A fight.

Zach's breathing slowed as he exited the alley, his mind a whirlpool of cold, calculated fury. The world around him seemed sharper, more defined, and yet he felt detached from it. His body felt lighter, his movements fluid and silent as he began to follow Bryce and his bodyguards from a distance. His transformation had enhanced not only his physical capabilities but also his senses and instincts. He was a predator now, and they were his prey.

Bryce, oblivious to the threat behind him, strutted down the street with his bodyguards flanking him. They laughed and joked, completely unaware of the danger that shadowed their steps. Zach's cyan eyes focused on them with an icy intensity. He followed them through the bustling streets, through the quiet neighborhoods, and finally to a secluded mansion on the outskirts of town.

The mansion was large, surrounded by high walls and guarded by more men in black suits. Zach's lips curled into a cold smile. The more, the merrier.

He waited until darkness fell, the shadows deepening and the mansion falling silent. Zach climbed the wall with ease, his movements silent and precise. He navigated through the grounds, avoiding the patrols and security cameras. His mind was clear, his objective simple: Bryce and his bodyguards had to pay for what they did.

Zach found the bodyguards first, stationed at the rear entrance of the mansion. They were chatting casually, their guard down. Zach moved like a wraith, his presence unnoticed until it was too late. With a swift, silent motion, he snapped the neck of the first bodyguard. The second bodyguard barely had time to react before Zach's hand closed around his throat, cutting off his scream. A quick twist, and he too crumpled to the ground, lifeless.

Zach stood over their bodies, his breath coming in slow, measured gasps. He felt a little remorse, with guilt. 'I killed them..' Zach thought but he knew they were obstacles, and he had removed them. His eyes turned towards the mansion. Bryce was next.

He slipped into the mansion through the now unguarded entrance, moving through the darkened halls with purpose. He found Bryce in a large, opulent study, seated behind a mahogany desk. Bryce was alone, his back turned to the door, engrossed in his phone. Zach's steps were soundless as he approached, his hand flexing in anticipation.

In one swift motion, Zach grabbed Bryce by the back of his neck and slammed his head into the desk. Bryce's phone clattered to the floor as he let out a strangled cry of pain and surprise. Zach pulled him upright, their faces inches apart. Bryce's eyes widened in terror as he took in Zach's cold, cyan gaze.

"You," Bryce gasped, recognition dawning. "What are you—"

Zach cut him off by slamming his head into the desk again, harder this time. "Shut up," he hissed. "You don't get to speak."

Bryce whimpered, blood trickling from a gash on his forehead. Zach's grip tightened, his anger barely contained. "You thought you could claim Nicole?" Zach's voice was low and dangerous. "You thought you could take what's mine?"

Zach's lips curled into a cruel smile. "You insulted me. You insulted her." He leaned closer, his voice a deadly whisper. "And now, you will pay."

Bryce suddenly rotated and gave Zach an elbow but Zach just dodged it. But now Bryce is out of Zach's grip.

Bryce stood in the dimly lit alley, his body tense with readiness. Zach had caught him by surprise, but Bryce wasn't one to back down easily. He summoned his natural power, the air around him heating up as he prepared to fight back.

Zach's eyes glowed with a cold, murderous light, the temperature around him dropping rapidly. "You think you can take Nicole from me? You think you can just claim her as yours?" His voice was a low, cold neutral voice,"She's mine."

Bryce sneered, his pride wounded but his confidence unwavering. "You're insane if you think you can beat me. I'm not afraid of you, Frost. Nicole will never be yours."

Zach lunged forward, his movements almost too fast to follow. Bryce barely had time to react, throwing up his arms to block Zach's icy fist. The impact sent a shockwave through his body, but he stood his ground. With a roar, he retaliated, his fist engulfed in flames as he swung at Zach.

Zach dodged, the flames barely grazing his cheek. "Is that all you've got?" he taunted, his voice dripping with contempt. "You're pathetic, Bryce. You don't deserve her."

Bryce's eyes narrowed, and he unleashed a barrage of fiery punches, each one faster and stronger than the last. But Zach moved like a phantom, slipping past Bryce's defenses and landing blow after freezing blow. The air crackled with the clash of their powers, the alleyway now a battleground of fire and ice.

Bryce's bodyguards, seeing their master in trouble, rushed to intervene. Zach turned his icy glare on them, and with a flick of his wrist, sent shards of ice hurtling towards them. The bodyguards were caught off guard, the icy projectiles piercing their defenses and leaving them lifeless on the ground.

Bryce's eyes widened in horror as he watched his bodyguards fall. He pushed himself harder, his flames burning brighter and hotter. But Zach was relentless, his rage and obsession fueling his attacks. "Nicole is mine," Zach hissed, his voice echoing in the narrow alley. "And I won't let anyone take her from me."

With a final, powerful strike, Zach sent Bryce crashing into the wall. Bryce slumped to the ground, his body battered and his flames extinguished. He looked up at Zach, fear and defiance mingling in his eyes. "This isn't over, Frost," he spat, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth.

Zach stepped closer, his icy breath visible in the cold air. "Yes, it is," he said quietly. "You'll stay away from Nicole, or next time, I won't be so merciful."

Bryce glared at him, but the fear in his eyes betrayed his bravado. Zach turned and walked away, leaving Bryce to nurse his wounds and contemplate his defeat.