Rough Day

Alex sat in his office, staring blankly at the spreadsheet in front of him, his mind lost in the twisted maze of his thoughts. Nora had been the sole occupant of his headspace all day, clouding his focus and blurring his vision. The seconds ticked by in slow motion, each breath seeming to take an eternity to exhale.

Just as his attention began to wane, the shrill ring of his telephone jarred him back to reality. He reached out, his hand instinctively finding the receiver. "Hello, Chloe?" he muttered, clearing his throat as he regained his composure.

Chloe's voice filtered through the receiver, her professionalism thinly veiling her curiosity. "Sir, Miss Aria is here to see you. She says it's urgent."

Alex's jaw clenched, the muscles in his neck tightening as he processed her words. The last thing he needed was another complication to muddy his already turbulent thoughts. He sighed, the sound more of a groan as he leaned back in his chair. "Very well. Send her in," he said, the resignation clear in his tone.

The door swung open, and in she walked, radiating confidence like an aura. Aria's figure was slim, yet her curves seemed to mold the fabric of her dress into sensual waves. Her heels clicked with each calculated step, her hips swaying with practiced rhythm. Alex's eyes followed her movements, his gaze unable to break away despite his mental protests.

As she approached, Alex braced himself, shifting in his seat as if to create a barrier between them.Aria leaned in, her lips puckered for a kiss. But Alex, his discomfort palpable, turned his face away at the last moment. Her lips, thwarted, brushed against his cheek instead undeterred, she purred, "Hello, darling. I've missed you." Her tone was saccharine sweet, like honey on a blade.

Alex's eyes narrowed, his jaw clenching tighter. "My name is Alex."

Aria let out an exaggerated sigh, rolling her eyes. "You're so stubborn," she said, her tone dripping with condescension. "But don't worry, you'll get used to it."

Alex's posture stiffened, his words sharp and incisive. "Look, Aria. I don't know what kind of deal my grandfather made with your family, but I can tell you right now that I'm not marrying you." His gaze was unwavering, his voice firm. "Whatever arrangement you thought you had is none of my business."

Aria's expression hardened, her eyes narrowing to slits. "What?" She repeated, her tone thick with disbelief. "But our families—"

"I don't give a damn," Alex growled, his anger simmering just below the surface. "I'm not some puppet in your twisted game."

Aria shook her head, a knowing smirk playing on her lips. "You really think you have a choice?" She purred, her voice dripping with arrogance. "You can't go against your grandfather."

Alex gritted his teeth, his hands balling into fists.

Aria stepped closer, her hips swaying with each step. "Come now, darling. At least tell me where you live now." She tilted her head to the side, her lips curved into a coy smile.

Alex remained unmoved, his gaze locked on hers. "No."

Aria's smile faltered, annoyance flaring in her eyes. "Are you seriously going to play this game?"

"What game?" Alex replied, his voice deceptively calm.

Aria's voice, low and sultry, caressed his ear as she leaned in, her full breasts pressing against his chest, her scent intoxicating. "Don't worry," she murmured, her breath warm against his skin. "I'll find out where you live."

Alex remained unmoved, his eyes fixed on hers. "You can try."

Aria's smile twisted into a smirk, a flash of something wicked passing behind her gaze.

Thomas entered the room at that moment, his eyes quickly surveying the scene. The sight of Alex and Aria, their bodies just a few inches apart, registered on his face as he faltered, confusion and concern clouding his features.

Aria straightened, a coquettish smile playing on her lips as she turned to face Thomas. "Oh, hello there." Her voice was light.Thomas expression hardened, his gaze laser-focused on Aria. "Get the fuck out of this office," he said, his tone cold and brusque. "I need to speak with my friend."

Aria's smile faltered, her eyes flashing with anger. "I wasn't finished here."

"Too bad." Thomas' voice was a low growl, his posture rigid and threatening.

Aria approached , the air of danger around her only amplifying the tension in the room. Her hand slid across Thomas' cheek, the movement languorous and intimate. "Mind your manners," she cooed, her voice low and dangerous. "You don't want to cross me."

Thomas' jaw clenched, a wordless retort smoldering in his eyes. Aria turned away without another word, her hips swaying as she sauntered out of the office.

Alex let out a groan, the frustration boiling over in his chest. "Goddammit!" he growled, rubbing his temples in an attempt to soothe the headache building behind his eyes. "I'm so sick of her," he raged, his words dripping with venom. "Sick of my grandfather's bullshit, sick of Nora's attitude, sick of all this shit!"

Thomas' brow furrowed, his voice hard with concern. "What's all this about Nora?"

Alex's shoulders slumped, his anger morphing into a dull resignation. "Does it matter?" he sighed, sinking deeper into his chair. "That's all you heard? That's all you're concerned about?"

Thomas shook his head, his expression softening. "Nah, I'm just trying to understand what's going on."

"So what is it?" Thomas continued, his eyes piercing into Alex's. "Is there something going on between you and Nora that I don't know about?"

Alex shook his head, a frown tugging at his lips. "Nothing that makes sense," he muttered, his mind still reeling from Aria's unexpected visit and the unresolved frustration with Nora.

Thomas tilted his head to the side, his voice careful. "Want to talk about it?"

"It's just…" Alex trailed off, the words tumbling out of his mouth as he tried to make sense of the jumbled mess in his head. "It's just that she always leaves my house looking like a tornado's ripped through it." He shook his head, a tinge of helplessness in his voice. "She just… She gets under my skin."

Thomas nodded, his face solemn. "I get it," he said, his voice empathetic. "But it sounds like there might be more to it than that. I mean, if it's just about the mess, I don't think you'd be so bent out of shape." He paused, his eyes searching Alex's. "You sure there isn't something else bothering you about her?"

Thomas let the silence linger, his eyes still fixed on Alex. Finally, he nodded and took a seat across from him. "All right," he said, his tone neutral. "I won't push it."

Alex leaned back, his eyes distant. "Thanks," he murmured, his voice quiet. "It's just been a rough day."

Thomas smiled slightly, his demeanor easing. "Rough day? Or rough days?"

Alex scoffed, a hint of amusement in his voice.

"More like a rough life," Alex said, the faintest hint of a smile curling his lips. "But hey, I guess that's what makes it interesting, right?"

Thomas chuckled, his shoulders loosening. "That's one way of looking at it," he replied, his smile widening. "I mean, if life was easy, what would we have to complain about?"

Alex rolled his eyes, a grin tugging at his face.