Chapter 6

Kurxue eyes showed his surprised by the question as if he didn't expect Yan Xiuying to ask that, : "you don't know? Wait, are you new?"

Yan Xiuying nodded

Kurxue then explained the rankings to Yan Xiuying.

It turns out that players are ranked according to their strength and performance in the rooms

There are people who excelled in novice rooms, normal room, dangerous room and hell room and are ranked separately.

There is also the overall ranking, and in the novice room most earthlings are at the bottom the most conspicuous earthling is Yan Xiuying who was a little bit far from the bottom. As for the other room ranking obviously there are no earthlings there

After explaining the rankings to Yan Xiuying, the topic went back to Kurxue.

Yan Xiuying was curious why Kurxue appeared in this remote place.

Kurxue scratched his bald head and said : "well there have been some rumour going around the central city the there is some hidden treasure in this mountain but no people went because it's dangerous, but then my teammates urged me to go with them, we went and we were pulled into a gaming room and as expected we didn't get anything, they even died i was the only person who came out"

That room was a normal room, the game was like the game tag, they were the not the seeker so they have to run around to watch out for the seeker or they'll be hacked to death when find, they were in the jungle at that time, the task said to find the safe zone and get out of the game. But the jungle is so big and wide. 

While recalling what happened Kurxue couldn't help but tremble, he swore to himself he would never go to that place ever again.

Yan Xiuying listened, even if Kurxue said it as if it was just a passing incident, Yan Xiuying knows it must've been hard, someone died after all


Wait, someone died?

Yan Xiuying : "..!!!"

"System! Someone can die in the gaming??"

[Yes, wait haven't i told you this before]

"You didn't say it!"

[....] it seems like it didn't say it before.....

Kurxue was still reminiscing about the incident, while Yan Xiuying's thought ran wild, what the F, was it so dangerous? But the room i just went was completely safe though

The system sensed that it's host seems to be worried about something it quickly went to appease the host : [don't worry host we have the system mall we can earn enough survival points and buy some life-saving artifacts!]

Yan Xiuying sighed in relief

Kurxue : "well do you want to go to the central city?"

When Yan Xiuying heard that he seems interested then was about to nod when the system interrupted his fantasy 

[you can't going to the central city from here will take roughly more than 3 days you only have 3 days of safe time in this star]

Yan Xiuying sighed then thought what a pity, then he shook his head at Kurxue : "no i don't have much time"

Kurxue suddenly realized that Yan Xiuying was still a newbie : "oh yeah right"

Yan Xiuying looked at Kurxue and asked curiously : "how many days is safe time?"

"It was 2 weeks but now there are only a week's time, well then I'll get going, hope we'll meet again!" Kurxue bade farewell and walked to an open space then a handsome looking car appeared suddenly infront of him, he went in the car and drove off.

Yan Xiuying stood on the spot dumbfounded, after that he went inside the house and quickly inquired the system about the system mall. But the system poured a cold water on Yan Xiuying's head : [you don't have enough points to install the system mall to your wrist watch!]

The corner of Yan Xiuying's lips twitched : "then how much survival points is needed"

The system said it was only about ten thousand, making Yan Xiuying sighed in relief, fortunately it's still within reach, he could only go to novice rooms and earn survival points, then suddenly Yan Xiuying thought of something.

"System if a player chose not to participate in the game rooms, what will happen to them" surely they won't die right, the latter sentence was said in Yan Xiuying's heart as if it will bring comfort to it

[They won't be able to go out is they won't have enough safe time, players can get safe times after going out of the game rooms, novice gives you 3 days, normal is 7 days, dangerous is 10 days, and for Hell is 15 days]

Yan Xiuying nodded then looked out side the window and sighed, then his stomach grumbled

"Gulu, gulu"

Yan Xiuying: "...."


Yan Xiuying: "system, my stomach protest!"

[Go out and find food then!]


In the jungle

There was a rustle of leaves and then out of nowhere a person jumped onto the rustling leaves. Then a grey rabbit jumped from the bush and ran away with its fastest speed

Then a head popped up from the bush looking disheveled, Yan Xiuying left a low curse then chased after the rabbit, 

Meanwhile the system : [.... ] tell me how to tell the host that he won't be able to catch that rabbit this way, he won't listen! QwQ

Yan Xiuying sat on the ground legs spread out looking very dejected, what the heck why is that rabbit so fast, its so fat yet it still runs so fast!

System finally had time to interject the host : [host how about just look for fruits, you won't be able to eat this way!]

Yan Xiuying finally compromised and looked for wild fruits to eat, he could only let go of the meat for now

After eating his fill he went back to the house and told the system to proceed to another game room, this time Yan Xiuying was not too curious about the other rooms for now, he's still doesn't have the system mall and no artifacts, He won't be able to survive in the other game rooms.

Yan Xiuying: "for now let's stick to Novice rooms, I'll definitely increase my rank, oh by the way what's my rank?"

System looked up the rankings in novice rooms then finally found Yan Xiuying's name below the 10 billions of people and told the host : [Yan Xiuying rank 10,000,000,124 earth planet]

Yan Xiuying: "...." he was just cursing the earthlings at the bottom of rankings, didn't expect karma came so soon.

System : [Okay! Get ready! I already asked for permission, you'll be transported now!!]

The surroundings flashed in white then turned into a dark room, suddenly then the wrist watch flashed, with familiarity Yan Xiuying looked at the prompt

[Escape or Burn

World introduction :

The world is a very devastated planet that suffered from a meteorite crash making the once prosperous planet with many continents left with only a continent, with few resources and billions of people, people with high social status formed their own laws, in other words the planet is a lawless planet which is not safe.]

[A few high ranking officials of the planet made an escape room and put people who sold themselves in it and watch them solve puzzles frustrated, agitated and fearfull, then death]

[You are put in the same dark room as the slaves and pave the to their survival! Let them out, save them!

The game is to answer some puzzles and after solving, find the corresponding correct answer that is put onto the door, and open it proceed to the next one. Becareful of the wrong door you might turn into ashes!!]

[You only have 3 minutes in a dark room to answer if the times up you still didn't choose a door you be lock in the room and burned!!]

[Task : save atleast 3 people and escape the dark room]

After reading through it Yan Xiuying couldn't help but curse those people that's worst than some beasts!!