Chapter 9

Yan Xiuying became spirited : "how do you trigger the hidden mission?"

System : [i don't know either, no one knows]

Yan Xiuying sighed then looked up at the screen and read out loud the puzzle to everyone.

[The puzzle is to solve the riddle below based on a Chinese proverb:

Puzzle: A man wants to cross a river and sees two paths in front of him. One path goes up to a bridge over the river and the other path goes down a trail to the river.

Which path should he take to cross the river?]

Yan Xiuying: "...." do they take these people as chinese?

Yan Xiuying was speechless by these people, they don't have any shame for sure.

Even though most of the time Yan Xiuying slept in chinese class he still have chinese blood after all, and was thought by his father, so this question is easy for him to answer.

Yan Xiuying has the chinese poverb in mind 0

Yan Xuiying directly went to the door that corresponds up the answer in his mind. This time the outside of the room is not another room but an alley. Yan Xiuying was stunned

Yan Xiuying: "...oh" that's it?

Seeing that Yan Xiuying stood still Min ho curiously squeezed in front of Ye Xiuying, he became stunned for a while, then he cheered

"We escaped!! HAHA" Min ho pulled Yan Xiuying's arm and wanted to run away with the others who has also escaped

Yan Xiuying felt guilty, even though this child and the others has escaped they still couldn't avoid being homeless and hungry, until they sell themselves again.

Yan Xiuying let himself get pulled by the cheerful Min ho, he felt his wrist buzzing and flashing.

"System can i stay for a while?"

[Well you can, only for an hour though]

"Oh..." well that's enough

Even though Yan Xiuying is a little bit disappointed, he still understood the situation, he's just a player and this person in a player's sense is just like an npc, but this took place in another planet though so this is real.

They arrived in a very busy and noisy town, people are coming and going, it was a very good sight, very festive like, Yan Xiuying thought to himself

As they walked through the road and turned to many forks, the festive and busy, noisy atmosphere started to become gloomy and depressed, the people in this alley is so skinny their cheeks have sunken

It's like they've suffered a famine, Yan Xiuying felt uncomfortable, however Min ho and the others seems used to it and casually walked around craning his neck here and there looking for somethjng or someone.

Min ho broke free from Yan Xiuying's hand and ran to a very tattered cottage there was an elderly woman lying on a strawbed, she seems very weak as if she'll die any second. Another person got close to that elderly woman holding a broken bowl. She saw Min ho running to her she seems surprised and she teared up.

Yan Xiuying stared at their reunion for a while there was only less than half an hour before Yan Xiuying will be transported back.

Yan Xiuying didn't disturbed their reunion and walked away to a corner and chatted with the system.

"System can you convert the survival points to something that can make the people here have a little bit of hope to survival?"

[Uhh... i Don't know but I'll look at it, but why do you want to help them? They are just temporary people, we still have a long way to go, also don't you want to save your parents?]

"It's not that i don't want to save my parents, i mean that can wait, the present is more important, since I'm already here I'll do what i can to help them, also my parents would be happy that i did charity isn't this what me and my parents do all the time?" Yan Xiuying suddenly started to reminisce about the past

[Well, it's your choice, oops okay! I found it, we can convert 100 survival points into a pack of biscuits, this is the only thing we could do, we still need survival points for our own survival host!]

Yan Xiuying felt it's such a pity, but then he sighed who told himself to be so poor, so he ordered a dozen packs of biscuits and stealthily put them in every cottage in this small area, there's no way Yan Xiuying is poor and the system won't let him use up his survival points in a rash and in this unbenefiting way.

After a while only a five seconds were left before Yan Xiuying will be transported he was in the previous corner, as the timer was counting down it reached four a man suddenly appeared and was slowly walking towards Yan Xiuying

Yan Xiuying noticed, the man was quite far that even if Yan Xiuying squinted his eyes he still couldn't make out the face of the person, then the timer turned one. The man spoke

"You are so kind and soft hearted... you won't survive this way, but...."

Just then Yan Xiuying disappeared, the man stood where Yan Xiuying was previously and continued what he said slowly as he looked up at the gloomy sky

"But now that i found you, I'll protect you"


The last word was said tenderly and the icy eyes of the man softened, he smiled slightly and took his wrist up and tapped on his watch, if Yan Xiuying was here he would be able to recognize this watch it was the same watch he has.

The man tapped it twice then disappeared on the spot just like Yan Xiuying...

[Congratulations!! You have successfully completed the Novice Room "escape or burn" with the overall rating as S.

You have successfully gained 5,000 survival points]

Yan Xiuying stared at the reward survival points with doubts : "system why is it 5, 000 less?"

