How it happened.

My name is Zach, today is one of the scariest days of my life. I will confess to my long-time crush, Nicole. She has been my crush since we were still in 1st grade middle school, and now we're 10th grade high schoolers. I thought I'm grown up enough now to say my feelings and we're already teenagers.

'As we're not classmates this year I need to hurry and confess to her while it's still the 1st day. My plan is during lunch time I will find her and confess all my feelings. It's that easy, no worries. I already memorized all of my speech that I need to say, and the origami rose I made for this big day is also already prepared.'

'There is no way this plan is going to fail, I prepared this plan for months.'

*DING* *DING* The sound of the school bell finally alarmed Zach who was deep in thought. 'It's time'

As Zach began to walk to the cafeteria to find Nicole he saw her with 2 girls alongside her. 'No backing out now Zach' comforting himself. Zach then ran and jumped in front of Nicole then yelled… "I LOVE YOU, WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND!?" All the people who heard Zach around him looked at him, they were confused as Nicole the girl who got confessed to.

'Zach from 9th grade? Did he really just yell that? Is he crazy? Did he mean it?' Nicole is full of questions in her head. Looking at Zach,bowing, holding a handmade flower in his hand, not tall, with hair that hides the ears, not bad looking, but what caught her eyes was Zach's sincere determined eyes. Nicole never really got interested in a guy but this one caught her eyes. Maybe because of how Zach expressed himself right now.

"Uhmm.. this is quite embarrassing, don't you think so?" Asked by Nicole while getting the flower out of Zach's hands. "This is cute I'll take this, but your wish, you want me to be your gf?" said Nicole playfully with a slight smile on her face.

Zach looked directly at Nicole's face, round face, long black hair, and what Zach fell in love with, her big hazel eyes that added cuteness to her overall face. "Yes.. I have a crush on you since we're still in 1st grade" answered Zach with a bit of shyness.

'Since 1st grade? I don't think I knew him at that time, it's probably love at first sight, so he has liked me since then.' thought Nicole. 'So that's where his determination comes from'. "Interesting, why didn't you tell me about it when we were classmates?" Before Zach could ever answer he felt his right hand get grabbed by Nicole while running, she said "Actually, let's get out of here first this is so embarrassing!"

Zach finally reacted and looked around and saw a lot of people staring at them, he felt the embarrassment now and ran alongside Nicole who was still holding his right hand.

They finally stopped running, they were already outside the school. Nicole finally noticed her hand and she let go of it right away, she then sat on a nearby bench, inviting Zach "Let's sit here, you made a mess there you should buy me some cola" said Nicole jokingly.

"Ahh yes sorry" He then bought a cola in a nearby vending machine, He saw Nicole looking at him confusedly, and she then burst into laughing " HA HA HA, you can't take a joke don't you I'm just joking!" said by Nicole while laughing hysterically. "I didn't know it was a joke, I thought you were serious" said Zach while dumbfoundedly looking at her at how cute she laughed. He then gave the cola to her.

"Yeah, thanks anyway" She then opened it and drank it, silence filled the atmosphere.

Zach the first one to break the silence "About your question earlier on why I didn't confess early is because I'm still building up my confidence"

"And you have confidence now? Why though?" follow up by Nicole as they continue chatting.

"Well.. we're not classmates now and I might not have a chance again if I don't do it today, others might get you before me by then"

"Hmm? You're funny, no man has ever caught my attention"

"Ah ha ha is that so…." Zach in a low sad laugh.

"Well there is someone now" said in a mysterious tone.


"You" Said Nicole while looking directly into Zach's eyes.

Zach right away looked back when she heard her word. "Then that mea-.." Before even Zach finished his words he got preceded by Nicole saying "No. I'm not going to be your gf…

Zach suddenly saddened again until he heard …yet." His eyes suddenly turned determined, and vigorous. "Then when? Is there anything I need to do for you to accept me?"

"Ha ha ha, calm down Zach, no you don't need to do anything. You just stay committed until we graduate and you can't tell anyone, after that confess to me again I'll be your gf as you wish." said firmly by Nicole.

"Promise me?"

"I promise, Let's go back now Zach my friends and your friends will have a lot of questions when we go back ha ha ha"

"You're right it will be a pain in the ass, well I'll go first now Nicole so they won't question much"

"Yeah nice talking to you Zach, see 'ya at school."

"Yeah" Zach while walking back to the school. 'YOO! WOO! HOO!' Zach in her mind celebrating 'It didn't go as well as planned but still I did it!' 'My first ever confession is a success!' Zach walked happily.

School ended, "finally free!" 'It was also getting annoying getting asked about what happened to me and Nicole' As I said goodbye to some of my friends I took my bike and went home.

Laying on the bed 'I never would've thought a day which I only dream would come to reality, I feel unstoppable, I feel like I can do everything now..' thought Zach while falling asleep.

He never knew that things would be far more hard in the future, a future he can't stop and no one can. A future that will drive him mad, that he will do anything to change it, till his last breath.. And that future awaits him….
