview.

He walked into the office where his interviewer, a petite girl named Lin Caier, was dressed in a uniform, her figure delicate and her face finely crafted with fair skin.

She was the Lin Caier that chubby guy was secretly infatuated with, cute and giving off a fresh and sweet vibe.

Shen Lang couldn't help but marvel; Lingya International indeed had many beauties.

"Are you... applying for the Public Relations Manager position?" Lin Caier frowned slightly as she looked over the application form Shen Lang handed in.

Men applying for the Public Relations department usually had ulterior motives, and this one even wanted to apply for manager? His application mentioned proficiency in English, Italian, and French.

Although the position of PR manager required proficiency in these three languages, candidates were usually older.

Shen Lang, appearing barely over twenty, Lin Caier couldn't quite believe Shen Lang had such capabilities; he was probably just a troublemaking rich kid.

"Yes, yes, Miss Interviewer. Whatever you need to assess me on, please go ahead," Shen Lang said cheerfully.

Lin Caier was visibly skeptical but didn't say much. She said seriously, "Alright, let's begin the assessment now. The first stage is a written test. We'll give you three language-related papers, Mr. Shen, and you just need to score an average of 60 on each to pass."

Though a bit troublesome, Shen Lang didn't mind, "Alright, let's get started then."

At the top floor of Lingya International Tower, the CEO's office.

Su Ruoxue was discussing business with a uniformed beauty.

The beauty was named Liu Xiaoxiao, Lingya International's director, just below Su Ruoxue in rank. Both bosses of the company were women, and both were stunning beauties.

Liu Xiaoxiao's appearance and demeanor were top-notch, her professional suit outlining perfect curves, slender waist, tall legs accentuated by black stockings, a perfect match.

"Knock knock."

The office door was suddenly knocked.

"Come in."

"Hello, Ms. Su, Ms. Liu," Lin Caier hurriedly entered the office, greeting the two women.

"What's the matter?" Su Ruoxue asked calmly.

"Ms. Su, there's a man applying for the position of Public Relations Manager at the job fair. Do you want to meet him personally?" Lin Caier asked.

"A man applying for the PR Manager position? No need, you handle it," Su Ruoxue said calmly, a hint of mockery at the corner of her mouth.

Most of the applicants probably didn't have legitimate intentions.

"But Ms. Su, this gentleman scored full marks on the written test!" Lin Caier immediately said.

"Full marks? How is that possible?"

Before Su Ruoxue could speak, Liu Xiaoxiao exclaimed.

"Director Liu, indeed, full marks. The test papers are here with me," Lin Caier handed the three test papers Shen Lang had completed to Liu Xiaoxiao.

Liu Xiaoxiao glanced over them, her eyebrows furrowing slightly.

The papers were quite challenging; scoring seventy to eighty would be plausible, but getting full marks was almost impossible for a normal person, unless they were extremely proficient in these three languages!

"Is this... considered passing the initial assessment?" Lin Caier asked.

Su Ruoxue's expression also showed some surprise, "Our company is fair. Since the gentleman passed the written test, inform him to come for the interview this afternoon."

Liu Xiaoxiao's face looked somewhat abnormal, coughing lightly, "Xiaoxue, having a man as the PR manager... it's a bit..."

"What's wrong with having a man? We can't discriminate based on gender. If he has the ability, give him a chance," Su Ruoxue said with a faint smile.

If the Ice Queen knew this man was the disaster at home, I wonder how she'd feel.

Liu Xiaoxiao nodded slightly and turned to Lin Caier, "Alright. Assistant Lin, inform the gentleman to come for the interview at two-thirty this afternoon."

"Yes," Lin Caier nodded.

At the job fair's office, it was now nearly half-past eleven, and almost everyone had left.

Shen Lang was getting impatient; shortly after, Lin Caier finally returned.

"Miss Interviewer, how did it go?" Shen Lang eagerly asked.

"Congratulations, Mr. Shen. The director has informed you to come for the interview at two this afternoon. Here's your qualification certificate," Lin Caier smiled, handing him a certificate.

"Still have to wait until the afternoon? Can't we settle it now?" Shen Lang frowned.

Lin Caier shook her head, "This is the company's normal process, and besides, it's already after work hours."

"Alright," Shen Lang scratched his head, grinned, "By the way, Miss, I haven't asked your name yet."

Lin Caier blushed slightly, feeling a bit awkward, "I'm Lin Caier, the assistant to the PR manager."

Shen Lang grinned, "So you'll be my assistant in the future? What a coincidence, Miss Lin, please take care of me in the future."

Lin Caier couldn't help but smile, "Mr. Shen, whether you pass the interview is still a question. The director's interviews are very rigorous."

The two chatted for a while, and Lin Caier left after work.

It was quite pleasant chatting with such a sweet and innocent beauty; Shen Lang was starting to look forward to his future work.

After work hours passed for more than ten minutes, almost everyone in the company building had left. Shen Lang, feeling bored, started wandering around the company building.

He entered an office belonging to a female executive, and the office had a faint fragrance, seemingly from a woman's perfume.

It's worth mentioning that there were more female employees than male employees at Lingya International, and the company's upper management was mostly female. Moreover, men and women were separated during work; this was the office of female executives.

No wonder so many men at the job fair were eager to work at Lingya International; which man wouldn't want to flirt with a girl and take her home?

Feeling a little fresh, Shen Lang walked around and found a desk drawer was open.

Originally, Shen Lang didn't have a habit of peeking into others' desk drawers. However, he suddenly noticed that the drawer in this office contained a rather "exciting" magazine, which instantly piqued his interest.

"The Annual Ranking of Popular Actresses from Island Country, Top 10, Uncensored HD."

The magazine cover was all white, particularly bold.


Shen Lang was a bit dumbfounded, thinking to himself, are women nowadays so open? They even have such preferences.

"Looking at unhealthy things like this at work, employees nowadays really have no professional ethics!" Shen Lang strongly criticized, but then began to enjoy it with relish.

"Who... who are you?"

Suddenly, a voice at the door startled Shen Lang, almost causing him to drop the magazine.

A tall, slender beauty in a black OL uniform strode in.

Shen Lang glanced at her and noticed her hurried appearance, forming some guesses in his mind.

Shen Lang thought to himself, could this woman be the owner of this Island Country magazine? Perhaps she remembered she had left it behind after work and hurried back for it.