[Ah?] How would i know!!

Yan Xiuying finally let it be and looked at his net worth, which is at the least 11,000 survival points, but Yan Xiuying didn't regret what he did before.

It's just that who was that guy that somehow appeared in the last second before he disappeared??? What did he say next?? Damn why didn't he appear sooner befor ethe time runs out, this cut off sentence really, shot the curiosity spot of Yan Xiuying making him think about it all along

Yan Xiuying asked the system his queries

[I also don't know, it's probably just a person in that planet, don't mind it]

Yan Xiuying frowned it was weird but nevermind, I'll just rest for a while and then go to another gaming room...

After a while...

Yan Xiuying (trying hard to clear his mind and take a nap) : "...."


Few minutes later....

Yan Xiuying (still hasn't fallen asleep) : "...."


Another few minutes later.......

Finally Yan Xiuying sat up abruptly with a messy hair, his and anger and annoyance written all over his face, damn what was the latter sentence,

Yan Xiuying messed up his hair and then called the system , better go to another gaming room and not think about that shitty mysterious man and his uncompleted sentence.

Yan Xiuying called twice but the system still hasn't appeared, what's going on?

Yan Xiuying searched the whole house that it's almost overturned, finally the system appeared it seems to be very happy.

System (excited) : [Host! Host! Host!]

Yan Xiuying: "Just say it! What are you shouting for!" Geez my ears hurts

The system's cheerfulness didn't diminish with its host's rude response but instead became more excited by the ignorance of it's host.

System : [Host! Guess what?~] humph see if you don't get surprised

Yan Xiuying's previous bad mood disappeared and the system's little question poked his interest

Yan Xiuying: "what?"

System : [The system mall opened for us!! BWHAHAHA]

Yan Xiuying tilted his head and looked at the laughing system : "how come? Didn't you say it will take a hundred thousand survival points to open? We only have about eleven thousand!"

System flew awkwardly : [i also don't know, it suddenly opened by it self! Look at your watch its installed right?]

Yan Xiuying looked at his watch and indeed there was an extra app with a picture of a white kitten : "system does this need registration?"

System flew around Yan Xiuying urging him to open the system mall quickly : [no, come on open it!! I Want to see!]

Yan Xiuying didn't mind the system flying over his head, his attention is focused on the system mall, this is strange why would the system mall opened for me suddenly, i don't believe the system management became magnanimous. Welp it's none of my business! It's in my favor anyway hehe

Yan Xiuying's eyes became brighter and brighter as he saw the items and its introduction, : "system is this true? Special megaphone, this megaphone can make the opponent deaf for 3 minutes!"

The system also became happy as it looked through the items, : [ Haha, our survival rate until the normal room will be high for sure!!]

Yan Xiuying also became happy i mean who would want to die, then Yan Xiuying looked at the price....

Yan Xiuying: "holy sh*t! What the hell!? 10,000 survival points!? What a rip off! I should've known!"

System became silent as if a cold water was poured over its head and malfunctioned.

After cursing the system management for a while, Yan Xiuying finally found the things that he can afford.

[Luyang pill - after eating this pill you'll have an increase of strength for 1 minute. One time usage, after using one time it will automatically disappear.

Price : 1,000 SP(survival points)]

[Mwarso sword - a display sword that can ward off low level ghosts. Three times usage, if used three times it will disappear automatically.

Price : 1,000 SP ]

[Summoning card - this card can summon anyone you want whether ghost or people from your planet can only summon one person or ghost. Three times usage, if used three times it will disappear automatically.

Price : 1, 000 SP]

[Lushang elixer -....]

Yan Xiuying read through the items and prices, and became interested in the summoning card, with sparkling eyes : "system let's buy four summoning cards!"

They bought the summoning card and they waited for a while but the summoning card delivery still hasn't came, Yan Xiuying asked the system : " why hasn't it arrived?"

System : [i don't know either, ah! Right! It must've automatically went to the storage! Look at your watch there is something called storage that can store things!]

Yan Xiuying did as told and indeed saw an app that's called storage, he clicked on it and it projected the image of boxes most of them is empty though there are a total of 50 boxes, Yan Xiuying felt it's familiar.

Damn is this minecraft!?

Yan Xiuying rolled it's eyes at the system management tsk they copied indiscriminately plagiarizing things tsk tsk

Systems in the system management office : [plagiarize your mother! Plagiarize your family! *middle finger*]

Yan Xiuying stared at the lonely summoning card and felt so poor : "system i also want to buy that mwarso sword, so that it can accompany this lonely summoning cards"