The Passage of Time

"Officer Bai, please don't say any more. This matter is our police department's issue. Mr. Shen Lang is innocent!" Yang Hu said this, but his tone clearly betrayed some unease.

Bai Qingyu felt her worldview collapsing. Yang Hu had always been a steadfast Chief of Police in her eyes. She never expected her respected superior to adopt such an attitude, leaving Bai Qingyu utterly disappointed.

"Chief Yang, you can't cover up for others like this! Even if this thug is innocent, proper procedures like detention and interrogation must still be followed!" Bai Qingyu pointed at Shen Lang.

"Officer Bai, this matter is none of your concern!" Yang Hu's face darkened instantly.

He remembered the days when he was on the border fighting drug traffickers. He and his comrades were captured by local mercenaries, and it was Shen Lang who single-handedly stormed the enemy camp, killing over a dozen mercenaries and bringing back his comrades unharmed.

Bai Qingyu could criticize anyone, but Yang Hu would never allow her to disrespect her instructor like this!

"Chief Yang, you've disappointed me greatly. I never imagined you'd be this kind of person, protecting a thug without even clarifying the situation. How can I trust you in the future?" Bai Qingyu was furious.

Seeing the tension between the two, Shen Lang couldn't help but scratch his head and say, "Come on, it's not such a big deal. Can't you two get along?"

"You damn thug, shut up!" Bai Qingyu snapped angrily.

"Bai Qingyu!"

Yang Hu exploded in anger, shouting at Bai Qingyu, "Watch your mouth! Do you even know who you're insulting? I'm not letting you handle this because it's for your own good. Don't make everyone unhappy later!"

Bai Qingyu's face flushed with anger, gritting her teeth. "Chief Yang, you're really disappointing. Are you telling me this scoundrel has powerful connections? Even if he does, everyone is equal before the law! Don't think about favoritism!"

Yang Hu's words infuriated her so much she couldn't speak, her delicate body trembling slightly.

Yang Hu's words stung deeply, making her feel extremely uncomfortable. Was her position as Captain of the Criminal Investigation Team really just because of her grandfather's support?

"I'm done arguing with you, Bai Qingyu. Recite Article 19 of the Secret Regulations of the Criminal Investigation Unit!" Yang Hu said angrily.

Bai Qingyu's mind was shaken. Article 19 of the Secret Regulations of the Criminal Investigation Unit stipulated that individuals affiliated with national secrets or security agencies were beyond police interference. In other words, even if these individuals committed serious crimes openly, the police had no authority to intervene. 

In that case, could the man in front of her be...

Bai Qingyu stood there dumbfounded, unable to believe it. The seemingly frivolous young man before her actually had such a mysterious identity.

Shen Lang grinned at Bai Qingyu. "Officer Bai, misunderstandings cleared up now, right? Haha, let's put our conflicts behind us. Please keep my identity confidential, okay?"

Bai Qingyu was stunned upon learning Shen Lang's identity. Even if she didn't like this thug, what more could she say? She weakly replied, "Alright..."

"You're much cuter like this. Goodbye," Shen Lang chuckled.

Bai Qingyu blushed and coldly said, "Mr. Shen, even though you have an unusual background, please try not to stir up trouble."

"Sure, sure."

Yang Hu looked at Shen Lang with ashamed eyes. He had been too angry just now and accidentally revealed Shen Lang's identity to Bai Qingyu.

Shen Lang didn't mind. It was better to tell Bai Qingyu herself to avoid future entanglements.

Soon, Yang Hu brought two policemen to escort Shen Lang out.

Just as they were about to leave the interrogation room, a police officer walked in and said to Yang Hu, "Chief, there's a woman outside who claims she's here to bail out Shen Lang."

"A woman? Did you ask for her name?" Yang Hu frowned slightly.

"Yes, her name is Su Ruoxue," the officer replied.

Shen Lang was slightly surprised. He didn't expect Su Ruoxue to find out about his detention at the police station.

His phone had been confiscated earlier when he was arrested. The first contact in his phonebook, labeled as "wife," was actually Su Ruoxue.

It seemed that someone from He Guobing's side had mistaken Su Ruoxue for Shen Lang's wife and called her to the police station to claim kinship.

"Tell that lady that Mr. Shen is fine now. Let her come in," Yang Hu smiled.

"Wait." Shen Lang stopped Yang Hu and said, "She's a friend of mine. If she says she's here to bail me out, let's follow the normal procedures."

Shen Lang didn't want Su Ruoxue to know his identity.

"Alright." Yang Hu understood that Shen Lang might have some concerns.

"I'll handle this matter. Chief, you can go back now," Bai Qingyu said proactively.

She felt somewhat guilty towards Shen Lang for the earlier misunderstanding that he was a robbery and rape suspect, causing a scene.

"Okay," Yang Hu nodded.

Under Bai Qingyu's arrangement, Su Ruoxue successfully bailed out Shen Lang, though she still didn't know why he was arrested by the police.

"Officer, what exactly did Shen Lang do?" Su Ruoxue frowned and asked in the office.

"It's not serious. Earlier, we mistook him for a suspect in a robbery and rape case, but we found out it was a mistake. This is his bail certificate; you can take Mr. Shen out with it."

"Thank you, Officer," Su Ruoxue breathed a sigh of relief, glad it wasn't a major issue.

Originally, Su Ruoxue had business to attend to that night, but upon hearing of Shen Lang's arrest, she rushed to the police station immediately.

After a while, led by two police officers, Su Ruoxue arrived at the interrogation room.

As soon as the door of the interrogation room opened, Shen Lang walked out.

"Shen Lang, I don't blame you for being useless, but could you stop causing trouble for me? Why did you come all the way to the outskirts for nothing?" Su Ruoxue said irritably.

Because of Shen Lang, her business for the night was ruined, and she couldn't help feeling resentful.

Shen Lang could tell from Su Ruoxue's expression that she was cold and disgusted. He fell silent immediately.

"Come with me. If you get into trouble for real next time, I won't bail you out so kindly!" Su Ruoxue's tone was icy.

Shen Lang felt uncomfortable. He suspected that the reason this woman came was purely out of pity.

But pity only happened once. Next time, this woman probably wouldn't care whether he lived or died.

Shen Lang suddenly felt disheartened. Sitting in Su Ruoxue's car, he remained silent all the way.

He felt that he and Su Ruoxue no longer had any common topics or emotional foundation. This woman wouldn't care about him.

"Su Ruoxue, do you really... want me to leave?" Shen Lang asked indifferently from the passenger seat.

Shen Lang raised this question himself, surprising Su Ruoxue. She replied coldly, "You already know my thoughts, don't you?"

"Okay," Shen Lang nodded. As far as emotions were concerned, he no longer held any hope. Su Ruoxue clearly felt uncomfortable whenever she saw him and probably wanted him gone.

After years of experience, Shen Lang no longer had any sense of shame, but his pride was strong.

He had met many women, and being around Su Ruoxue was not about flirting with her superficially.

Shen Lang simply remembered the innocent and romantic little girl he had once given a cream cake to. But times had changed, and people had changed.

Taking a deep breath, Shen Lang decided to give up the mission and leave.